Pawn The Ring!


New Member
I have this "promise" ring given to me by a dude
I broke up with 2+ years ago... I still wear it when
I go to places to keep other men away... but
I think subconsciously it's holding me back
because of what it symbolizes...
"The Old Me"... back then I was the "I have to have a boyfriend" type
.. I'm sooooooo not like that anymore.
I am very independent and I have a zero tolerance
for bullsh** when it comes to men...
He was a JERK.... so I think it's time to let the ring & him go forever...
it was only worth $500 something when he bought it
and I have papers on it.
I don't think I'll get much for it on ebay
Whatever I get for it... I'm going to use the money on
a spa day or on my business or on gas... I don't want to spend it
on something tangible that I have to look at
just spend it up and be done with it
Have any of you ever sold a promise/engagement ring?
What did you do with the money?
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I pawned my old wedding ring, I didn't get much for it, but I was happy to get rid of was closure for me.

I didn't have any of the papers or anything or else I would have tried to sell it on EBAY for a better price.
I pawned my old wedding ring, I didn't get much for it, but I was happy to get rid of was closure for me.

I didn't have any of the papers or anything or else I would have tried to sell it on EBAY for a better price.
So then I'll try e-bay and see what I can get.

I pawned my old engagement ring. I used the money to buy clothes.:grin:
I am also getting rid of clothes he bought me and even though I could use the money to buy shoes/clothes... I just don't want any tangible memory of that situation.
I gave back the engagement ring, but pawned what would have been the wedding band. I think I used the money for a new outfit and hair products or something lol! It felt good though...real good!
My stuupid self I was going to give back the ring because I felt bad about him still paying on it. That is until I found out that his lying ass was cheating. I got so mad that I threw the ring in the lake. I didnt want to pawn it becasue I didnt want to buy something and be reminded of him. I wouldnt take back what I did. But I do think you should pawn it and buy something like gas or food. SOmething that you will not stear at two months from now and think about him. Good luck
what does it look like :grin: I'm as bad buyin jewelry as I am with buyin hair stuff.

I wish I could pawn my wedding ring. One of the stones fell out after we started having issues and the ring was not "fixable"... I took that as a bad sign :ohwell:
I NEVER pawn old jewelry. Just get it made into something else. Or have some additions put in it...or have it made into something else (pendant):yep:
I actually still have my old ring . . I'm getting ready to trade it in. Or like they say in the store "upgrade" it to a nice diamond bracelet. I'm so mean I took his ring also. Best believe I'll have all monies going to my new bracelet! :grin:
I actually still have my old ring . . I'm getting ready to trade it in. Or like they say in the store "upgrade" it to a nice diamond bracelet. I'm so mean I took his ring also. Best believe I'll have all monies going to my new bracelet! :grin:

I think the more appropriate term is "gangsta."