People treat you better when you're couple up....


Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed this? Do strangers seem nicer and more welcoming when you have a man by your side? I've noticed this before but over the weekend I realized it even more. I went to a church event both on Saturday and Sunday. The one on Saturday was with a male friend of mine and we were getting greeted by everyone, smiles folks coming up to us to and introducing themselves and when we were leaving people we did not even know were waving and saying bye to us like they knew us before. And on Sunday I was with the guy I was dating and I brought him to my church. Now I don't know anyone at my church cause I'm kind of new but when I walked in with him all eyes lit up and I kid you not folks that never looked my way came up to shake our hands and say welcome. I'm like I'm here every Sunday and you people never even sat hello.

I'm starting to think that having a mate gets you some kind of respect from others. It's like if you are a grown single woman they look pass you but once you have a man by your side you are all if the sudden worthy.

Has anyone noticed this?
Maybe folks are more confident coupled up.

I am confident without or without a mate, plus I am an outgoing friendly person, so I am always treated nice.
A lot of people are very wary of single women. A lot of women think that every single woman wants their man. No matter how ***** he is.
The context of church is probably quite important. Were couples in the minority vs single attendees?

In some places clocking a couple is quite cute and catches my eye. I wouldn't come up to them and shake hands lol, but I can see how that would happen in church. Maybe they see a percieved couple praying together as a particularly pleasant sight.
This is interesting...I'm going to pay more attention to this.
But in a lot of careers (def. in high political positions) you don't have much credibility without a spouse and in lesser positions maybe a SO. So maybe there's something to it.

I love all things related sociology! *breaks out detective gear*
This is interesting...I'm going to pay more attention to this.
But in a lot of careers (def. in high political positions) you don't have much credibility without a spouse and in lesser positions maybe a SO. So maybe there's something to it.

I love all things related sociology! *breaks out detective gear*

It is indeed interesting but the question is what difference does it make. I do notice couples a lot and always look at the wives rings and think ain't she lucky but I do not break my neck to be nice to them. I'm single so I guess I'm more incline to gravitate towards other single people.
Yes I believe yo do get more respect when you have a man by your side. Just speaking from my experience.
Im treated more at ease when a woman knows I'm married--friendlier..usually nicer..welcoming--as if their husband would even be someone i would consider..lmaoooo

9 out of 10 hubbys i see I'm like hmmmmm..oh ok:look: lol

A lot of people are very wary of single women. A lot of women think that every single woman wants their man. No matter how ***** he is.
Has anyone noticed this? Do strangers seem nicer and more welcoming when you have a man by your side? I've noticed this before but over the weekend I realized it even more. I went to a church event both on Saturday and Sunday. The one on Saturday was with a male friend of mine and we were getting greeted by everyone, smiles folks coming up to us to and introducing themselves and when we were leaving people we did not even know were waving and saying bye to us like they knew us before. And on Sunday I was with the guy I was dating and I brought him to my church. Now I don't know anyone at my church cause I'm kind of new but when I walked in with him all eyes lit up and I kid you not folks that never looked my way came up to shake our hands and say welcome. I'm like I'm here every Sunday and you people never even sat hello.

I'm starting to think that having a mate gets you some kind of respect from others. It's like if you are a grown single woman they look pass you but once you have a man by your side you are all if the sudden worthy.

Has anyone noticed this?

No, I don't think that is true, at least for me it isn't. I truly believe that respect is earned, and for those that I care about respecting me, they do it for a variety of reasons, other than because I am coupled up.

Can't comment on the worthy thing because I am always worthy...that is something that is determined by you, not other people.

No both sexes and some couples as well. It was a lot of attention that I know I would not be getting on my own.

Maybe the attention was because of your man...not because of you two together, but maybe just because of him.

Yes, because he's very good looking and charming.

Ding, ding, ding. Exactly what I saying above. It is more about the person and not the couple.

Yes I believe yo do get more respect when you have a man by your side. Just speaking from my experience.

Respect from whom? People you don't know? Are these people you care about?
Respect from family, friends and strangers I am treated much better than when I am single for some reason. Do I care about them? No not really. Do I care if they respect me if Im single or not? No not really. Do I go out of my way to have a man just to get respect. No. But this is from my experience.


Respect from whom? People you don't know? Are these people you care about?
I've realized that when we're together I'm more social to others....I smile more, and I'm more comfortable talking to people because I'm happier and more at ease ...because he's there I guess.

When I'm out by myself I'm more guarded and unapproachable.

I'm guessing that's why some people treat me better when I'm with him.
A lot of people are very wary of single women. A lot of women think that every single woman wants their man. No matter how ***** he is.

This. But I also have to say that I am shocked at how many married men flirt with single women even in front of their wives so I get it on one level.
I think you can't use those two experiences to gauge how people treat couples. Being that you were at church events both times the people greeting you were just being nosey trying to get the scoop and find out if the new guy was your man or fresh meat.
A lot of people are very wary of single women. A lot of women think that every single woman wants their man. No matter how ***** he is.

Yup. Even when I accidentally bumped a man who was with his girl while waiting to board a plane made the woman look back at me and start affectionately rubbing the back of her man even though she wasn't doing it initially
Idk about being treated better, but more attention yes. I have a good looking SO who treats me great. I think other women see that and it piques their interest not necessarily because they want him but they want the same experience.
I get what you're saying completely. I think it really does have to do with " society" seeing single women as a "threat". IJS.
This made me remember something that happened at church. Church had let out and this couple was walking together in the crowd. The man and woman got split up and wouldn't you know the woman was racing down the sidewalk to get to him? It was just weird to me because you really had to see her hair flowing in the wind she was full out running to meet up with him and it wasn't like she was more than about 20 ft away from him. It was just odd. I'm not saying that this was because of me at all it was more like I don't know how to explain like maybe how some women always like to be around to ensure that their mate always feels their presence or something and their mind doesn't wander. I'll never forget her hair flowing in the wind and her going from the sidewalk to the outside of the sidewalk to catch up with him back on the sidewalk. The church entrance opens up to a parking lot sooo it wasn't like if they got split up she'd be lost LOL
It's not just women. My brother told me the exact same thing. He's getting married next weekend partly because he gets better treatment and respect with a woman on his side.
Why are married women worried so much about single women? If you're worried that someone may be catching your husband's attention, other wives should be included in that as well. Married people have affairs with each other all the time!
I experienced some version of this this weekend. A group of us (all friends) went out of town for the weekend. Now there was no shade or ill treatment or suspicion, but there were 3 couples and 3 singles, I definitely felt a little more shunted around as a single. i don't think anyone was doing it intentionally, but I definitely felt a bit....second class if that makes sense.
I haven't noticed it. I just joined a new church and I come alone and people are generally very nice to me. Both the men and the women, but especially the men. Its almost weird.
It could be that people "approve" of marriage so seeing a couple made them try to express that by being more friendly? Maybe like when I see pregnant women I smile? Dunno
But I can say I get more respect with the Mrs tagged on in general . And there is a definate difference in treatment when I have my ring on so...
I find when I'm on a date guys are all up in my BUSINESS...guys who wouldn't have looked twice all in my face trying to ear hustle and everything, SMH.
Yes I've noticed it. You can be 25+ of age but if you're single people will just treat you like a child.:rolleyes:
It could be that people "approve" of marriage so seeing a couple made them try to express that by being more friendly? Maybe like when I see pregnant women I smile? Dunno
But I can say I get more respect with the Mrs tagged on in general . And there is a definate difference in treatment when I have my ring on so...

This is the truth right here. I was babysitting my Goddaughters a couple of months ago and I took them out to this little play area that they have in the mall so they could run around. I didn't have my engagement ring on and the looks those women were giving me...:nono: It was like, "Awww, the poor single mother who couldn't get the father of these kids to marry her."

Also, when FH and I were just dating the general vibe was, "Oh you two are boyfriend and girlfriend? That's cute." Now that we are getting married there is a marked difference in how we are received and how we are treated. I noticed that immediately.