Persistant Coworker

Are you sure that it is a church and not a cult?

Sometimes people will invite you to a special event that their church is having or to hear a special speaker- that's fine. But to invite you over and over again especially when your behavior has indicated that you aren't interested has all the markings to me of a cult ( and sounds like harassment ).

If she asks you again, you could say that you are more comfortable at your church. Remember also, that 'No' is a complete sentence, you don't have to tell her anything besides that.
Sounds to me like signals are being crossed or your communication to her isn't clear. She called you 4 times about saving her a seat, which sounds like she thinks you were coming.
Did you even answer the phone when she tried to call you those 4 times?
Something similar happened to me at work with someone who tried to get me into mindfulness meditation.

May I ask, how is this different from regular meditation?

Its not just me she has invited other coworkers but they declined right away to go to her church.

I'm sorry you're being harassed. It sounds like you should have followed suit. I agree with the others; tell her no again and be firm with her. Ask that she stop inviting you to go. Then report her to HR. Make sure you have documented all the times she asked and continued asking after you said no. She shouldn't even be asking you that at work. Work is for work.

I wanted to suggest that you tell her you're an Atheist, but I have the feeling that she would be even more aggressive with her invites after that.

ETA: I hope I haven't offended you or anyone else with this statement.

Are you sure that it is a church and not a cult?

Sometimes people will invite you to a special event that their church is having or to hear a special speaker- that's fine. But to invite you over and over again especially when your behavior has indicated that you aren't interested has all the markings to me of a cult ( and sounds like harassment ).

If she asks you again, you could say that you are more comfortable at your church. Remember also, that 'No' is a complete sentence, you don't have to tell her anything besides that.

I agree with all of this, also. Sounds like it might be a cult. Be careful, OP! What was the name of the church? Sometimes the name of it is a dead giveaway that it's a cult and not a church. Other markings are there, but this is a big one.
I don't see the "cult-like" behavior from the little info we're getting here.... it's more like behavior from someone who is in the dark or being strung along. I believe a lot of the problem is miscommunication or not being clear/truthful with her.

Her behavior borders on cult recruitment.

Just tell her to beat it because you already have a church home. :lachen:
I don't see the "cult-like" behavior from the little info we're getting here.... it's more like behavior from someone who is in the dark or being strung along. I believe a lot of the problem is miscommunication or not being clear/truthful with her.

I agree that OP could definitely be more definitive with her response- but eight different points of contact for one invite? I definitely consider that excessive.