
Well-Known Member
<font color="purple">Hey Model_Chick, I was just reading your thread about sew-in weaves, and I noticed you mentioned that you do your own.

I was wondering if you'd like to share your technique - or offer tips on how you go about braiding the tracks/sewing, and removing them?

Hey let's see, where should I start....I basically cornrow my hair going back and find different ways to hide the ends of the cornrows--usually by pinning them up and sewing over them while sewing on the tracks. Make sure the cornrows are small so that the weave is not bumpy feeling. I sew the hair in in an ear-to-ear direction starting at the nape of my hair. First of course, I place the hair in the spot that it's going to be placed to measure and then put my finger where to cut it. Once the piece of hair is cut I use to pin the hair in place with two bobby pins to hold in place and then I would sew it on--I don't have to do this anymore, but it's a good idea for a beginner. Oh yeah, when you corn row your hair--leave hair out to cover the weave, and also leave some hair out on your edges....

Did I miss anything?!
<font color="purple">Thanks for responding with the info! I ask because I really want to do my own sew-ins, but I had no clue about where to start. I do know how to cornrow my own hair, but have you tried doing your cornrows ear to ear and then sewing the track across the entire row? I thought about that, but it might be too difficult for a beginner... Anyhow, I'll give your technique a try!! I just have to remember to do the cornrows really small and leave enough hair out to blend as you mentioned...

Also, how do you go about taking out the tracks? Can you cut the thread and reuse the hair for a later hairstyle?

I did view your pictures, and I really admire your hairstyles! The way your hair looks, one would think you really know what you're doing
Sorry for intruding but I saw the questions you asked. I do my own sew in's too and I always braid the hair from ear to ear it has just always seemed easier to me that way. Everything that model chick said is the same way that I would sew it though. Also when I sew mines I add a little bit of weave in my hair with the braid so that I won't be pulling too much on my real hair when combing. And about the hair, I never really re used my hair because it sheds alot from me combing it throughout the month.
I guess braiding from ear-to-ear to ear is okay--I don't think I could braid my hair in that direction. The only reason I wouldn't do that is because when you sew the weave in, for the best look, you're not necessarily sewing in the pattern of the braids underneath. Plus, a track sitting on top of a braid like that would make my hair too bumpy--but I have really thick hair...;)

As far as removing the weave--I start for the top most track, pull the track taught at one end because it makes it easier to locate the thread, cut and it will pretty much unravel--but the longer you leave the weave in, the more tangled the thread in your hair. Once removed, I do usually keep some of the longer pieces of hair. It's not in the BEST condition, but you may be able to use those pieces as a quick ponytail or whatever...
Hey, ladies! MODEL_CHICK717 and kaykay, Explain the sew-in process. If I cornrow my hair going back, how would I sew the weave in, along the cornrow or from ear to ear? How much hair do you use? What type of needle is best? How long does it take? I've always wanted to try this(I do everything from braids to perms) and I think it would be a good way to give my hair a rest.

Please list everything you know as far as maintenance, neatness and style.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks, MODEL! How do you get the hair to lay so flat? BTW, how many cornrows do you have before you weave? I ask because your weave looks so natural. Also, if the braids are going back, what does the thread hold on to w/the spaces in between?
I guess I do some where around 12-14 cornrows maybe? Because my hair has gotten longer--sometimes I do two rows of cornrows going back...but you may want to start off simple.

Anyway, you don't have to sew the weave down like a seamstress for the weave to hold. haha Each stitch has space in between--you could do a stitch or two per braid, since you're just starting...I think that's how I started out...
<font color="purple">Thanks Model_Chick717 &amp; KayKay!! Bee- you asked a lot of questions I forgot to mention in my post!! Thanks. I think this will be interesting.

syoulee1 posted the link for a website that offers more 'natural/textured' weaves: hisand I'm going to order the 50% Italian Mink KINKY in 1B, and the price is about $100 per bag!
(That's why I asked about the reusability of the weave). Supposedly, it's supposed to last longer, etc...

I'll save this thread in my favorites to refer to before I actually do the sew-in, and Model_Chick717, I'll refer back to your pics from time to time for MOTIVATION!!

Thanks again!
WOW! A $100 a bag?!! That is WAY steep! I think since this is my 1st time, I'll just go to a bss and get something that kinks or curls for around $20 a bag. I couldn't begin to how pi$$ed I'd be if it didn't come out to my liking and I spent $100.
<font color="purple"> You know, I thought about doing exactly that - buying less expensive weave to practice with, but as it turns out, I'm actually in between texturizers, and our beauty supply stores here only sell that bone straight (I call it Korean lady hair - not to offend anybody, but that's what it looks like). So - I figure that 'play around' weave would have my hair looking pretty bad - so I'll just cross my fingers and hope for the best with the hair I really want - about 1 week or so following my next texturizer.

Don't worry, I'd be pi$$ed too if it doesn't work it, but it WILL, daymn it!!
I'm determined to make it work!
Great! I'm glad I could help. I'm actually thinking of trying a more expensive brand of hair myself for my next weave. The quality of hair can really can make all the difference....
bee said:
Thanks, MODEL! How do you get the hair to lay so flat?

[/ QUOTE ]

hi ,
i just wanted to add my 0.10 cents

When my sister does her weaves, she splits the tracks in half. Doing that really makes it lay flat and it looks so natural.
Ladies, let me give some advice if I may. I no longer purchase hair from His and Hers because of the shedding factor. The hair is so rough(trust me, I've tried them all). I posted before that I purchased my latest hair from a lady named Sedalia. Her business is called Bliss. She has a web site. Let me be honest and tell you that none of my hair has shed at all. I can reuse all of the hair. I paid $40 per ounce which came to $195. If you are going to buy hair from His and Hers for $100 per bag(and it will shed for sure), then you should spend the money with Bliss. I would like to add that she is a sistah by the way. HTH
Thx Wanda--I've heard good things about that brand of hair you're talking about. I may try it!

Madison--I know someone that does this as well--and it does look really natural. The person that I know that does this tends to use split tracks as she gets to the top of the weave...
<font color="purple">Wanda - I will definately consider this other brand of hair you're referring to. Do you have the URL for the website? Since I haven't made any purchases yet, I am open to suggestions </font>
Thx, Madison for your response. I'll have to try that.

MODEL--what hair are you currently using? Your hair looks so natural. BTW, I see why you call yourself MODELCHICK, you are very pretty.

andreamaria--good luck!!
andreamaria said:
<font color="purple">Wanda - I will definately consider this other brand of hair you're referring to. Do you have the URL for the website? Since I haven't made any purchases yet, I am open to suggestions </font>

[/ QUOTE ]
Here is the website You're going to love her hair. You can wear it wavy or press it straight. HTH
Ok I may be slow.....I am still trying to get the cornrows down. Are they horizontal or vertical?
CaramelHonee said:
How do you "split" the track?

[/ QUOTE ]
I usually take a straight edge razor and slice the thread where the two tracks meet. It comes apart really easily once you cut the 1st peice of thread that holds the tracks together.

Model Chick, I also braid my hair going straight back, it gives for a smoother, flatter finish. No humps at all
Mamacita, the lady that did my hair recently braided it straight back also. I do agree that it does make your tracks lay flat with no bumps at all.
For shedding
I don't buy really expensive hair myself and shedding used to be a problem so what I do is go to a Fabric store and buy some fray stopper (It is really cheap) and then I add that to the track and let it dry. I hardly have any sheding since I have been doing that and sometimes I buy 14 inch hair that costs like 17 dollars.
Oh and model chick my hair did use to look bumpy when I first started braiding it from ear to ear but then I just started braiding the hair in smaller braids, I think the key is to make the braids smaller rather than bigger. So you are right it can look bumpy but it depends on how big the braids are.
<font color="purple">hmmmmmmm
you ladies are offering a ton of helpful tips!

Thanks for the link Wanda
Hey, y'all! I think I need pictures--step-by-step. I can't picture how straight back cornrows and the sew-in come together(maybe because I've never done it before). OK, your braid the hair back, measure the track, pin the track and then... WHAT?!

BTW, how do you sew the track in? Do you sew it from the top of the track, or do you fold it under and sew it from there--saw that done in a movie once and it boggled me because I couldnt figure out how they were doing that.
Thx bee--I use "Do Me" the platinum yaky line.

P.S. I call myself model_chick because I like the lyrics to this song by RL of the group Next called "Got me a Model". I just thought I'd say this cuz I see the name can come across a little um...confident. haha

here's the chorus of the song:

Pretty face and nice body (Got Me A Model)
Educated little shorty (Got Me A Model)
Baby knows how to party (Got Me A Model)
I gotta tell somebody (Got Me A Model)
Sexy and level-headed (Got Me A Model)
Thighs thick and bow-legged (Got Me A Model)
That's why I'm never trickin' (Got Me A Model)
All the fellas need to listen (Got Me A Model Chick)