Overprocessed vs Underprocessed Hair


New Member
Ladies... My hair saga continues... Not long ago I swore off relaxers. I was doing pretty good as a transitioner. I went for about 3 or 4 months I believe... Well I backslid and am back to relaxing my hair. My question is how can you tell if it's overprocessed? My hair has been unusually thick and unruly. Even after a retouch I cannot seem to get my hair straight. It is quite wavy, and I have 4b textured hair so all these waves are something unusual.

How does over processed hair look? How does under-processed hair look?

I am going to make a hair appointment, but I just haven't found anyone I can trust.

Let me also add that I have been using a variety of regular strength lye relaxers from Bantu, to Motions, to Precise. I am going to try Affirm.
Well, I have BOTH (overprocessed & underprocessed) right now. Overprocessed hair is hair that has been overlapped with relaxer. IMO, sounds like you have underprocessed hair, which to better than having over.

My overprocessed hair is bone straight, in some areas I can feel that it's rough (because the cuticle layer has been damaged) and when I look at a strand of my hair, I can see some areas are thinner than the rest of the shaft. In general that hair was not taken care of at ALL... There's nothing I can do for that hair, so I'm just growing it out... it WILL be cut.

My underprocessed hair is the hair that I attempted to relax, but it only got texturized... that's basically what underprocessed hair is, when your curl pattern is just stetched out. My underprocessed hair is kinda wavy, because when relaxing, I didn't smooth the relaxer through my hair long enough. Plus, it was a very mild relaxer. I plan on doing the relaxer again over the same area in a few weeks because it is VERY underprocessed.

Do you use a mild relaxer?

PrincessM said:
Well, I have BOTH (overprocessed & underprocessed) right now.

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Me too, and it is a pain. My ends are stick straight (overprocessed in my opinion) from trying to correct the underprocessed parts which never processed correctly.
Thanks so much PrincessM and everyone... Has anyone ever seen overprocessed hair that gets wavy from overprocessing? When I look at a strand of hair it has almost crimped looking waves. I just wanted to make sure it was overprocessing instead of under before I had it relaxed in those areas.
I'm never seen that, IMO, it really seems like the hair you're talking about is underprocessed.

Think about it : If overprocessing is hair that is overlapped by a relaxer, and a relaxer straightens, wouldn't overprocessed hair be very straight?

My underprocessed hair is thick and hard to manage as well. It not much different than my 5 months of new growth before the relaxer.

How did the person who did your relaxer apply it? Did they smooth your hair with a fine tooth comb while the relaxer was in? Was it a mild relaxer (and what brand)? How long was it left on?
abrilbiz, I think it depeneds on what you wanted the outcome to be. If you wanted curls, then waves would be considered overprocessed. Also, some people's hair looks wavy or crinkly looking when it is overprocessed and damaged. It will not get straight because it is damaged and the cuticle is possibly worn away as well. So, there isn't a 'smooth' look to it. It will look rough and coarse.
CurlyCrly said:
abrilbiz, I think it depeneds on what you wanted the outcome to be. If you wanted curls, then waves would be considered overprocessed. Also, some people's hair looks wavy or crinkly looking when it is overprocessed and damaged. It will not get straight because it is damaged and the cuticle is possibly worn away as well. So, there isn't a 'smooth' look to it. It will look rough and coarse.

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This is what I am afraid of! I will be going to a salon to find out what the deal is... I have been using a regular strenth lye relaxer. I have also pulled it through several times thinking it was underprocessed, but I'm afraid now that the crimps are overprocessed... My hair is totally unmanageble at this point... I need professional advice at this point... I've done enough damage...
In "Let's Talk Hair", the author lists some characteristics of over-processed hair:

1. Wet your hair thoroughly. Hold the hair midway between fingers of both hands and stretch the hair; if the hair tears or rips easily -- something is wrong! Strong healthy hair has an elastic nature and easily stretches and returns to it's original length.

2. If your hair mats and sticks together when it's wet -- something is wrong!

3. Is your hair thin, limp, and flat when wet and feels like straw and looks ashy when dry? If yes -- something is wrong!

I just wanted to post a follow-up. I relaxed my hair using Adrienne and Rayne's recommendations about relaxing half of my head at a time. I also decided to use a Super strength relaxer (Precise - lye) and I do believe my hair was underprocessed as most of those waves are gone and my hair is a million times straighter and more manageble. I relaxed my hair from root to tip as well.

I was going to go to a beautician but I am so afraid to do so that I took another chance and did it myself and I'm very pleased with the results.

I did prepare my hair first by clarifying it a week before and then the night before, I gently applied grapeseed oil to it.