partying and clubbing

I read the following on my Quickverse daily devotional for November22, and I think it's kindo of fitting:


“The power of his resurrection.”

- Philippians 3:10

The doctrine of a risen Saviour is exceedingly precious. The resurrection is the corner-stone of the entire building of Christianity. It is the key-stone of the arch of our salvation. It would take a volume to set forth all the streams of living water which flow from this one sacred source, the resurrection of our dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; but to know that he has risen, and to have fellowship with him as such-communing with the risen Saviour by possessing a risen life-seeing him leave the tomb by leaving the tomb of worldliness ourselves, this is even still more precious. The doctrine is the basis of the experience, but as the flower is more lovely than the root, so is the experience of fellowship with the risen Saviour more lovely than the doctrine itself. I would have you believe that Christ rose from the dead so as to sing of it, and derive all the consolation which it is possible for you to extract from this well-ascertained and well-witnessed fact; but I beseech you, rest not contented even there. Though you cannot, like the disciples, see him visibly, yet I bid you aspire to see Christ Jesus by the eye of faith; and though, like Mary Magdalene, you may not “touch” him, yet may you be privileged to converse with him, and to know that he is risen, you yourselves being risen in him to newness of life. To know a crucified Saviour as having crucified all my sins, is a high degree of knowledge; but to know a risen Saviour as having justified me, and to realize that he has bestowed upon me new life, having given me to be a new creature through his own newness of life, this is a noble style of experience: short of it, none ought to rest satisfied. May you both “know him, and the power of his resurrection.” Why should souls who are quickened with Jesus, wear the grave-clothes of worldliness and unbelief? Rise, for the Lord is risen.

When I think about clubbing, some times I enjoy it, but I think it's the spirit that accompanies the action. Sin creaps in when your motivation is impure. If you're dressing and thinking you want to wear something short to entice a man, and you go to the club and dance and conduct yourself in such a manner that you encourage a man to lust after you, then I think it's a problem. Conversely, if you're going to just dance and have fun and work off/sweat off a couple of pounds and are just enjoying the experience for the fun of it, I don't know if it's necessarily a sin.

I think again, it's the spirit of the thing. There's no point telling someone don't go to a club and you're sitting at home watching porn or doing other things you shouldn't do yourself...
I think that it is not good for a person who is truly trying to live a godly, holy life to be 'all up in da club'.

I believe that as christians, we should be set apart from this world. Now don't take me wrong, we should definately reach out to sinners where they are, but there are fine lines. Jesus was able to go into the gutter and all of those places because he was God, and therefore he could not sin and could not succumb to temptation. Because we are human and are of a carnal mind, it would be hard for many (if not all) of us to walk in that type of enviornment and be ok.

I know that I am strong enough in y convictions not to be swayed by the temptations that a club or party affords, but this is why I do not go:

I'm a college student who is passsionate about spreasing the gospel to my generation and affecting my campus and my world. It is pretty much the routine for the kids at my school to go out partying and clubbing. I feel that not doing those things gives credibility to my witness because I'm rising up and being seperate, like the bible commands. My friends who aren't christians know that I don't do those things because I am a christian and I'm serious about God. It has been my experience that people are looking for a christain to slip up. And a lot of times ppl who are in the world want t make you as much like them as they can.

As far as dancing goes: I think that it is fine to take dance classes, partner dancing can be a little iffy, but if you are dancing with a spuse I'm all for it, otherwise it depends on the style of dancing. I think that taking dance classes such as ballet, jazz, tap, etc. are good just as long as the moves that are you don'g aren't overtly sexual.
So what do you ladies think abou the people who are just celebrating their culture. Like for instance Carnival time in the West Indies. We all know how the music (soca in particular) gets people moving. And yes we may dance sexually but I think it is just a dance. What do you think abou those people who have celebrate Carnival and where the exotic costumes (which I love so much). Is it wrong to celebrate that tradition which has been going on for many many many many years especially in Trinidad or South American countries suxh as Brazil. Are they comminting a sin everytime they celerate their culture?
NewYorkgyrl said:
So what do you ladies think abou the people who are just celebrating their culture. Like for instance Carnival time in the West Indies. We all know how the music (soca in particular) gets people moving. And yes we may dance sexually but I think it is just a dance. What do you think abou those people who have celebrate Carnival and where the exotic costumes (which I love so much). Is it wrong to celebrate that tradition which has been going on for many many many many years especially in Trinidad or South American countries suxh as Brazil. Are they comminting a sin everytime they celerate their culture?

A person's life as a Christian should always "override" who they are culturally, racially, etc. A sin is a sin and wrong is wrong whether it is done because someone just wants to do it or because it is part of their culture. Would Jesus be pleased if He were standing there in person watching someone dance sexually because it's what their culture does?