Perma Strate Wheat Germ Conditioner Review


New Member
I am a huge fan of wheat germ products, in general. Right now, my hair
anything with wheat germ.
That was no exception with the Perma Strate Wheat Germ conditioner.
I used it tonight after shampooing w/ NTM. I used that because it doesn't have much slip so I can always tell if the slip is coming from the conditioner or not.
The texture is very creamy, souffle like. It smells slightly sweet, a bit like vanilla cake batter. I didn't use much and left it on while I finished my shower.
My hair had pretty good slip, which is hard for me to come by right now. Very soft and slightly fragranced. It gets a
from me. This will definately be added to my list of growing conditioners.

Sickbay has it on sale for $1.50. It's definately worth picking up a jar or two. The jars are small, only 4 oz.
I'd give it 4 out of 5 stars.
same here, I asked in another thread but in case u dont see it, what are the benefits of wheat germ to the hair?
Thanks for the review Tai
! Well what about the title? Does it do anything in terms of getting your hair 'perma strate'?
My hair wasn't any straighter but it is very shiny today. Detangling was a breeze.

Wheat germ, for me, leaves my hair feeling very moisturized and extremely soft. Even though wheat germ oil is rather heavy, when there's wheat germ in a product like this conditioner and Salerm's wheat germ conditioner, my hair feels very light and soft.
Salerm's gives me better slip than the Perma Strate did, though.
I hate on Salerm
, but I do like that Wheat Germ mask, it has a nice consistency. Not like the typical heavy conditioner
maybe I'll put it to use as I rehab
Aghh! I just ordered off of Sickbay last night. Lord knows I don't need to add anything else to my list. I can't use the stuff right now b/c I'm in braids anyway. That's how bad it is right now!