Overprocessed hair

Add to what Crys said - a thin appearance that isn't characteristic of your hair. Breakage. Shedding. Dryness.

You don't have to have ALL of these things for the hair to be considered overprocessed - but any of these, in addition to Crys's suggestions should send up warning flags in our head.
I got my hair relaxed in August and it was overprocessd and this is the results of my hair, hopefully this web address works http://photos.yahoo.com/lanisasims if not I will try to post again later. I received alot breakage and dryness I had to cut about 3 inches off and then I discovered the forum and it has been up hill every since /images/graemlins/smile.gif.
how is the spot in the middle doing?? i noticed that in the pics of your cut in sept, you had some thinner ends in the middle hairs. has that regrown??? BTW, my hair in the back looks EXCATLY like that now. the sides are healthy and uniform and the ahirs are stronger but in the back my hair is soo much weaker.
is there anything that you did that you feel really helped you to take take control of that area?? that's the biggest hurdle in my regime, to grow stronger healthier hair back gthere.
Yes that spot is actually doing excellent if you look at the photo that was posted today you will see a major difference just look at the bottom of my hair it almost completely filled in. My vitamin regimen has helped out soo much and that spot has now filled in. It took 2 months plus I think my sew-in helped out alot look at the last picture and tell me what you think. If your interested I will tell you what I used to achieve my progress /images/graemlins/smile.gifHappy Growing
Azalia you are an inspiration to me!
That is how my hair is in the back. I was thinking of cutting it off and just starting over but seeing your progress...I ahve decided to just be patient and keep doing what I am gonna just hang in there. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Were you asking because you suspect your hair is over processed, Tonya? /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Yes I think that is why I experienced breakage. I do not think u can tell by my pictures I posted but I have more recent photos that I am gonna post soon as I get them developed.
My hair that has grown within the last few months is coming in shiny and thick but my ends are thin and dull. They even look limp. On the right hand side in the back it thinned out really bad but it is starting to fill in. You can really tell a difference because my new growth is coming in dark and the old hair is sandy brown. I may put a cellophane on my hair this weekend and do my twist out over. I am trimming 1.5 inches at a time as it grows until it all is cut off.
Why any suggestions for me?
My hair's overprocessed. Each week I use Motions CPR followed by Mizani Moisturefuse. My hair is growing, but there's nothing you can do for the thin sections but cut it off. Try wearing your hair in hairstyles that camouflage the thin sections or have a good old CUT.

For me, I considered chopping off gradually, but I know its best just to chopp it off and get over it. I have about 2-3" of overprocessed hair in my opinion. I haven't had a trim since august which makes it about 4 months. My next relaxer, in 2 months, I will be chopping off the 2-3" of overprocessed hair. It look like as if I didn't gain any growth, but at least my hair will look thicker and a manageable length for me. Then off with my hair journey once AGAINNNN!!!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thank you Tonya I'm blushing /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/blush.gif. In my opinion I don't think you need to chop all of your hair off. My hair was really damaged and I did chop about 3 inches off but if you look at the picture with the hole right in the center of my hair I did'nt cut anything off at all. With my vitamin regimen it just filled in on its on. I still haven't cut any extra hair off yet. I get my hair done every 2 months and I cut my ends every other time I get my hair done. But you have to do what ever works for you. But I was really shocked at how healthy it looks compared to 2 months ago. Just hang in there and stick with your hair regimen your will shape up in no time /images/graemlins/smile.gif Happy Growing
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
My hair's overprocessed. Each week I use Motions CPR

[/ QUOTE ]
AmilLion,how do you find using th CPR on a weekly basis for your hair?

Azalia, You hair is coming along great. I remember from the e-mails you sent me and also the posts on herewhen you first joined you really were experiencing less than positive things about your hair. It's come along great. And that 'hole' has flled in really well. And for ony 2 months you can see the difference. Happy hair growing and I can't wait to see your progress in 8 weeks time.
Thank you for the compliment Londondiva /images/graemlins/smile.gifI've been trying so hard to stick to my regimen with my 6 day a week work schedule and my 2year old it is not the easiest thing in the world to stay committed too. As soon as I saw the results it really motivated me to push harder. I keep all of supplements at work in nice safe place /images/graemlins/wink.gif. Adrienne mentioned that she takes all of her vitamins in the morning along with her protein shake well I tried that and it's worked like a charm I never miss a vitamin and by 8:00am I'v completed my whole vitamin regimen. I don't experience any discomfort with my stomach any more and I don't feel under pressure that I missed which is cool. "Thanks Adrienne" I really feel blessed Londondiva to have met you and all of the other ladies on the board /images/graemlins/grin.gif I sure do miss Jade and Amethyst /images/graemlins/frown.gif. You guys really helped me out tremendously. {{{{{{{{}}}}}}}} HUGS!!. I sent you an e-mail a few days ago e-mail me back when you get the chance. Happy Growing!
Azalia posted....It took 2 months plus I think my sew-in helped out alot look at the last picture and tell me what you think. If your interested I will tell you what I used to achieve my progress Happy Growing

When you say sew-in, are you speaking of sew-in like a weave???? I just wanted to know. The progress of your hair is tremendous and gives me hope for my hair. and yes... i'm very interested in what you "used" to achieve such progress..... spill all trhe beans /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Hey Beana,
Yes I have a weave and after the damaged experience I got my sew-in Sept15, those damaged photos that you see, I was at the salon and the photos was taken right before I got my hair done. The last photo 2 months later was taken on Nov 17 on a Sunday right before I got it done for the second time. I really feel like my vitamin regimen contributed to my growth and over all health. This is my supplement regimen.

Maxi-Hair x2
Puritan Biotin 5mg
MSM 1000mg
L-Cysteine 500mg
Evening Primrose 1300mg
Jarrows B-Right
Flaxseed Oil 3tbls
Twin Labs Amino Fuel 3tbls
Just added Jarrows Max-DHA
Optimm Nutrition Protein
I know this seems like alot but I wash all those vitamin down first thing in the morning with my shake while I'm surfing my favorite place LHCF /images/graemlins/grin.gifwhich makes it easy for me. I'm actually just finishing up now half a cup of shake and 3 more vitamins to be exact that sounds really bad uh! he he /images/graemlins/blush.gif.

Beana when it comes to my hair regimen, I just made sure my hair was moisturized at all times. When I discovered the forum I went crazy with products I went out and bought everything but I did keep my ends and scalp moisturized,as far as the ends"the hair that was left out". I'm still trying to figure out my hair care regimen but I think I'm pretty close I do use 2 products that I'm in love with and one product is by Mizani and one by Dudley I will page you later on and give the exact info on them when I go home for lunch. Also a fabulous mint shampoo by dudley called Indulgence that is soo great and feels so wonderful on my scalp. I hope this helps some keep me posted! Happy Growing!
Using the motions every week hasn't caused no type of damage to my hair. I make sure each time I use the motions I follow with a moisturizing conditioner and I use Mizani Moisturfuse. I barely shed any hair during my dry combs or wet comb outs.
Me too I use Motions CPR everyother week and now when I comb my hair I do not get hardly any shedding...this is a biyg improvement for me becuase a month ago I had alot of shedding.
Hey Ennyaa,
I have a girl helping me that works at whole foods and she is educated in the Nutrition field so I inquired about vitamins through her and so far so good. She also told me that the Jarrows DHA keeps the hair really moisturized. She told me that DHA blows L-cystiene out of the water. Well we will see /images/graemlins/confused.gif actually I switched to the DHA to give it a try and so far I have noticed that my hair do retain moisture alot longer and I don't have to load products on as much. But I will keep you posted. Happy Growing!