Perfect recipe/combo to hide awful smell of Wheat Germ?


Well-Known Member
So it seems like most people's Wheat Germ Oil has an almost unbearable smell. Has anyone found the perfect recipe for making this tolerable? Not just add a little of this or a little of that-I mean exactly what combination.

And is everyone just using this as a pre-poo? Anyone found a way to leave it in that's tolerable?
I mix mine with curls ecstasy conditioner and water.
So about 400ml of water, 1/10th of wheat germ oil and 1/10th of the conditioner.

I also use it to seal my hair with I combined 1/3 of wheat germ oil 1/3 of olive oil and 1/3 of castor oil.

I hope you find this useful.
For me, the smell fades especially as my hair dries.
I had my nephew get up in my personal space and he says he does not smell any thing.
You could use lavander essential oil,about 5 drops for 3 spoons of wheat germ.
I personally like the combination Monoi Oil /wheat germ ,the monoi oil is rich in essential faTty acids and smells deliciously floral ,it masks the WG odor and it gives extra nourishment and shine.
You could use lavander essential oil,about 5 drops for 3 spoons of wheat germ.
I personally like the combination Monoi Oil /wheat germ ,the monoi oil is rich in essential faTty acids and smells deliciously floral ,it masks the WG odor and it gives extra nourishment and shine.

Where are you getting the Monoi oil?
50:50 with EVOO and a few drops of EO for every 1/2 cup of mix (I've tried lavender and grapefruit) covers it pretty well.
Thanks, ladies. I may have to give these a try. If there are any other suggestions from anyone else, please feel free to chime in.
The smell does not bother me at all. In fact it fades pretty fast. To me it smells like walnuts or something. My daughter on the other hand said it smells like pee, go figure...
I agree. Mine has a roasted nutty smell. I dont mind it and neither does my b/f. The smell fades pretty fast.

I use it straight to seal and in my DCs
I've been using WGO for over 10 years and I still hate the smell...I use monoi oil and bergamot eo to cover it, it works really good.
The smell does not bother me at all. In fact it fades pretty fast. To me it smells like walnuts or something. My daughter on the other hand said it smells like pee, go figure...

I agree. Mine has a roasted nutty smell. I dont mind it and neither does my b/f. The smell fades pretty fast.

I use it straight to seal and in my DCs

What brand are you using? Maybe that's why some smell and some don't. I think mine is called Viobin-will double check when I get home.
Haha I have mine mixed with olive oil and its still stinky.. will be adding some essential oil or monoi oil today... I have mine in a applicator bottle in the fridge.. It feels so good to feell the cold oil on my scalp in this hot weather...Plus it helps the shelf life of the oil.
Mine smells like wheat and flour to me. Not sure what brand, but I got it from The Vitamin Shoppe.

Adding a few drops of Jasmine oil helps too.
Mine does not seem to have a very strong smell, but anyway i mixed it in with my amla, coconut, walnut oil mix. The walnut oil makes it smell like coffee beans. mmmmmm
I have the Vioban brand that I got from Vitamin Shoppe and I like the smell of it. To me it smells like nuts and it makes me want a ice cream sundae with nuts on top.

I was expecting something that smelled horrible and was surprised that it smells like food.

Or maybe I'm just strange :ohwell: ..iono but so far I like it. :yep:
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@ Steffiejoe & knt1229: This is very interesting...I hope my Viobin has not gone bad since your smells ok. The expiration date is still good and it was in the refrigerated section.
@ Steffiejoe & knt1229: This is very interesting...I hope my Viobin has not gone bad since your smells ok. The expiration date is still good and it was in the refrigerated section.

When I got mine it was sitting on a shelf. It wasn't refrigerated in the store. Also, maybe the smell just doesn't agree with you. There are some people in this thread and on the board that don't like the smell at all. And a few people like me and a few other posters that don't mind the smell.
I tried it as a leave in by adding 1/4 teaspoon Wheat Germ oil and 1/2 teaspoon of Macadamia nut oil to about 6 oz of my Moisture Maniac Conditioner/Aloe Vera leave in mix. The smell of the Moisture Maniac seems to really cover the smell. I'm not sure if that's enough Wheat Germ Oil to make a difference, but I was afraid to try much more for starters.
I tried it as a leave in by adding 1/4 teaspoon Wheat Germ oil and 1/2 teaspoon of Macadamia nut oil to about 6 oz of my Moisture Maniac Conditioner/Aloe Vera leave in mix. The smell of the Moisture Maniac seems to really cover the smell. I'm not sure if that's enough Wheat Germ Oil to make a difference, but I was afraid to try much more for starters.

Another update...I ran out of Moisture Maniac, so I tried the exact same thing I did above but with Suave Naturals Coconut Condish instead of Moisture Maniac, and it did NOT work. The coconut scent just wasn't enough to cover the smell of the WGO. I kept adding more conditioner and aloe vera, and it still did not cover the smell. I finally added drops of lime essential oil until I couldn't smell the WGO.