Oviation/shen min topical solution


New Member
Good afternoon ladies,

does any one recommend using another product on the scalp while using otc? i was thinking about using the Shen Min topical solution for thinning hair/dht blocker and the otc. Does anyone recommend holding off on one of the products. i've been using the otc for about 3 weeks now.
Good afternoon ladies,

does any one recommend using another product on the scalp while using otc? i was thinking about using the Shen Min topical solution for thinning hair/dht blocker and the otc. Does anyone recommend holding off on one of the products. i've been using the otc for about 3 weeks now.
I use the Shen Mins when I think of it with my MT...Most of us are mixing various oils and such with our MT to help cut down on dryness. I use my MT mix in the morning and the Shen Min at night when I can remember to :look: I think they complement each other just fine...Shen Mins is all natural and mostly jojoba oils with herbal extracts, works great for me my hair is so THICK!!!

ETA - when you said OTC, did you mean the Ovation or the Mega Tec growth aides? I just noticed OTC, I was thinking you meant OCT (Ovation Cell Therapy).
Yes ma'am i meant the oviation system and thanks for your response. I'm about to order my second bottle of the shen min, and going to add hair, skin and nails along with the topical solution. I will use the topical solution just the same as you. Are you saying the topical helped your hair gain thickness?
Yes ma'am i meant the oviation system and thanks for your response. I'm about to order my second bottle of the shen min, and going to add hair, skin and nails along with the topical solution. I will use the topical solution just the same as you. Are you saying the topical helped your hair gain thickness?
I must admit, I'm a little guilty of trying several things at once!! LOL I think the Shen Min topical helped but the Mega Tek sent me through the roof in terms of tickness. Mega Tek and OCT are simular so I"m guessing you will get a simular effect.

I like the Shen Mins, it made my hair feel so nice and it has all the prefect ingredients in it...it's just hard to tell what's working when you are using several things. When I use the bit I have up, I won't repurchase because can make my own mix with simular active ingredients for less money.

I don't know if that helps but they can be used together to answer your original question.