Paging Adrienne!!


Hi Adrienne:

You are so sweet and I appreciate all the tips you continue to share with us!!!

No one inspires me more than you do!

Thanks for posting your regimen. I definitely need to cut down on products and stop switching products. I also need to be more consistent with care. I was on a good vitamin regimen I need to get back on it and stay on it. By any chance do you live in New York? If so, where do you do your hair? So you feel I should wear braids to grow my hair to a certain length first? How long do you wear your braids for?
DANG!!!! Go away for a few days and all this!!! New pics Adrienne?

As always Adrienne your hair looks absolutely beautiful!!

Shiny and healthy and growing like weed!!!

You know I am LOVING the wet wavy one...put some gel in it and wear it out one day...
I know it will look wonderful

Take care
rabia, braids were definitely a big help to me in the beginning. now that my hair is long enough for the ponytail though, i'm finding that i'm still having almost as much success. the main thing for me is leaving my hair alone. if you can do that some other way, the braids aren't a requirement. how long is your hair right now? oh, i live in los angeles. i'm sure there are ladies in NY on the baord that can probably help you find someone.

valleygirl, where you been? i was about to send out a search party. i miss chatting with you in the evenings. i need to go over exactly what you put on your hair for the wet and wavy look. i know you told me, but i forget. i want to wear it like that one day soon... but only if it looks similar to yours when it dries!!

once again, thank you ALL for the positive feedback and support. it means alot to me!
Right now my hair is layered (just cut on tuesday). The longest layers are at the bottom of my neck. So my hair length ranges from 4-7 inches long from the scalp right now. (I really need to take some pictures but I don't have a digital camera, I'm getting one as soon as I can though) I have no problem wearing braids. It is probably the best option for me in terms of protective styles because I can pull my hair into only a tiny ponytail (the layers are not helping). What do you think I should do? Once again thank for your help.
A. you got it going on. Beautiful hair! u truly are an inspiration. Now if i may ask you.
- How often do you get tha braids?
- Do u still do it? How long do you let it stay in?
- What kind of braids do you use-brand and whether synthetic or human) and
- how do you care for ya scalp while the braids r in?
Thanks in advance for answering and keep up the good work girlie
My Favorite hair...

I should've known that any post with Adrienne's name in it would yield soooo many responses. I can't believe I didn't post earlier.

Adrienne already knows she's my hair role model, but I wanted everyone else to know it too, so here i am.

I really wanna be at the next So Cal hair meeting so I can meet you and see your hair live and in person!

Keep it up! You are a true inspiration and I'm really liking the faux ponytail regime. If it works for you, I'm down!

And I didn't know if I should post this or not, but I wanted everyone to know that when I told Miss Adrienne that I could not find a "phonytail" to match my own hair type, she graciously sent me one as a gift! How sweet AND Perfect is she!

I am blessed to know you, Adrienne and I wanted to say thanks again in front of everyone to know that your gorgeous hair has not gone to your head......

Forever in Awe,

P.S. Please do NOT solicit Adrienne for free ponies!
Your hair grows really fast. I am impressed.
At this rate, you will reach waist length hair soon. Gurl, what are you going to do with all that hair?
It is extremely beautiful.
Adrienne: Waistlength! Naw girl, think hip length and I know you can do it. You will probably do it with a single braid wrapped in a bun and across your head. Tell me no in 4 years!
Lovely and healthy looking.
rabia, your hair is probably longer than mine was when i started. i had what my friend and i call an 'onytail. because of the top and front layers, it was way too short for a ponytail. and all the hairs in front just kinda stuck straight up.
since it's not a problem, definitely get the braids. you don't have to have a digital camera. just get one of those cheap disposable ones and take pics all along until it's full.

nychild, thanks so much for the compliments.
i don't get braids anymore because my scalp has been breaking out for over a year with psoriasis. it had cleared up for over a year, but not anymore.

• when i did wear the braids, i wore small individuals and kept them in for 3 months at a time.
• i mostly used Black & Gold kanekelon hair. i never used human hair for the braids, mostly because it's so expensive.
• i make my own oil mixes now, but back then would use Hot Six or Wonder 8 oil on my scalp. those are great ready made oils. i also washed my hair once per week or every other week.

azjeepgurl, you got me blushing. you're quite welcome!!
mahalialee, naw, i think i'm definitely gonna stop at waist length. any longer and i'd probably never wear it down because it would be too much work. thanks for the compliments!
My hair is kind of like you were describing your hair when you first started. "onytail"
, that is definitely me right now, since it was just cut in layers. I am going to try the braid thing. But this time no micro braids. How large were your braids generally?
Also did you relax at the time you were wearing braids? My hair is currently relaxed.
I had a friend take some pictures of me with her digital, not for hair purposes though. I will post them, even though its not a close up of my hair. It will have to do for now.
Once again thanks girl, you're my shero.
rabia, except for the last time, i always wore braids about pencil width. the last time, they were smaller. i like the thicker ones better, especially when it's time to take them down.

i didn't relax at all in between the braids. i think the braiding puts enough stress on the hair. so i didn't want to put even more. that's just me though.

girl, yes... 'onytail, not long enough for a p.

i can't wait to see your pics.
Hey Adrienne,
The reason I asked about the relaxer and braids is because, my hair is currently relaxed. My natural hair texture is primarily 4b so its really coarse and hard to handle the two textures at the same time. Did you cut off your relaxed hair as your new growth came in? If not how did you handle the two textures in between braiding time?
You see I don't want to lose the length I have now that is relaxed. I've been reading the Hennaphilic post all day and learning about the benefits of Hennalucent. I'm thinking that perhaps using hennalucent in between braid time would help me.
Anyway thanks again for always responding to me.
Wow, I'm really late... Just got a chance to check out your lastest pic Adrienne.... Those waves look awesome. You are soooooo close to WL....u'll most def have it by your goal date. Such, such an inspiration

God Bless,
rabia, i normally go at least 4 months between retouches. so it wasn't a big deal to do so for a couple of weeks in between braidings. you can get a handle on the two textures is by softening them with curl activator. then just wear your hair in a low maintenance style during that time.

peachtree, thanks for the kind words!
Bumpn up to ask adrienne - What brand of Protein shake do ya drink? Why? and what is any other brands uve used and stopped for any reason?
Thanks. Blessings
I'm alllll late too! I'm grinn' all over the place looking at your pictures Adrienne!! I can't even imagine having that much hair. For real!
It looks verrrry nice and healthy most of all.

My question: If you had to name ONE thing that you'd attribute to your incredible growth in such a short time what would it be?
I will never stop doing this
when I look at your hair album. I've never seen someone's hair go through such a dramatic growth change recorded like that in one album.

You are truly are inspiring for the 'less is more' mentality
and prove that long hair IS attainable.
nychild, sorry it took me a minute to get back to you, but i've been SO swamped at work, i haven't been able to get on the board all day.

to answer your question, the reason i drink protein shakes is because i'm not a big meat eater, and my diet is not always the greatest. this ensures that i do get enough protein. i currently use Protoplex Lite shakes. they're made by Vitamin World. you can get them online or in their stores. my fave is chocolate, but i also like vanilla. before these, i used the Myoplex Lite by EAS. they were also good but more expensive, and these have the EXACT same nutritional values.

beverly, thanks for the compliment, girl!

ny2atl, i think the one thing that i can attribute the length to is basically moisturizing my ends well and leaving it alone. whether it's in braids or the ponytail, i don't do much to it. i've also been very blessed with stylists who know the meaning of the word TRIM! so i haven't had any setbacks.

BRH, you're funny with this face..
yep, less is still definitely more! i'm glad you enjoyed the pics. when i look at them, sometimes i have to pinch myself cuz i can't believe MY hair is that length after trying to grow it for so long. i'm ecstatic about it though. and i also believe that i am proof positive that with changes in hair care habits, long hair is attainable no matter how long you've been trying!
Thanks A. dont worry about the time frame, i understand. sometimes i dont get on a whole day too. (someone shoulda told me 2kids was so much work
im gona try tha Protoplex. thank for replying.
Your hair looks AMAZIN!!

How do you detangle your hair Adrienne???
do you comb in the shower?? or comb it when its dry??
I ask this cause i've been combing in shower to detangle but yesterday I decided to comb it out dry. I misted my hair with water and applied oils for my hot oil treatment and I discovered 3 nasty knots!!
It was horrible but I was gald that i delt with them.:( If I had been combing my hair in the shower I might have missed them...cause my comb has very wide teeth.
My hair is 4a kinky and just past shoulder . I'm about nine weeks into my relaxer and I think i'm going to wait until aug before I relax again. I dont want over comb but i don't want to have a head full on knots either! help!
thanks, caramelbarbie!

yes, i usually do comb in the sower with a wide tooth comb. i also finger comb after to feel for tangles. sometimes i'll even put it up in the ponytail in the shower. it depends on if i want to put additional products throughout my hair or just on the ends.

how do you wear your hair after you comb it out? do you wear protective styles? do you take it down every day? i don't. i leave it up all week and just smooth down the edges. if you do that, you will definitely avoid overcombing. just make sure you work through the tangles beforehand. you could even comb with a not-so-wide tooth comb after the shower. it's much simpler once the initial detangling is done.
I have always admired your beautiful mane. You were my cure ,that is I was a pj but the beautiful results you got from being simple and sticking to one product has truely cured me

How do you keep your hair up all week without combing? Does your protective style get icky? What protective style are you wearing? What products/styling tool do you use to smooth down your edges?

Lately, I have been doing twists and sometimes I'll twist again the second night but last week, I didn't comb it for 2-3 days and just put it in a twisted up ponytail. But I noticed when I did comb out my hair to shampoo it, I had some shedding...not a lot but what I'd expect from having not combed my hair. Do you notice the same?