
New Member
This is my review of the Tour. You ladies can decide on your own whether you want to go when it reaches your city.

I don't know if any other ladies went there this Saturday but I thought the whole thing was an unorganized mess. The doors opened at 12 and the show started at 1pm. They had speakers such as Free from 106th and Park, Nikki Giovanni, Donna Richardson. There were also performaces from Anthony Hamilton and some new girl that is coming out soon. My problem with this is that there was also an exhibit in addition to the speakers and performances. They did not open the exhibit or have it up until the show was almost over. I found this to be ridiculous. With the amount of people there the exhibit should have been opened the whole entire time to allow people to choose whether they wanted to listen to the speakers or go to the exhibit. This also created all hell once the exhibit opened because it was so packed. I thought I was going to be able to walk around to different booths and pick things up. But NO there were several stations 1. facials 2. makeover 3. manicures 4. color consultation. Now there was a line from hell at each of these station. With only about 5 people at each station. I was like what the hell is this mess.
By the time they would have gotten to everyone it would be the next morning. The only station that had a lot of people was the manicure station and they had 25 manicurist but also when you are doing a full manicure on hundreds of women you can imagaine how long you would have to stand in line. Needless to say I got frustrated and left cause I was NOT standing in line all afternoon. So for my $20 all I got was a sample bag of stuff on my way out the door.

If any of you ladies went please post your review.
Is this Pantene's first total you tour? Maybe they'll learn from this one and make improvements for the future tours. I know I won't be going because my schedule doesn't permit. Thanks for the info though.
I am so shocked to hear of this. The tour is coming to the D.C. metro area in April. I'll give a heads-up to my girls. We might still go, but I'm wondering if there is a website where you can air your complaints, perhaps make some suggestions. I love Pantene products, so this is a little disheartening.
WOW Wolftrap, I almost went Saturday, but changed my mind at the last minute. Sorry you had such a time. Sounds like maybe they didnt expect such a large turn out.
BTW, Was MC lyte there?
I didn't see MCLyte there but she might have been one of the first speakers. I got there a little late. I did expect a lot of people to show up but I also expected the exhibit to be open the whole time. This would have cut down on the lines instead of opening it so late. People could have already been in line and finished with some things before the majority of the crowd came.
Oh yeah I forgot. They also had a station where they were doing peoples hair with the pantene products. They were actually curling peoples hair. That line was long as hell. There were 5 stylists and one was doing natural hair and she was actually twisting their hair. Can you imagine how long these people had to stand in line? And its not like those womens hair was washed there they just combed it and curled it.
There could be all kinds of dirt and lice on those combs and curling irons.
And no one was gonna touch my hair anyway with a curling iron not as hard as Ive been working to get my hair just right.
cutebajangirl said:
Yup I went and it sucked. What was beyond ghetto was people lining up during the girls performance.

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I couldn't believe that either. and they waited in line all that time and they let everyone in through different ways anyway so the line was unnecessary.

Did you get anything done? I refused to stand in any of those lines
i actually attempted to go to the tampax total you tour last year but that was ghetto from the time the line started. we were outside and ppl did not know how to form a line. they were late opening the doors and then we heard that even if you have tickets there was no guarantee that you would get in b/c they did not estimate that many people going. safe to say i will never go to another total you tour.
Sounds like a Ghetto Wonderland, huh? You mean to tell me they were doing hair without washing it??? UGH!!! That's disgusting! Were there any people there besides women of color? Or, was it geared towards the promotion of the Relaxed and Natural line? I see exactly what your issues are, WTrap. I did use my relaxed and natural conditioner this morning, though and STILL in love. Guess I'll have to love from afar...
Nope I got nothing done I got to that part looked at the lines and then left (finally). I tried to leave before the exhibition area opened but they wouldn't let me.
Yes girl you just stand in line and they curled your hair. No water no nothing. yeah it was just geared towards the relaxed and natural line. So it was just women of color. I love my black people but sometimes we can just throw together some unorganized B.S.
cutebajangirl said:
Nope I got nothing done I got to that part looked at the lines and then left (finally). I tried to leave before the exhibition area opened but they wouldn't let me.

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Dag you didn't even see what the expo was about. You left fast. I at least wanted to see the expo and see what I could get for my $20. Which turned out to be nothing.
Did they give you a comment card or any type of survey so you could express what could be done to improve the tour?

Even if they didn' should still send a very descriptive email.
Did anyone see Nikki Giovanni? I love her! She's always awesome.
Also, Anthony Hamilton is great on stage. Very cool guy to say the least. Did you catch him?
I'm really glad that you let us know. I also noticed that the price in Dallas dropped from $20 to $15.50. Maybe the word has gotten out more than we know (of how bad it was)
queenofmean68 said:
Really? That doesn't sound like a P&G event to me. They are usually very organized.

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I know. What are they thinking?
You know come to think of it they did have a comment card and I lost mine. I wish I would have filled it out before I left.
cutebajangirl said:
I saw anthony hamilton and Nikki Giovanni both of whom I love esp. Nikki but, they couldn't make up for how unorganized it was.

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Hey did you see Yolanda Adams? They said she was going to perform I thought but I never saw her or heard her. And you are right they could not make up for how unorganized this event was.