
New Member
Girl I'm about to hurt you over your Fotki :lol: Why did I just see your new siggy pic and go :love: Of course I RAN straight to your album for updates and :( What's going on? Your hair is so gorgeous and you are my henna inspiration.

Anyways, I just wantd to leave a comment in your album, so let me know when it's back. :)

Oh and clean out your PMs. This message was written for PM. You just got locks everywhere, don't you :lol:

P.S. BTW, I'm sitting here right now with some henna/amla conditioner on my hair. :p
lol Armyqt me too:lol: i so loooooooooooooooove her hair in that new sig that s really my dream color:eek: i m in awe its so dark and so pretty. that s the deepest black i ve ever seen without being too blueish;)
ekomba said:
lol Armyqt me too:lol: i so loooooooooooooooove her hair in that new sig that s really my dream color:eek: i m in awe its so dark and so pretty. that s the deepest black i ve ever seen without being too blueish;)

GIrl, I'm drooling over the color too. I have some indigo sitting here waiting for me to use (thanks to one of our beautiful members ;) ) . I hope I can get that same color when I finally indigo. :D
Armyqt said:
GIrl, I'm drooling over the color too. I have some indigo sitting here waiting for me to use (thanks to one of our beautiful members ;) ) . I hope I can get that same color when I finally indigo. :D

Oh that s great Armyqt!!! unfortunately i cant do mine yet. I already saved the instructions Sareca gave me but i m on hair hiatus throughout the spring so as soon as the weather become nice again i ll start the henna indigo mix cant wait to get this color. i find that the shine is incredible i was so mesmerized when i saw the sig yesterday! let me know when you indigo i wanna see the results lol :D i m not even sure about measurements. You gonna just indigo or do henna first?
I sent her a pm yesterday after seeing her new siggy. I love her hair's texture. She's also responsible for my henna addiction along with some other members.

You see Sareca, I told you we're watching you. :eye: :eye:
I noticed her new siggy this morning when I logged on and I was like :eek:
:drool:....I want bling like that!! Sareca is doing it BIG with the henna & Indigo!! :lol:
victorious said:
I sent her a pm yesterday after seeing her new siggy. I love her hair's texture. She's also responsible for my henna addiction along with some other members.

You see Sareca, I told you we're watching you. :eye: :eye:

:eek: You did just say that yesterday!

Thanks ya'll. :rosebud: I've been slackin' big time. I started restructuring my fotki, but I didn't like any of my new iterations. I turned the comments off because I've been working like a dog and didn't want to be rude and not respond.

I start vacation this friday. :yay: I promise I'll be all over that fotki then... :)
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sareca said:
:eek: You did just say that yesterday!

Thanks ya'll. :rosebud: I've been slackin' big time. I started restructuring my fotki, but I didn't like any of my new iterations. I turned the comments off because I've been working like a dog and didn't want to be rude and not respond.

I start vacation this friday. :yay: I promise I'll be all over that fotki then... :)

You hair does look great. I can't believe you still have all that curl after a wash considering you are relaxed with phyto index 2. Did you find that your hair is more resistant to the relaxer since you have been doing henna? and did you stop doing henna treatment for some time before your relaxer?
sareca said:
:eek: You did just say that yesterday!

Thanks ya'll. :rosebud: I've been slackin' big time. I started restructuring my fotki, but I didn't like any of my new iterations. I turned the comments off because I've been working like a dog and didn't want to be rude and not respond.

I start vacation this friday. :yay: I promise I'll be all over that fotki then... :)

Is that really considered rude? Oops..:eek: I really didn't know ya'll. I never check for comments :lol: OK so this is an official apology to those who I never responded to on my Fotki. I'm sowwwy yall. :look:
Armyqt said:
Is that really considered rude? Oops..:eek: I really didn't know ya'll. I never check for comments :lol: OK so this is an official apology to those who I never responded to on my Fotki. I'm sowwwy yall. :look:

That's not an official rule, but always feel bad when someone asks me a question and I don't answer for 2 weeks. :blush: :spank:
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Guyaneek said:
As always, I love your hair Sareca! Can't wait for to find out how you do your wash n gos!!!!!:look:

Thank you. :) I'm happy to share. I've discovered two secrets so far and they are both more important than the products I've put on it. One is DON'T touch it while it's drying. No raking or repositioning. There will be plenty of time for that later. The other is don't detangle between co-washes (or poos). The curls came out 10X better when I just sectioned it and washed like normal, but didn't detangle under the shower.

I'm still working on keeping the style w/o cowashing in the morning. I slept on it last night and this morning I just rewet the ends where they crumpled. I'm not in love with it. :nono: I pulled it into a ponytail about an hour ago. The pony looks ok, but it's a little stringy looking. I'm going to keep working on it.

ETA: Thank you too angelita.
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Keen said:
You hair does look great. I can't believe you still have all that curl after a wash considering you are relaxed with phyto index 2. Did you find that your hair is more resistant to the relaxer since you have been doing henna? and did you stop doing henna treatment for some time before your relaxer?

My last henna was about 2 weeks before I relaxed. I wanted some curl left so I only left Phyto II on my hair for 11 minutes (7 minutes for application and 4 minutes of smoothing). I thought my hair would be more resistant, but it wasn't. I think I've discovered another trick tho... use a lot of relaxer compound. I laid it on thick and it relaxed the heck out of my hair. Even tho it wasn't on long it was stick straight. I was like :huh: :( But, after my first henna (one week post-relaxer) it thickened up considerable and recurled enough for a wash n go. I can't explain, but I'm so happy.
sareca said:
My last henna was about 2 weeks before I relaxed. I wanted some curl left so I only left Phyto II on my hair for 11 minutes (7 minutes for application and 4 minutes of smoothing). I thought my hair would be more resistant, but it wasn't. I think I've discovered another trick tho... use a lot of relaxer compound. I laid it on thick and it relaxed the heck out of my hair. Even tho it wasn't on long it was stick straight. I was like :huh: :( But, after my first henna (one week post-relaxer) it thickened up considerable and recurled enough for a wash n go. I can't explain, but I'm so happy.

:eek: When I use to do at home relaxers, I made my roommate stretch every bit of that $60/box relaxer.
sareca said:
My last henna was about 2 weeks before I relaxed. I wanted some curl left so I only left Phyto II on my hair for 11 minutes (7 minutes for application and 4 minutes of smoothing). I thought my hair would be more resistant, but it wasn't. I think I've discovered another trick tho... use a lot of relaxer compound. I laid it on thick and it relaxed the heck out of my hair. Even tho it wasn't on long it was stick straight. I was like :huh: :( But, after my first henna (one week post-relaxer) it thickened up considerable and recurled enough for a wash n go. I can't explain, but I'm so happy.

That's a good trick! I'm going to lay my Affirm mild on thicker next time to get it to relax a little faster. How do you apply it so fast though??? It took me so much time to apply mine last time (the first time I've done it myself). I don't know if it was because I had so much new growth (almost 5 months). I even tried separating it into all of the sections before applying the relaxer and it still took forever!