Well-Known Member
Is everyone still megasagging daily/nightly. I think I am getting lazy. Need some motivation here.
*gives her the eye* Consistancy and Frequency is KEY. KEY. The difference bettwen applying twice a week and apply 5 days a week is HUGE! *gives her the eye again* But, I understand, if you don't really want your hair to grow twice as fast - it's aiiight.....
The Eyebrows....How is the Megatek working for ya on that....HHG?
It's working REALLY well. I should take a picture of them too. My eyebrows tend to be thin on the inner sides (next to the nose) and since I've been using it, they fill in nicely. *lol* I try to only to the eyebrows every other day, since eyebrow hair grows so fast anyhow, and I'm not trying to have to start plucking/shaping them.