Pay Pal Users Have you received this when Signing into your Account


Well-Known Member
Electronic Communications Delivery Policy (E-Sign Disclosure and Consent)

This is saying that if you don't consent to this Electronic Communications then I guess you can no longer use this account.. It starts in Jan 2012.. I just want to make sure this is legit because I've gotten bogus email from pay pal b4 and also my bank account I reveived an email letting me know when my account was under a certain amount when I never signed up for it so I don't usually click on those links..

Anyone else received this email or was directed to a pages telling you to sign up for this electronic consent.

It won't pop up if you are paying for a purchase that directly takes you to your account I mostly get it when I sign into pay pal without a purchase..
I have recieved that prompt when signing into my paypal account so I think it is legit.

If you are still uneasy you can always contact paypal on the telephone.

Thanks I plan to call them today I just wanted to see if anyone else got directed to this page also.. I use to get bogus pay pal links in my email all the time but it doesn't come that much now..