Personal Question...Need Feedback


New Member
Ok, heres the deal. I had a big, beautiful healthy baby girl 10 yrs ago. Well, since I had her I could tell that relations with my now ex-h wasnt shall i put it...snug, as it was before. He never complained, but I could tell because my own pleasure level was degraded.

Fast forward to today. I'm now divorced and I've been doing things for myself that i hadnt done before. Such as, I get regular facials now and I tried botox for the first time (around my eyes) and I liked it. Overall, I'm taking much better care of myself now.

Ok, here's the meat of why I started this thread. I am thinking about having a specific procedure that will "tighten" things up "down there" and allow me to once again receive pleasure like I did pre-baby. Now, I know this is medically unneccesary and completely cosmetic, but I like sex, and I want to enjoy relations again like I did in the past. Sorry for the TMI.

Is this crazy? Am I crazy? I know with the economy being what it is, I should save my money, but I've been thinking about this for a while now and I feel like after 16 yrs of taking care of others, its time to take care of me! And this wouldnt just benefit ME, someone else is gonna be one grateful guy :blush:...:yep:

FYI - I'm not seeing anyone, or dating or anything. This idea is all mine.

Ok, ladies, give me your feedback. You're the only ones I've talked to about this, as its a very personal topic and I know of NO ONE who has done this. Thanks in advance.
I think you should do it, it seems like it would make you happier. Dr. Matlock from E's Dr. 90210 does this type of surgery.
I think you should do it, it seems like it would make you happier. Dr. Matlock from E's Dr. 90210 does this type of surgery.

This is actually where I'd first seen this procedure. I researched it in my area and there are only a few docs that do it.
how much does this cost (just curious :sekret:)

It depends on where you live. But depending on exactly what you're having done, it can range from $3k - 7k. I'm in the $4k range. My doc also offers a $500 military disc. so thats good for me.
IMO if it's not going to compromise your health, it's safe and you feel that it will make sex more enjoyable for you and your partner then do the procedure.
My OB/Gyn just became licensed to do this. So if it was crazy, it would have never been invented. If your health is in check and tip to shape, I say go for it.

At the end of the day, sex is a VITAL part of a fruitful relationship (if a couple is not practicing celibacy). You need to enjoy it and be in tune with just as the man when you meet the right man for you.
You guys are awesome! I really expected some flack about considering something seemingly so frivolous. Maybe, this is a sign of the times we live in today. I think I'm older than alot of ladies on this board so, I dont know, I guess I just expected more "what are u thinkin 'bout!!" comments. I also believe that sex is a vital part of a loving, committed relationship, and it has to be enjoyable for BOTH parties. Thats why I want this and have wanted this for some time now.

OMGosh...I'm gonna do it! :grin: Thanks you guys, I really appreciate your input. Im nervous and excited at the same time!!
You guys are awesome! I really expected some flack about considering something seemingly so frivolous. Maybe, this is a sign of the times we live in today. I think I'm older than alot of ladies on this board so, I dont know, I guess I just expected more "what are u thinkin 'bout!!" comments. I also believe that sex is a vital part of a loving, committed relationship, and it has to be enjoyable for BOTH parties. Thats why I want this and have wanted this for some time now.

OMGosh...I'm gonna do it! :grin: Thanks you guys, I really appreciate your input. Im nervous and excited at the same time!!

Go on Girl! Get ya freak on :naughtycouch:....:lachen:
The mere thought of a scalpel, laser or whatever on my hot box makes me feel uneasy but if you've done the research, you're healthy and feel that this is the right thing for you, I'd say go for it.

PLEASURABLE sex is very important so do whatever you need to do in order to make it happen. The first step to better sex (more intense and/or multiple O's, female ej********n, etc.) is a tight vagina. *** everything else you heard... your coochie has got to "snap". Period. Dot.

Before you have the surgery though, I'd encourage you to buy simple Ben Wa balls. They're only about $14-$15 and I'd recommend the plain silver, nickel free, non-tarnishable, SMALL balls. Please don't get the cutesy colored plastic ones or the gold plated ones - they're a waste of money. And don't get the big ones, it defeats the purpose. No need for jade eggs or expensive kegel exercisers either. I just took two older ladies to the sex shop on Friday so they could purchase the balls (and other things). I have them on a "get it tight" plan.

They REALLY work...really. Pop them in and hold them in, while doing your kegel exercises and you'll notice a difference very soon. I've gotten so good I can walk around and clean with them in and everything. I've even worn them to work.

Just try it (consistently)... you might not need to get the surgery.
LOL it's about time women start thinking about their own sexual pleasure. I was thinkin about the G-shot (the shot that expands the nerves where you G-spot is), anyone ever heard of it?
Girl before and after you get your stuff back right. Sing Archie Bell's song "do the tighten up"! You should do whatever makes you feel good and if you can afford it thats even better. After that just try to build yourself from the inside out, not the outside in. That never really works and causes loads of confusion in your life. Remember to love yourself first and foremost. Good luck on your sugery!
It depends on where you live. But depending on exactly what you're having done, it can range from $3k - 7k. I'm in the $4k range. My doc also offers a $500 military disc. so thats good for me.

It's affordable...and you get a discount!?! If you've already done your research and tried other non-surgical ways of tightening the area to no avail...go for it.

The mere thought of a scalpel, laser or whatever on my hot box makes me feel uneasy but if you've done the research, you're healthy and feel that this is the right thing for you, I'd say go for it.

PLEASURABLE sex is very important so do whatever you need to do in order to make it happen. The first step to better sex (more intense and/or multiple O's, female ej********n, etc.) is a tight vagina. *** everything else you heard... your coochie has got to "snap". Period. Dot.

Before you have the surgery though, I'd encourage you to buy simple Ben Wa balls. They're only about $14-$15 and I'd recommend the plain silver, nickel free, non-tarnishable, SMALL balls. Please don't get the cutesy colored plastic ones or the gold plated ones - they're a waste of money. And don't get the big ones, it defeats the purpose. No need for jade eggs or expensive kegel exercisers either. I just took two older ladies to the sex shop on Friday so they could purchase the balls (and other things). I have them on a "get it tight" plan.

They REALLY work...really. Pop them in and hold them in, while doing your kegel exercises and you'll notice a difference very soon. I've gotten so good I can walk around and clean with them in and everything. I've even worn them to work.

Just try it (consistently)... you might not need to get the surgery.

Sounds like a cheap, painless alternative to try pre-surgery.

LOL it's about time women start thinking about their own sexual pleasure. I was thinkin about the G-shot (the shot that expands the nerves where you G-spot is), anyone ever heard of it?

Never heard of the g-shot. According to your description, I think I'd be off the hook after one of those. :lick: :giggle:
The mere thought of a scalpel, laser or whatever on my hot box makes me feel uneasy but if you've done the research, you're healthy and feel that this is the right thing for you, I'd say go for it.

PLEASURABLE sex is very important so do whatever you need to do in order to make it happen. The first step to better sex (more intense and/or multiple O's, female ej********n, etc.) is a tight vagina. *** everything else you heard... your coochie has got to "snap". Period. Dot.

Before you have the surgery though, I'd encourage you to buy simple Ben Wa balls. They're only about $14-$15 and I'd recommend the plain silver, nickel free, non-tarnishable, SMALL balls. Please don't get the cutesy colored plastic ones or the gold plated ones - they're a waste of money. And don't get the big ones, it defeats the purpose. No need for jade eggs or expensive kegel exercisers either. I just took two older ladies to the sex shop on Friday so they could purchase the balls (and other things). I have them on a "get it tight" plan.

They REALLY work...really. Pop them in and hold them in, while doing your kegel exercises and you'll notice a difference very soon. I've gotten so good I can walk around and clean with them in and everything. I've even worn them to work.

Just try it (consistently)... you might not need to get the surgery.

I've heard of Ben Wa balls, but i thought they were just sex toys. I'll pick some up and try 'em out. Thanks!
I know someone who has had this done- from what I remember she said it really worked out well for her!! (I mean them- her & her husband lol).