People are really starting to annoy me!

Do any of you have friends/family members who ask for hair help, and then they don't follow your advise? This has been happening soooo much to me lately. A few instances....

1) One of dh's female friends called him and asked him to ask me for help. She went to a salon and they said they were gonna do a ''strengthening treatment'' on her. They put something on her hair and put her under the dryer and her hair got hard like a helmet. Then they rinsed the stuff out and styled it, but her hair was super hard and she lost a lot of hair from them raking through it with a rattail comb. Her hair was a HAM, but they still charged her and told her to come back another day so they could fix it

I told her they most likely used Aphogee on her head, and they were idiots for not using a moisturizing dc after the Aphogee. I also told her not to go back because they OBVIOUSLY don't know what they're doing, and she'll probably come out of there bald. I told her what conditioners and tools to get from CVS, and she said she didn't have any money. I felt horrible for her, so I offered to give her some of my conditioners cause I have some extra laying around the house. She came up with all kinds of excuses not to come over, so I was like whatever. I saw her a few days later and her hair was so broken off and crispy. I can't even describe how bad it was. Turned out her dumb a** went BACK to that salon and they messed up her head even more, and charged her AGAIN!! I didn't even say ''I told you so'', my hair blowin in the wind was enough :lol:

2) My SIL came to me complaining of bad breakage. **FYI her mom is like 1/4 indian and her dad is 1/2 white, so she has ''good hair''** A year ago her hair was about MBL, now it's probably barely grazing APL. She has highlights, so I told her that the highlights are most likely causing the breakage because they dry your hair out. I told her to start deep conditioning once to twice a week to get her moisture levels up. She said she didn't have the time, so I told her to co wash and explained how to do it. She started looking a little irritated and cut me off in mid-sentence saying ''MY hair's not like yours''.... In other words ''I have good hair, so I don't have to do all that extra stuff to my hair, nappy head!'' :rolleyes: Dh went off on her and she left. I saw her yesterday and her hair's even shorter than it was the last time I saw her

3) A friend called me wanting to know what I put in my hair when I flatironed it. I told her Fantasia IC serum. She asked ''Is that what got your hair to grow?'' I told her no, that no one product can make your hair to grow, it takes patience and a lot of care. She asked what grease I used and I told her I didn't use grease, I used moisturizer. I told her my hair grew from washing it a few times a week and keeping moisturized. She asked how many times I washed and what I used. When I got into the specifics, I could tell she had lost interest. I could just imagine the glazed over look in her eyes. When she discovered there's no magic potion for hair growth, she lost interest. After a few minutes, she came up with some lame excuse to get off the phone. I know she didn't heara word I said

What the hell is the point of asking for help if you're not gonna listen? Why waste my time? Ugh!

This happen to me all the time and this is why when someone ask me about my hair regimen I keep it real simple because their not willing to do the work. Truth be told my hair regimen is really simple but the knowledge itself is a lot and some people are just don't want to take the time to learn.
yeah my mom is the same way. She saw some multivitamins in the cabinet and she was like "is this how you get your hair to grow". And I said yeah but no matter how much it grows from the scalp, if you dont take care of your hair, those vitamins are useless. And of course she didnt listen to me and asked me to buy her some vitamins:ohwell:.

Keep in mind her hair is over-over processed. She used to mix lye and peroxide together to perm and dye her hair at the same time:nono:
I think everyone on this board has been thru these situations. I've learned my lesson too. I only explain if I'm SURE their interested. I like what one of the ladys who said give a disclaimer first.
That's why I keep my hair care secrets to myself (and the ladies on this broad):grin: Some ppl just dont understand, They feel careing for your own hair is a waste of time, They rather slap on a weave and then they get mad then your hair is looking like princess Jasmine and theirs look like buck wheat:lachen:Tiffer is got "good hair" Because it is healthy and stong. Hair texture has nothing to do with lenght and health girlfriend!! LOL at your dh for putting her in her place.:drunk:
yeah my mom is the same way. She saw some multivitamins in the cabinet and she was like "is this how you get your hair to grow". And I said yeah but no matter how much it grows from the scalp, if you dont take care of your hair, those vitamins are useless. And of course she didnt listen to me and asked me to buy her some vitamins:ohwell:.

Keep in mind her hair is over-over processed. She used to mix lye and peroxide together to perm and dye her hair at the same time

:blush: I can't believe she has any hair left!

Anyway I don't talk hair unless the person has a hair emergency or something. People pretty much do what they want, so I don't bother.