Personal Goals For 2017 That Will Make You A Better/stronger Woman


Well-Known Member
Those of us who construct NYR's always do them for the sake of productivity. I'd like to think that I am one of those people who follow through on my NY goals 99% of the time. Usually on the things that I was most SICK of dealing with or going through in the previous year. You know what they say, things dont change until your sick and tired of being sick and tired...Well ...maybe its not exactly a saying but it is truth.

For 2017, I am preparing to be more emotionally detached from certain situations. I find that certain situations have served as a hinderance to me because I am always feeling some ish behind it. Mind you, no one is really privy to it but me. The emotionally intelligent might peep ish but usually I suffer in silence.

So far I've been preparing with readings, meditations, conscious thinking and behavior practices, working on subconscious behavior changes and just having a deeper awareness of myself. I want to learn how to let go, say good bye, close doors on any and everything that threatens my wellbeing and peace of mind.

I know mine was long winded ...but I'm curious to know if anyone else has any 'personal better woman' goals.
I am working on some things as well. I have been refraining from toxic conversation and people, spending more of my free time reading, getting back to exercising, being less critical, more open-minded and being introspective.

You are one of my favorite people here and I believe you will achieve ALL of your goals! Happy New Year lovie!
Thank you for starting this conversation @ChasingBliss

I'm right there with you.. :)

For several months now I've been on a mission to regroup, set myself free from past tolerations, loosen personal dynamics that have served to hold me in place negatively.. weaken my spirit, use up my beloved energy and time...

My quest has included metaphysical, art classes, joining various women groups of interest, spending time alone, paying close attention to ways in which I engage with others... and where my resistsnce to change lies.. All are helping me craft a path to the shifts I seek...

I'm actually involved in much more but for the board sake this is what I'm sharing :)
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I am going to be more selfish in 2017, with everyone, not just romantic relationships.
I have a tendancy to put everyone else over myself. F&ck that- next year if it doesn't benefit me- I will get to it when I can fit it on my schedule. I want to be more cut throat also... I learned a lot about being shady in 2016 so 2017 is going to be the year others have to take care of me.

I am going through something right now but I plan to carry it into 2017.
My main goal is to get my finances in order: Pay off as much debt as possible, save up, have a 60 day food and water stockpile, and start buying silver and gold. This will require me to get a second job, and at least one other side hustle. The rest of my goals are health related, mostly weight loss.
I am working on some things as well. I have been refraining from toxic conversation and people, spending more of my free time reading, getting back to exercising, being less critical, more open-minded and being introspective.

You are one of my favorite people here and I believe you will achieve ALL of your goals! Happy New Year lovie!
Thanks Lucie I feel the same way about you ((((HUGS)))) Happy New Year to you too!
Be a better more efficient ho
Start a business

:laugh: This is why I luv yall! :rofl:

Someone said something in another thread about being more purposeful, and that really sums it up for me. 2016 in a lot of ways left me spinning my wheels and but making any serious strides, which I intend to correct this year. Coincidently, that also means getting rid of well-meaning but stonewalling people in my life. I don't intend to get taken for any rides this year.

eta: Found this and wanted to share


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For 2017, I am preparing to be more emotionally detached from certain situations.

I am going to be more selfish in 2017, with everyone, not just romantic relationships.
I have a tendancy to put everyone else over myself. F&ck that- next year if it doesn't benefit me- I will get to it when I can fit it on my schedule. I want to be more cut throat also... I learned a lot about being shady in 2016 so 2017 is going to be the year others have to take care of me.

I am going through something right now but I plan to carry it into 2017.

These. :yep:

I am super emotional, and tend to feel things really deeply. I'm also too nice. As a result, I tend to get my feelings hurt a lot, and I'm not someone who can just brush it off. Something happened just yesterday that had me almost ready to stay home and cry all night as opposed to go to my cousin's for NYE. I did manage pull myself together and go. But of course today, I'm wallowing. Something needs to change, but I'm afraid that at almost 39, this is just who/how I am.
These. :yep:

I am super emotional, and tend to feel things really deeply. I'm also too nice. As a result, I tend to get my feelings hurt a lot, and I'm not someone who can just brush it off. Something happened just yesterday that had me almost ready to stay home and cry all night as opposed to go to my cousin's for NYE. I did manage pull myself together and go. But of course today, I'm wallowing. Something needs to change, but I'm afraid that at almost 39, this is just who/how I am.
Sis, rebuke that mess. You can change what ever it is you need to change to obtain a better quality, more emotionally balanced life. We are doing this you hear me!?
Something needs to change, but I'm afraid that at almost 39, this is just who/how I am.
Some of it is just me. I know myself to know that at almost 33, a lot of who I am isn't going to change. I will always have my LEO core.

That said though- I am tired of people not reciprocating what I give out. I am going to stop jumping to others and their needs and put myself first. 2017 is going to be my year of enjoyment and self indulgence.
My main goal is to improve my verbal (vocal) communication in general, but at work in particular. I don't always communicate things in a concise and proficient manner. I work in the psychology and special education field for a consultation company and when I'm explaining certain methods to teachers (mostly when they're a lot older than me), other school staff and parents, I hear myself kind of "watering down" what I'm saying to try and be more relatable and as a result people may not think I have as much expertise as I do.

I think the most important thing I have to do is be honest with myself and pinpoint the reasons why I have trouble verbally communicating in a way that communicates my expertise. I think a big part of it is I have not yet become completely comfortable with other adults, especially adults that are older than me, consulting with me and asking me what they should do...even though I have a Master's degree in the field. I need to own my education and experience level, be confident in it and not be afraid to let it be known.

Then, I need to make efforts to learn how to communicate in a way that does not come across as condescending, but still effectively lets people know what needs to be done.
Sis, rebuke that mess. You can change what ever it is you need to change to obtain a better quality, more emotionally balanced life. We are doing this you hear me!?

Yes, ma'am, I hear you! :lol:

Some of it is just me. I know myself to know that at almost 33, a lot of who I am isn't going to change. I will always have my LEO core.

That said though- I am tired of people not reciprocating what I give out. I am going to stop jumping to others and their needs and put myself first. 2017 is going to be my year of enjoyment and self indulgence.

Same. I'm over it. I will be way more discerning about where I spend my time and energy.
I am going to be more selfish in 2017, with everyone, not just romantic relationships.
I have a tendancy to put everyone else over myself. F&ck that- next year if it doesn't benefit me- I will get to it when I can fit it on my schedule. I want to be more cut throat also... I learned a lot about being shady in 2016 so 2017 is going to be the year others have to take care of me.

I am going through something right now but I plan to carry it into 2017.

For you;
2017 - Selfish year.jpg
Fear of articulating my needs and wants is at the top of my list. I'm too old to be such a chicken. Improving my financial situation is second. I also need to stop being too emotional over stuff that I can't control and focus on stuff that I can control. All this being in my feelings all the time is not helping me in this dog eat dog world. I also need to stop being lazy in the relationship dept. I need to wake up or I'll end up alone with 5 cats if I'm not careful.
I am going to be more selfish in 2017, with everyone, not just romantic relationships.
I have a tendancy to put everyone else over myself. F&ck that- next year if it doesn't benefit me- I will get to it when I can fit it on my schedule. I want to be more cut throat also... I learned a lot about being shady in 2016 so 2017 is going to be the year others have to take care of me.

I am going through something right now but I plan to carry it into 2017.

Girl you sound like me!!! I'm going to be selfish AND get my way on whatever I want. Also, I am going to be fearless, if I think it I AM going to do it quickly.

But I'm feeling my selfishness. I wish I was like this years ago.
I was just telling my friend this- I plan to focus me this year. I realize that I feed my mind and spirit a lot of junk and I don't take time out to see what works for me. I have that figured out for my family and house but not me. so my goal for this year is to get me healthy mentally. One of the things I want to do is read/listen to more self help stuff to fill my spirit and mind. I am going to convert our media room into a peaceful/meditation room so that I can have a place in the house for me to meditate and start yoga. There are a lot of other ideas that I have to make my life less stressful and easier but these are some of the things I decided to share. I want peace....I don't want to be stressed. I want my energy to be calming and relaxing.

Do any of you ladies have any ideas on how to start meditating?
I was just telling my friend this- I plan to focus me this year. I realize that I feed my mind and spirit a lot of junk and I don't take time out to see what works for me. I have that figured out for my family and house but not me. so my goal for this year is to get me healthy mentally. One of the things I want to do is read/listen to more self help stuff to fill my spirit and mind. I am going to convert our media room into a peaceful/meditation room so that I can have a place in the house for me to meditate and start yoga. There are a lot of other ideas that I have to make my life less stressful and easier but these are some of the things I decided to share. I want peace....I don't want to be stressed. I want my energy to be calming and relaxing.

Do any of you ladies have any ideas on how to start meditating?

I use an app called headspace ( that I like. Also, a good way to get started are that worked for me were the Oprah and Deepak Chopra Meditation series ( These are both paid services, but I really like them both. What's awesome about the Oprah Deepak meditation is that they are specific to a topic like finding purpose or peace. If you register with them, you'll find out about the free 21 day experiences they offer every few months.
I have a lot that I want to accomplish this year. Last year was like being under a dark storm cloud, and it's time to come out. First and foremost, I want to be open to what life offers. I feel ready to be courageous and take risks. (I just watched a clip yesterday of Maya Angelou talking about the most important virtue being courage because otherwise you would not have opportunity to develop the rest of the virtues. So true.) I would also like to get back into writing regularly, get back in shape (lose weight, stretch and tone), move into my own place in a more affordable city, start dating, and I would like to start actively processing my emotional baggage one area at a time.

It seems like a lot, but I'll see how it goes.
I use an app called headspace ( that I like. Also, a good way to get started are that worked for me were the Oprah and Deepak Chopra Meditation series ( These are both paid services, but I really like them both. What's awesome about the Oprah Deepak meditation is that they are specific to a topic like finding purpose or peace. If you register with them, you'll find out about the free 21 day experiences they offer every few months.

Thank you so much! I will definitely look into these!
Fear of articulating my needs and wants is at the top of my list. I'm too old to be such a chicken. Improving my financial situation is second. I also need to stop being too emotional over stuff that I can't control and focus on stuff that I can control. All this being in my feelings all the time is not helping me in this dog eat dog world. I also need to stop being lazy in the relationship dept. I need to wake up or I'll end up alone with 5 cats if I'm not careful.

:yep: :yep:

This is probably the thing is dislike the most about myself, and I really wish I knew how to stop.

Right there with you, OP!

Two Major Priorities:
  1. Regarding the past and problems that are about other people and/or are not in my control: Pray about it once, let go of it, bury it, do not return to it, and speak about it no more UNLESS I'm talking about its positive resolution or removal/disappearance.
  2. Simplifying, streamlining, and excluding lots of stuff so that what actually gets my energy gets a good amount of it, undiffused. :smile:
Bottom line: I have spent waaaaaaaaay too much time thinking about other people and what they don't do that they should . . . or what they do that they shouldn't. My goal this year is to thrive and let other people's issues go. I'm ready to shake it all off and be all about my happiness, health, progress, joy, and appreciation and love of life.

Even just LISTING and constantly re-reading my focal areas for 2017 is a wonderful activity. They aren't about worrying about others, and I feel a huge weight lifted off of my spirit. Yes. :yep: I've detailed related goals in other threads (That Girl 2017 and 52 Mondays 2017).

Focal Areas for 2017
  • Happiness, Contentment, Positive Outlook, and Enjoyment
  • Commitment, Dedication, Momentum, Determination, and Discipline
  • Peace, Patience, Faith, Grace, Belief, Calm, and Trust
  • Activity/Time Management, Routines, Schedules, and Consistency
  • Health, Eating/Diet, Fitness, Beauty, Strength, Flexibility, and Tone
  • Budgeting, Finances, and Career
  • Experiences, Enjoyment, Fun, Recreation, Hobbies, Trips, and Activities