Out of the Shadows - Lurker Becomes New Member!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

Why I Joined - I joined LHCF after hearing a lot about it on YT. I decided in `08 that I needed to do something about my hair! I looked thru several blogs and websites about natural hair before settling on YT. After joining LHCF, I lurked for a loooong time. Now it's time to come out of the shadows!

Quick Hair History - At age nine, I begged for a perm (for length, not texture change) The longest my hair got was shoulder length ... until my stepmom put a perm in my hair two weeks after my mom did. Eek! My hair never recovered and I kept it in short cuts. Started thinking about going natural when I was fifteen, didn't have the courage (lol) Age eighteen, I got bored with the same look and decided to start dying it. Bad idea. Breakage!!! So at twenty years old, I went natural!!

The Pics - I need a better camera and closer pics to showcase my texture. First pic is during the first month after BC (my last perm was in December `08) I transitioned for two months. The second is a wet hair (with conditioner) pic at six months. Then seven months (ignore the fact that it wasn't picked out well - lol) And last .... this month, still wet from washing and picked out.

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Thank you ladies!

I get a lot of compliments about the thickness ... don't let it fool you! (lol) It's normal density, but thin in the crown and front. I think the natural-ness hides it well though.
Thank you, Toy! You're such an inspiration.

Thanks LilMissRed, your daughter is so cute!

Thank you, Bimtheduck!
Thanks, Darlingdiva!

I feel like I know everyone personally from their avatar & siggies (lol) Now I know I've been lurking too long...

your thread title reads like a news paper headline ... I hadda come in to get the scoop :lachen:
Welcome to LHCF! Love how you styled your hair in this pic.