

New Member
...is there such thing as overconditioning? If so, how much conditioner is needed until you overcondition? What are the symptoms of overconditioned hair?
I thought that overconditioned hair was soft and mushy. I mean that it breaks easy because it is too soft and not strong.
yes. Most of the protein conditioners that I use don't add moisture or soften. Over conditioning with protein results in hair that is usually dry and without much moisture.
Okay..thanks for the reply! I guess overconditioning could go either way...do you think that deep conditioning with LeKair and then following with Humectress would result in overconditioning.
For me that would be excessive. Lekair drys out your hair doesn't it? If you are having trouble with Lekair drying out your hair then it should be okay. But if your hair becomes too soft, you will be able to tell, use a stronger protein treatment, followed by a moisturizing conditioner.
Okay..when I first started developing a regimine..I was told I needed a deep conditioner..could Humectress alone serve as my deep conditioner?
If that is heavy enough for your hair. For me that would not be enough unless I used heat with it.