
Well I guess for me it would depend on where to, how many nights, and how comfortable I feel with him. Could you provide more context? :)
Out of town, several hours away. If you were not ready to share the same bed would you bring this up or would you just not go to avoid the whole scene?
depends on how long i've been dating him. at least a solid month or two before i went anywhere overnight with him.

also depends on where we're going. going far away to party? separate rooms. an amusement park or something similarly innocent? same room would be fine, i suppose.

don't forget - who else is coming along? a small group of friends, we'd all share a room. :grin:

of course, i'd have to trust him pretty well and i'd make sure he had no untoward intentions in mind. that being said, if we both consented and were committed not to doing anything we have no business doing, i would share a bed with him. i'm a snuggler. :cupidarrow:
:laugh: And that is what I want to avoid, definately not ready to go there with him.

Then I wouldn't go. Even if you tell him not to expect anything, the fact that you want to go somewhere with him overnight (whether you are sharing a room or not) may lead him to (stupidly) think otherwise.
Out of town, several hours away. If you were not ready to share the same bed would you bring this up or would you just not go to avoid the whole scene?
Well I probably would not go if the only option is to sleep in a bed with him and I'm not comfortable with it. I would just bring up separate beds/rooms.

Is that the only factor that's making you hesitant?
When and only if you are both comfortable and respectful of eachother and the limitations if any.