Paltas Hair Treatment (pht) Challenge

ilong, thanks for this! I was just reading about this product in another thread and believe that getting involved here will help my accountability to use the product.
Like yodie, I prefer simple reggies...easier to stick with.

My usage plans are 2-3 times a week.
I wash twice a week, so I'll do it on a freshly clean scalp, most often.

My objectives are for my hairline and nape, which can get a big "W" line if I'm not careful.
I've also noticed my crown becoming more coarse and getting issues with breakage, so I plan to use it there.
Also for some thickness around the front half of my head.

I have fine 4a or 4b hair and I perm.
I ps during the winter in a french twist, but I leave some bangs out.
From May on through Autumn, I like to wear my hair out more, so I hope to see some results before then.
I feel a bit stuck somewhere between APL and BSL, so I'm hoping this will get me over the hump and jump start some growth.

I stopped bagging because it made my fine hair limp and actually made it feel drier once the water had evaporated, but I sleep in a silk scarf.

I just got a 4 month supply of Hairfinity last week so the results will involve both.

Can anybody fill me in on what inversion and GHE are?

Thanks ladies!
Is there anyone in the challenge that is using another form of the product, for example the conditioner or Shampoo or even the braids spray. Please do tell which particular item from the product you will be using.

Thanks in Advance.
Not true!
We been using Monistat to grow bald spots and it got mineral oil.
And when we was kids, our mothers be greasing our scalp and hair with Dax grease and other mineral oil product and our hair be long and healthy
M-T-G which be growing hair like weed got mineral oil

Beauty Brains say people be lying about mineral oil being bad to make us buy other things. I believe this.

I nor my mom used mineral oil products due to its long term affects.I don't use mtg nor monistat. I don't believe beauty brains is lying at all. There's multiple studies showing mineral oil & the like, with the affects it has. You can check out the science of black hair care for the studies that I am referring to, or just google mineral oil & it's negative effects.....

Boo you do you. My qs was what was the purpose of using this product, since we all l know the pitfalls of the listed ingredients that are at the top of this product's list (ie mineral oil) & it's costly to boot.

I would love to see unretouched before and after photos of the progress.
I'm a no poo kinda girl & I only clarify 1x per month or as needed. Lollipop I don't think this will be a good fit for me.......
grow, there are a few inversion threads in the hair section. Basically you invert your head for four mins long for seven days out of a month. Some people massage their scalp beforehand with oil. Some Apply the oil, massage and then invert.
Challengers - let's all support one another in a positive manner. We are all here for the purpose of improving our hair.

Besides, I can't lose anymore hair worrying about y'all not getting along.:lol:
ilong, no one fighting but fact is fac
Black science be full of nonsense if it be teaching that mineral oil clog pores
She need go back to molecular science class and try again
Mineral oil be bad if too much be drank for laxative and in mucus membrane
On skin it been used for years and research show it harmless
Scientific research not blog or dumb scaremonger gossip
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I received my PHT today! :yep: TBH - it smells a little like Ben Gay!:lachen:And it is super thick!

@PatDM'T are you joining the challenge?
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I received my PHT today! :yep: TBH - it smells a little like Ben Gay!:lachen:And it is super thick!

@PatDM'T are you joining the challenge?

I ain't got no bald or thin areas so ain't got no need for a treatment
But I be watching this thread and the PROVEN oil thread for my friend
She got thinning hair and I tryin to see which product give better results so I can tell her about it

I ain't got no bald or thin areas so ain't got no need for a treatment
But I be watching this thread and the PROVEN oil thread for my friend
She got thinning hair and I tryin to see which product give better results so I can tell her about it

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I'm sorry but i found the bolded a lil funny
I think I am going to use this on my crown area. I have had issues there since I big chopped almost 3 years ago.
ilong, no one fighting but fact is fac
Black science be full of nonsense if it be teaching that mineral oil clog pores
She need go back to molecular science class and try again
Mineral oil be bad if too much be drank for laxative and in mucus membrane
On skin it been used for years and research show it harmless
Scientific research not blog or dumb scaremonger gossip

Yet there are BSL and beyond length women on here that never stopped using products that has it in there.
So I ordered paltas from pak's cosmetics just before Thanksgiving and thought about it today. Just checked their site and it shows my order was cancelled. WTH? I used paypal. Not sure what's going on here. Anyone else order from them and have a similar issue?
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So I ordered paltas from pak's cosmetics just be Thanksgiving and thought about it today. Just checked their site and it shows my order was cancelled. WTH? I used paypal. Not sure what's going on here. Anyone else order from them and have a similar issue?
Yes, It happened to me yesterday. :sad:
cynd, nrock, sorry to hear that - HeavenlySkies order was cancelled also. Did pak give a reason why the order was cancelled?

Why are they still taking online orders - if they are cancelling orders?
Has anyone ordered from Amazon?
So I ordered paltas from pak's cosmetics just be Thanksgiving and thought about it today. Just checked their site and it shows my order was cancelled. WTH? I used paypal. Not sure what's going on here. Anyone else order from them and have a similar issue?

It has happened to me TWICE and no one has contacted me.
cynd, nrock, sorry to hear that - HeavenlySkies order was cancelled also. Did pak give a reason why the order was cancelled? Why are they still taking online orders - if they are cancelling orders? Has anyone ordered from Amazon?

I ordered from Pak on Friday, Nov 29. I got a message that my order was shipped on that Sunday (Mon AM, UK time). As of Wednesday, I hadn't received it, but will check my mail tomorrow.

Either way, I don't like this. Pak shouldn't be taking anyone's money if they don't have the product on hand and ready to ship without providing proper notice. I don't have a problem putting on my distributor hat and talking to the manufacturer about this. Stay tuned...
Just got mine today. I won't be using it until January. I think I may need an applicator bottle for it though.
Just got mine today. I won't be using it until January. I think I may need an applicator bottle for it though.

How about this? I got one from Sally's after reading about in JGA.


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ilong I didn't see any reason for the cancellation. I need to check to make sure my paypal account wasn't charged. I'm not sure if I'll give them another try or just bite the bullet and pay the extra shipping through Amazon. At least I feel I can trust them.
smores I ordered from Amazon: Delivery Estimate Friday, December 27, 2013 - Friday, January 10, 2014 by 8:00pm Shipped

What benefit you would like from using PHT (i.e. alopecia, length, thickness, stopping shedding, etc.). You can want/achieve other benefits – but this is the area you will focus on primarily. Trying to fill in my edges and nape. Hoping for length and thickness as well.
How many times a week you plan on applying PHT: at least 3-4 times per week.
Any other growth methods you’ll be using along with PHT (i.e. Inversion, GHE, Baggy, etc). Vitamins
Any other Paltas products you’ll be using?None
Post starting picture by Jan 1
Hair type – (i.e. Natural 4b, Texlaxed 4a, Relaxed, etc.) Natural 4a I believe
cynd, nrock, sorry to hear that - HeavenlySkies order was cancelled also. Did pak give a reason why the order was cancelled?

Why are they still taking online orders - if they are cancelling orders?
Has anyone ordered from Amazon?

They give you options to choose from on what you want to happen to your order if they don't have the product in stock. I think the options were cancellation, send a similar product and wait for them to restock. I am not sure about that last one but it seems like it was 3 choices.
Thanks *Frisky*, I don't recall being offered an option, but it's certainly possible that I was. I just printed out my invoice from their website and under Preference, it indicates: Inform customer for alternative products.

I haven't received any kind of notification from them.
Thanks *Frisky*, I don't recall being offered an option, but it's certainly possible that I was. I just printed out my invoice from their website and under Preference, it indicates: Inform customer for alternative products.

I haven't received any kind of notification from them.

Yea it was a bit tricky. If you weren't really paying attention and just kept on with the processing of your order you might of missed it.