Overprocessed... Over processed hair


New Member
Has anyone been able to overcome overprocessed hair? my hair dresser overlapped my hair for my last touch up and now that portion closest to my roots is over processed? what has worked for you in the past?? any remedies to get that hair back normal??
I have back in 2008. I was overprocessed due to me improperly applying relaxers and switching brands all of the time. I also had heat damage. Just an overall mess. Aphogee saved my hair. I used the shampoo for damaged hair and the keratin reconstructor weekly until I didn't need it anymore. It was about 2-3 months of consistent use, stretching relaxers, deep conditioning, and no direct heat. It was a boot camp of sorts with my hair and it worked out wonderfully.
I have back in 2008. I was overprocessed due to me improperly applying relaxers and switching brands all of the time. I also had heat damage. Just an overall mess. Aphogee saved my hair. I used the shampoo for damaged hair and the keratin reconstructor weekly until I didn't need it anymore. It was about 2-3 months of consistent use, stretching relaxers, deep conditioning, and no direct heat. It was a boot camp of sorts with my hair and it worked out wonderfully.

Thanks ladies.... When your hair was overprocessed... What did it feel like? Was it that dry crunchy frizzy feeling? Just curious did you keep relaxing ur own hair?

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Thanks ladies.... When your hair was overprocessed... What did it feel like? Was it that dry crunchy frizzy feeling? Just curious did you keep relaxing ur own hair?

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Yes it was crunchy and dry - even when it was wet, if that makes sense. I was deployed overseas so I had no choice to keep self-relaxing. But, I learned the best way to do it and about stretching to minimize overlapping.
Have u tried French plus stabilizer, it has a Ph of 2.5 and help seals the cuticles. It's supposed to be a rinse out but I use it as a leave in, it foams well enough to use as a foam wrap. But either way it cures my hair woes

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Thanks MilkChocolateOne I would be using it according to it's directions. I'm pretty careful about following manufacturer's directions since I had a little overconditioning mishap...lol Do you ladies know if this product is pretty much the same as roux porosity control? and how are these products different from regular deep conditioning products? I currently own Mizani Moisturefuse. Would I use this product before or after deep conditioning?
Thanks @MilkChocolateOne I would be using it according to it's directions. I'm pretty careful about following manufacturer's directions since I had a little overconditioning mishap...lol Do you ladies know if this product is pretty much the same as roux porosity control? and how are these products different from regular deep conditioning products? I currently own Mizani Moisturefuse. Would I use this product before or after deep conditioning?

French perm is not a deep conditioner and should never be used as one. It's a ph neutralizer that is used after relaxing. It's stronger than porosity control. Porosity control has a ph of 4.5 and French Perm has a ph of 2.5. The ph scale is logarithmic and increases by multiples of 10. French perm is 100 times more acidic than porosity control.

French Perm ingredients:[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

This website lists the label information
Thanks ladies. I think I will re-up on my aphogee 2 minute. I have the shampoo for damaged hair but I find it very drying so its pretty much full because I never use it.
I hope that can cure my overprocessed roots. Im glad u had a success story because all the other threads I read said it just had to be cut... And thats pretty much not an option because its at my roots. It's very encouraging that you were able to overcome it.

How far apart did you start stretching your relaxer? I usually relax every 8 weeks.

I'm still open to more responses if anyone else has a success story.
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How far apart did you start stretching your relaxer?

I started stretching until I had at least an inch of growth. Each stretch I tried to go a little longer. But once I got my moisture/protein balance right and laid off direct heat until my hair was better, I didn't have any issues. I did end up cutting about 4 inches off, but I did that for aesthetic reasons - I didn't HAVE to.

You can see the pics from my damage to getting it back on track in my Fotki. It's in the first relaxed hair album from 2008/2009. You'll see a HUGE difference in my hair between July and August 2008. That was simply the result of following what I previously posted. Me and Aphogee shampoo and Keratin were joined at the hip for a few months. :yep: Oh, I also didn't use Aphogee shampoo every week - it was too much. I alternated between CON Detangling and Aphogee shampoo weekly.
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I started stretching until I had at least an inch of growth. Each stretch I tried to go a little longer. But once I got my moisture/protein balance right and laid off direct heat until my hair was better, I didn't have any issues. I did end up cutting about 4 inches off, but I did that for aesthetic reasons - I didn't HAVE to.

You can see the pics from my damage to getting it back on track in my Fotki. It's in the first relaxed hair album from 2008/2009. You'll see a HUGE difference in my hair between July and August 2008. That was simply the result of following what I previously posted. Me and Aphogee shampoo and Keratin were joined at the hip for a few months. :yep: Oh, I also didn't use Aphogee shampoo every week - it was too much. I alternated between CON Detangling and Aphogee shampoo weekly.

Thanks! Checked out the album. I can't tell ur hair was ever damaged. Great progress!

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