Our Love Story - As Requested By Some of My Beautiful LHCF Sisters


Well-Known Member

I've had a few to ask me if I would share my new hubby and I's love story. I've posted this before on Chocolate Brides. Some of you that frequent that forum may have read/heard it before. Our story may not be the perfect fantasy, but it was the ordained path that had to take us in order to get to the point for marriage and for that I am so grateful. We've both learned so much from our process. I hope that in some way our love story inspires one person. I will also include a recap of the couple of days leading up to and our wedding day. Again, I hope this inspires someone to keep waiting on God and His timing. Like I said before I had already posted some of this on Chocolate Brides...so I will be copying and pasting most. It all may seem very long...but I want you all to see the journey that God put me on starting about maybe 8 years ago.

Here's our Story

In Awe of God's Faithfulness

Hello my beautiful sisters!

Before I go into a briefing of my and Larry’s love for each other. I would like to first tell you about the Faithfulness of God. Even when you’re not always faithful to Him, He never ever forgets His promises toward you. I write this not to brag, but as a Testament of who God is and His Faithfulness. I also write this as an encouragement to wait on the man that God has for you, not necessarily the one that you think you may want. But the one that God’s prepared, predestined and intentionally designed for your life. So that God may be glorified through your marriage.

Now, just a brief synopsis of God’s Faithfulness to me and my two sons:

At the age of 24 I found myself separated from my ex-husband and a single mom to a 4 year old and 1 year old. I remember being so angry with God that after living a life for Him that He would allow the generational curse of divorce to fall upon me. I found myself losing weight and slowly drifting into a state of depression. I would still go to church, but my heart wasn’t in it. The only reason I got out of bed during that time is because I knew I had two little ones who depended on me to look to Jesus for strength and comfort. Fast forward about a year to 2000, I felt an unction in my spirit to move to Atlanta, GA. Mind you I had lived in Milwaukee, WI my whole life and knew nothing and not many people in GA. But, at the age of 25, I left my two sons with my mother and stepfather for a couple of months while I found a job and got things together. I had no idea of the struggles and many blessings that God had in store for me in Atlanta. If I had the time I would tell you about all of them. However, I’m going to fast forward to about the year 2004.

Again I am in awe of God’s Love and Faithfulness

 In 2004 I left a permanent job to venture into what God was calling me to be and start a business. During that time I was without health insurance for myself, but had state insurance for my boys. I did not realize at that time that although it's part of God's plan for my life for me to work for myself, that it was not the right
season. As a result of the premature walk out of Corporate America, I was faced
with a lot of financial hardships. Just to name a few, repossession of a brand new
car, facing foreclosure twice, negative effects on credit and so on. But through
it all, my boys never missed a meal, had shoes on their feet, clothes on
their backs, haircuts, school supplies, Christmas gifts, and birthday gifts,
etc. As for me, I've never missed a meal (in fact I gained 20 lbs during that time, LOL!), lights and gas were never turned off, etc. Oh yes, there were many
days/nights of tears, uncertainty, screaming, kicking, not understanding.
However, that time also birthed steadfastness, faith, humility, love, respect, brokenness, increase in prayer life, closer walk with God, more clarity in hearing from God, patience, kindness and much more.

 Through my struggles God always had a ram in a bush and made provisions (Hallelujah, can someone say Jehovah Jireh!) for me and my sons. During those years of hardship God used people my friends and church family to bless my life and the lives of my boys. I truly thank God and appreciate everything that they’ve done for us. God used them to pray for us, words of encouragement, tough love, monetary gifts, hair cuts, time they’ve spent with my boys to give me sometime to myself, clothes for myself and the boys, food, food vouchers, resources of help, phone calls of love, payments of utility bills, loans, use of a car when my old one would break down, rides to the grocery store, free relaxer touch-ups/shampoos, e-cards of encouragement, smiles when I was crying on the inside and hugs when I felt alone. There is so much more that I could elaborate on, but it would be hard to put them all into this journal. I appreciate those acts of love and kindness that had no ulterior motives behind them. But was just God using them to help me in my time of need.
In November 2006 God once again showed favor! God blessed me with a new permanent job as a Business Analyst making way more money than I ever have in my entire life. This job is in the Gwinnett County area (which is where I live) meaning no more 1 ½ hours commute, I have health insurance benefits that are fully paid for by the company which started on day one, 3 weeks of vacation, and 401K that I’m fully vested in from day one of contributing to it. God has allowed me to get my credit back on track, pay off some debts (still have a few more to pay off, but God) have a new car that is reliable with affordable payments, I’m still living in my home after being faced with foreclosure twice (Thank you Jesus). I now have an MBA which I just completed in December. See this is what I mean by being in awe of God’s faithfulness!!! Look at God!!!!

My desire is that I will walk in all that God has called for me to do. My
desire is also that I am able to bless others (especially single parents) and
reciprocate the love and acts of kindness that have been shown to me and my boys.

Now for the love that Larry and I share!

As if God hadn’t already done enough, He decided that he would add a wonderful man to the mix. Not just any man, but a man that has a heart for Him and a heart for people. Our journey began in 2005 after he was divorced from his ex-wife. We met at church where we were both attending at the time. We started out as friends, but God saw fit for more than that! Larry would share his feelings for me throughout our friendship, but I would always kind of blow them off. For one thing, I “thought” he wasn’t my type (physical attributes) and always thought of him as nice guy that will be a great male friend. Not only would he tell me about his feelings for me but he would also show it. Let me tell you a little bit about those actions of love and about the man that God has given me. I mentioned earlier about those two years of struggle and hardship I endured and Larry was right there with me through it all from 2005-2006. Well I recall a time in April 2005 when I had just started a temporary assignment and Larry and I had only been friends for a little while at this time. I remember riding down I-85 that morning thinking man I only have ¼ tank of gas Lord how am I going to get back home from work. On my way home that day, I was about ½ way home and sitting in a lot of traffic. Larry happens to call to ask how my first day went and I told him it went great. But, he could tell in my voice that I was frustrated. So he asked what was wrong and I began to tell him my gas light is on and I don’t know if I’m going to make it home. He said don’t worry, where are you on I-85. So, I told him where I was he said if your light just came on you can get about 20 miles to a gallon. Mind you he had just got off work and was headed home (he also lived in Gwinnett County)…so little did I know that he had turned around and got on I-85 so that he can be going in the same direction I was in as a way to be somewhere close in case I ran out of gas. He talked to me the whole time and as I approached the gas station by my house he told me to stay right there. Y’all, I didn’t have a dime to my name and didn’t know how I was going to get to work the next day. Let me tell you that Larry pulled up in that gas station behind me and filled up my car with gas. Not only did he do that but he followed me home. He knew I was so frustrated that he told me to go upstairs take my shower and wind down and he would get things situated. When I came downstairs he had already cooked spaghetti and had fed my boys. All I had to do was eat and get started on my making some party favors for an order that I had for that weekend. He cleaned up my kitchen for me and also helped me with the party favors. We laughed and talked. He never made any suggestive/sexual moves on me it was just pure Christian friendship and a brother helping a fellow Christian sister in need. When he left that night I was in awe and couldn’t sleep. It was at that time that I began to pray and seek God. After that incident I was like wow what a great man and I started praying about why he was in my life. Look at God already starting to show me the heart of the man that he had created for me.
Well the more we talked on the phone and begin to share I noticed some of things he would say would sound so familiar to me. The word tells us that the Holy Spirit will bring all things to our remembrance. So, after a little while I was reminded of some of the things (not material things, but his character) I knew God said my mate would have. Of course, I go and dust off a journal of thoughts, prayers, and things God would say to me during my prayer time. Sure enough the qualities that Larry has and the goals he had for his life lined up with what God said I and my mate would have. After, that I started praying more and God would show me more of Larry’s heart. Not only that, but show me the ministry he had for our marriage and how he would get the glory out of our lives.

So after a little time passed we prayed and sought God and began dating in the summer of 2005. Our relationship was great we had so many things in common, but yet so many things not in common. One thing we had in common was our love for God and that we both love to praise and worship God. We began to grow and learn more about each other the good and the bad. We also had ups and downs. In the summer of 2006 we began premarital counseling at our church and found that we were compatible but the counseling only hit the surface but didn’t go deep. However, in the fall of 2006 we took a Radical Love class at our church which was 12 weeks long. I encourage all married couples and engaged couples to go to the website and research this course and see if it’s available at any church in your area. This class blessed us so, but it mainly deals with you as an individual, your childhood, and other things that made you into the person you are and how it affects your marriage life. It also goes deeply into how and why God gives us our spouses. And that is ultimately to make us more like Him and that he uses our spouses to do that. We graduated from that class in December 2006 and were so in awe and so excited to get married and had started making plans to be married around October 2007. Mind you a couple of months before that Larry had been hit with huge financial trouble. Unbeknownst to me, he was really struggling with that and wondering how he could take care of a wife and two additional children when he’s going through such financial hardship. Now this is when our relationship really started going through some tests and trials. Sadly, in March 2007 we broke up. I remember being so distraught and once again I found myself in a place where I was disappointed with God. I was so confused by it all, God why would you let this happen. You gave us your approval and the go ahead to get married. I couldn’t understand why God will allow me to experience love like that (something I hadn’t really experienced before not even with my ex husband) and then take it away from me. Well, for about 3 months after our break up I would not talk to Larry and I wouldn’t even answer his phone calls. I was hurt, upset, confused. It was difficult for both of us, because we still had so much love for each other. My close friends who walked this journey with us were there for me with prayers and words of encouragement. They would also tell me that it wasn’t over and don’t give up on Larry, but I didn’t want to hear it and my heart was beginning to harden. Every now and then during our break up I would hear a still small voice say to me “My promise hasn’t changed”, then at other times the still small voice would say to me “I have a much bigger plan, I will be glorified through your life”. As the months went on my heart began to soften and after a while, Larry and I would start to talk here and there. Fast forward to October 2007 around my birthday (which is October 18th) I had started to tell God that I will now be open to dating other people. And, that I totally surrender that area of my life to him. But y’all let me tell you what God has for you is for you. A couple of days before my birthday Larry and I had been talking more regularly over the phone and our conversations had started to change. Mind you Larry’s job had moved him to SC from Atlanta in August. So during this time away, Larry had been praying for us and God had been speaking to him about us. Well, on my birthday I and one of my girlfriends went to Las Vegas for the Steve Harvey Hoodie Awards weekend and to celebrate my birthday. Larry’s mother lives in Vegas so I finally got a chance to meet her (she came up to my hotel to meet me) and talk to me. Little did I know that he had already been talking to her weeks prior about me and that he was going to ask me if we could renew our relationship. He called a few times while I was in Vegas and the night before I left he told me that he had been praying about us for a while. And, he knows that God put me in his life to be his wife. He understood that God gave us 7 months separation for a reason. There were some things God needed to work on him about pertaining to his financial situation and being a man that can provide, but mostly dealing with his past relationship with his ex-wife and ensuring that the wounds from that relationship were healed. The morning that I was to come back to Atlanta, he called me and said that he loved me and wanted me and the boys to come visit him that weekend in SC. Well, we did and that Saturday night he took me out for a belated birthday dinner to a nice small but romantic Italian restaurant in Greenville. He pronounced his love for me again and also said that he was sorry for any hurt that I may have went through as a result of our break up and that he will prove to me that he is committed to marrying me and to the call God has on our lives. The end of October began the renewal of our relationship.

We knew immediately that we would get married in 2008 and we decided on May. We started making plans towards that but never really got officially engaged. These past few months have been wonderful. Our relationship is so different now. I can’t even explain the love we have for each other. It’s like that 7 months apart has birthed a new but deeper love. And, we are in such awe of God’s Faithfulness and that through it all God kept the promise that He made to us. However, everything was in His time.
Now the Proposal

To Friday, January 25, 2008.

It’s funny but on that Tuesday or Wednesday night I had a dream that Larry had officially proposed to me with a ring. However, I blew it off, because I know that we weretrying to save money for things that we’re going to need when we become one for our home, savings account and also for our small ceremony. I knew I would get a ring at some point but thought it would be close to our wedding day if not on the wedding day and I was cool with that. Then tha Thursday night after we got done with our nightly conversation and said our good night…I tossed and turned and called him back around 11:00 or so because I couldn’t sleep. Of course he answered the phone all groggy and discombobulated. LOL!! So, I ask him what he was doing and he said baby I’m sleep. I’m like baby I can’t sleep and he’s like why. I said I don’t know why, I just feel all bubbly on the inside. He just laughed. I told him well go on back to sleep, I’m sure I’ll get to sleep soon.

Wake up on Friday morning and I’m in such a great mood. I go to work feeling good because it’s the weekend. I took my lunch break at around 11 and went to Hobby Lobby to check out some flowers and other stuff that I could possibly use for our ceremony and reception. Well, I get back to the office walk towards my desk and I have a vase of roses sitting there. My co-worker says those just came for you. So, I’m now grinning from ear to ear. LOL!!! I open the card and it reads, “I love you and you are so beautiful! Hope you have a very blessed day. Love, Larry”. I’m totally shocked and trying to hold my tears back because I’m at work. I call him up to tell him thank you and say that they’re beautiful. He laughs and say I got you didn’t I you always say that you’re hard to surprise. I said yep, baby you got me this time, I was totally surprised. I had no clue that this was leading up to a proposal. One because, I knew him and his son (his son lives with him in SC and his daughter lives with his ex-wife here in Atlanta) wasn’t coming to Atlanta this weekend. Thursday evening I told him that on Friday evening I was going to our friends’ house ( a couple that just got married on January 5th), because my friend was going to put a perm in my hair. Little did I know that he had already purchased the ring, but was waiting for a time where I wouldn’t expect him to propose (the joke is that I always say I’m hard to surprise). So he called up his boy to let him know that I would be over there getting my hair done and that he would surprise me then with the ring. So, I get over there me and my friend are talking and she asked that me and my boys stay for dinner. She proceeds to start on my hair. She puts the relaxer in and then washes it out. I was wondering why she washing my hair like 10 times (didn’t know that she was stalling for time waiting for Larry to get there). LOL! So, her husband walks in with a bottle of wine. I’m not thinking anything of it, because there newlyweds and I’m like thinking to myself well I know what they’re getting into tonight. LOL! I’m thinking to myself dang, I can’t wait until I’m married so I can do the same. LOL!!! So, she finishes putting the conditioner on my hair rinse it out and then sits me in the chair to detangle my hair some more. I again was wondering why is she moving so slow she never moves this slow. So I thought okay she wants to make sure she gets all of the tangles out. So, I’m sitting in the chair looking crazy with my wet hair pulled back and the door bell rings. And, it’s my baby y’all walking in with his son and daughter (he picked her up from her mom so that she could be apart of it). So, I see my friends, they’re kids, my sons, Larry and his kids walking toward me. I’m still not knowing what’s going on. So, I’m so happy to see Larry and his kids. I’m like hey baby, so you decided to come down here this weekend, I thought you weren’t getting your daughter until next week. He says, I’m still going to get her next week, but I came down here today (and he pulls out this ring box and at this point I’m screaming and pushing back in my chair with my hands over my face) to ask you to be my wife. So, he walks toward me get on one knee, open the box, and say “Will you marry me.” I’m still screaming and in shock and he still sitting there waiting for me to say yes. LOL!!! After about 60 seconds, I say yes I’ll marry you. Man, he got me good, looking crazy and all with my wet hair!!!! I guess, he can surprise me after all!!! Our friends pulled out the wine and the husband says see you thought that this wine for me and my wife. But, it’s for you and Larry and we’re going to toast to this special and happy day! This whole time I’m crying and laughing then crying some more. My friend starts to continue with my hair, but I’m still crying and we’re all sitting around laughing joking and talking. My friend finally asks me do I need a minute before she continues blow dry my hair. She could tell that I was still in awe, praising God, and just remembering all that we went through, but mainly remembering God’s promises and His Faithfulness toward me.

That whole weekend I was so full and can’t describe what I was feeling. I’m in awe, because y’all I’m no where near perfect and I’ve made many mistakes during my walk with Christ. But, thank God that through His son Jesus when He looks at me He sees His righteousness! He loves little ole me enough, that even when I’m not faithful to Him or I don’t always keep my promises to Him…He is always Faithful!!! He keeps His promises, that may be delayed sometimes because of my own actions…but He always, always, bring them into fruition and manifest Himself and His glory. I will forever give God the praise and glory for who He is!!!
We're Gearing Up For What God Has In Store For Us

It feels soooooo good to be a Mrs.!!! We are so excited about what God has in store for us! No Limits...is a word that was spoken to us at the reception by one of my aunts. With God and each other there's nothing that we can't accomplish together. The best is yet to come! Every day since getting married has been wonderful. Every morning I wake up to a beautiful smile and a "Good Morning Wife" and a kiss.

I love my husband so much! I didn't realize how being married could be so wonderful. The touches, the caresses, the kisses, hugs, everything is so beautitful!!

The week of the wedding is kind of a blur for me...since everything went so fast. I do remember that I talked to one of my online friends quite a bit during that week. She was right there by my side (on the phone of course)...while I was in the stores looking for last minute stuff, freaking out over not being able to find shoes for the flower girl, etc. The week of the wedding was a little stressful, but I tried my hardest not to let it get to me. Oh, I talked to another online friend a couple of times as well, for final touches of the programs and bookmarks (which our guests really loved by the way). She also had very encouraging words that enabled me to stay focused on what the day was truly about.

Thursday 5.29.08

This day I was so excited...it was all I could do to sit down at work. This was my last day at work as a single woman. I got to work at around 6 and remember feeling like I did not want to be there. I was too excited to sit still and concentrate on work. The only thing that kept me there as long as I did, is that I was waiting on my package to arrive from Tashena. The packagae had very important items in it and I knew I had to sit there and wait for those until leaving. The package contained my beautiful programs and bookmarks. As soon as the package came...I broke camp and next thing I know I was in car. I opened the package because I couldn't wait until I get home to see the work that Tashena had done for me. Everything looked so nice, I remember thinking this day is really coming and I'm getting married. I sat there in the parking lot for a few minutes crying and thanking God for how this would be my last day at work as a single woman. I remember calling Tashena to thank her...we talked for a few more minutes and then I was off to my mani and pedi appointment. I am so glad that I got my feet and nails done on Thursday...I can't even imagine trying to do this on the day before the wedding. Getting my mani and pedi was a really relaxing time for me. I sat in the the spa chair and really relaxed and even was able to clothes my eyes for a few minutes of sleep. After that I did a little running around, went home finished packing my wedding night bag, reception and ceremony totes. I think I was on CB for a little wow that night and then I went to sleep.

Friday 5.30.08

This day was so exciting for me! I woke up with so much energy and so happy that I didn't have to go to work. When I got up I sent Larry a text to say Happy Wedding Eve day...tomorrow we will become one!!! This day was going so well. I got up got the car packed up, took my bath, got dressed and headed to my friend's house to pick up the wishing well/card box that she made for us. After that I headed to SC, dropped somethings off at the house. Got on the internet to see what was going on CB, made some changes to my telephone account and then I was off to find me another veil. That process went well, I was able to find another one that I liked rather quickly. I went to pick up the rental items for the ceremony, then went to check into my hotel. Then I headed to church around 2:30 to meet up with some of the women at the church who were going to help decorate. So, I'm thinking ok this day is going well, there's no stress! Wrong, while I'm at the church I get a call from my brother in Milwaukee about his wife and the kids will not be able to come. He was trying to get her a flight into Atlanta, but wanted to know how she would get to SC. I told him that the airport to where we are in SC is about 2 hours away...everyone is here in SC now and there was no way I would be able to go all the way back to down to Atlanta to get them and come back to SC at such late notice. I was furious at this point because my niece and nephew were the flower girl and ring bearer. So, we had a couple of more conversations and it turned out that they just wouldn't come. So, I get off the phone and start crying and the women at the church start making some calls and kept telling me everything will work out the way it should. At some point during this I get a call from my online CB friend right in the nick of time...she was calling to check up on me and I started telling her what was going on. She said the same thing that God will work everything out and that the day was going to happen with or without the flower girl and ring bearer. After that I call my matron of honor her and her husband were in the Milwaukee airport waiting on their flight to come in. I started telling her what was going on and she started to pray with me and say encouraging words as well. Well, within in an hour or so after all of this and phone calls that the women at church made, I had a flower. I spoke with the girls' mom and she said she would bring her to the rehearsal since her husband was the host anyway. Do you know she brought her daughter up there and the shoes and the dress that I bought for my neice was a perfect fit for the new flower girl...Look at God!!! After this I was amazed and knew that our wedding day was ordained by God and nothing was going to stop it from happening. So all in all we did have a flower girl but no ring bearer and that was ok, because the day went the way God wanted it to go!

The ladies started decorating before the rehearsal. They wouldn't let me help at all they asked what I wanted and if I liked what they were doing. Everything looked beautiful...I cried a few times while they were decorating. The rehearsal was supposed to start at 6, but it started a little late because we were waiting on hubby to get back and waiting on the coordinator (my cousin). Once things got started the flow was perfect...the rehearsal dinner also went well. After all of this I was beat, went to my hotel room, talked to maid of honor for a little while, talked to hubby, looked on CB and then went to bed.
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Saturday 05.31.08

This day went by so quickly!!! I can't describe with words how I was feeling on this day!!! I felt like I was dreaming the whole day...I couldn't believe that the day had finally come. I began my day at 4 am. I had slept so well the whole night, that bed in the hotel was so comfortable. When I got up at 4, I got on my knees and prayed thanking God for the day, asking for his blessing upon our union and that the day will flow according to how He wanted it to be. After the prayer I text my Matron of Honor and told her that I was a little nervous, so much so that my stomach was a little upset. I also text my husband to tell him Happy Wedding Day! Then I started hearing thunder and rain outside. I was like Lord, please don't let it rain all day today. God worked that out and by the time I was done with my hair appointment the sun was shining ever so brightly. I felt God smiling on us the whole day! Well, I got dressed and headed down to check out and make way to my 6:30am hair appointment. When I was in the lobby checking out of the hotel, the complimentary breakfast smelled so good! So of course I walked over there, but I couldn't grab any real food. My stomach was just too upset for all of that. However, I did realize that the day would be long and I probably wouldn't be able to eat a whole lot so I grabbed a banana and was out.

I got to the salon and the stylist was pulling in as I was pulling in. I remember thinking great she's on time! My husband then came in about 15 minutes later to drop off his daughter so that she can get her hair done as well. Great, everything is moving as planned. So I thought! Well the tux place asked Larry to be there at 7 due to the screw up on my oldest son tux, so that they can get him another one. Of course Larry was up there by 7 and no one was there and had not gotten there until 10. My baby was so upset, he only called me about it once though and handled it after that. Everything worked out and all the guys were at the church in time.

Ok, back to me... so my hair is done, my stepdaughter's hair is done and we have enough time to spare. So, we head to Walmart to get her some bridal barrettes to put in the back of her hair. Once we were done we headed to the church and got there right at 9:30. The wedding started at 1:00 and to some getting there that soon may have be too early ( I heard after the fact that a couple of people was mouthing about that...that's a whole other story), but that time went by so fast.

The day just flowed...the make up artist, photographer, videographer and everyone showed up on time. I sat in my bridal room and started to take in all the moments and everything that was happening around. I felt like a queen the whole day. I was getting lovely texts from friends, family, online friends from CB throughout the day that kept me sane. Then it was time to get on my makeup...once my maid of honor and matron of honor and day of coordinator (my cousin) saw that they all started to tear up. Which got me started, but I kept it in. Then the photographer came and it was time to put on my dress, no one was in the room at that time, but my cousin and photographer. Yes, my mother should have been there doing that, but she was held up by my stepfather I was furious about that. Because, he knows this day was about me and so what if they would have had to be there a couple of hours early. Ok, I digress, let me move on. So, my cousin laced me up, helped with my jewelry and shoes while the photographer took pictures. This is one of my closest cousins ever so this was a very special moment for us. We are double cousins at that...our mothers are sisters and our fathers are brothers. While she was helping with my dress and everything she started crying then, I started crying (but she made sure I didn't mess up my make up, LOL). After this everything was a blur, I remember my maid of honor and matron of honor coming back in and seeing me with everything on and they both started crying and ran out of the room so I wouldn't see them so that I can keep it together. After this the day pretty much is a blur. I remember getting a text from one online friend from CB about an hour before the wedding letting me know she had made it, my Mom finally got there and her and I had our special moment by ourselves. I remember my cousin telling me that the person doing the poem hadn't arrived, so then she got a call saying that the poet had a flat tire and was still in Atlanta and wouldn't make it in time. Before I could panic, my cousin stepped in and asked the soloist if she could sing Give us this day or the Lord's Prayer in her place. I was calm and then started thinking about my baby and our children and starting our life together. Oh, the videographer came in the room and asked me some questions about Larry and how we met, what I loved about him most and then I started balling. That was so special.....

So, it was time and my cousin came in the room to let me know that they were going to start lining up. Let me tell you my cousin was not playing and she knows how prompt I am so she made sure that the wedding started on time.

So, I'm in the room by myself and I hear the "I Promise" song start which was to start the entrance of the parents. I really lost it then because I knew the ceremony had started and that I will soon see my husband to be. I couldn't wait to see him and be joined with him by his side. I started to hear God's precious love (the bridal party song and knew that my time was drawing close). At this point my make up artist had came in the room to sit with me and keep me company and to also see if I needed any touch ups. Well, my cousin cued her that it was my time. I walked out of the room filled with different emotions, greatfulness to God, excitement, love, the presence of God. Just a plethora of emotions. So, I walk to the vestibule and see a couple of my close friends peaking through the window and waving and then another friend...I almost lost it then. Then I saw my two sons looking so handsome waiting for me. Oh my God, I lost it!!! Then I get to the door I wait a few minutes until the host and hostess finish with the aisle runner. They open the door and I am in awe of how everything was so beautiful!!! The lights were dimmed, the candles were lit, and before I can take a couple of steps down the aisle I was crying. I saw the gorgeous smile on my husband's face and then I say his tears start to fall and I was no more good after that. So, yall I really don't know how the pictures will turn out!! I couldn't wait to be up there with my husband. I remember as I walked down the hall hearing a lot of sniffing so I knew people were crying as well, but I tried to stay focused on Larry. Next thing I know we were lighting the unity candle, doing the blended family ceremony vows, we kissed and then did our exit. In which I forgot to grab my bouquet!

The day couldn't have been more beautiful, I couldn't have dreamed of this day. God worked this day out to be more than I could have ever dreamed!!! He did exactly what we asked Him to do. Our prayer was that people will first feel his presence in that place on our wedding day and feel the love that we share for Him, each other and our children. I tell you I felt that all day long and especially when it was time for my entrance.

The reception turned out wonderful and we ended up having more than enough food and room for everyone in attendance in the church fellowship hall. The food was really good and the cake was the bomb!!! Again, we couldn't have asked for a better wedding day!

The wedding night was beautiful! I love my husband so!!!

That's it for the recap...I wish I could write more so that you can feel how I felt on that glorious day!!! It was such a blur and went by so fast. Again, I really hope this inspires one person. Thanks for allowing me to share and I'm honored that some of you even asked me to share.
I am sitting here in awe of your sharing such a wonderful blessing that God has bestowed on you both. I pray many blessings on your families lives.

Thank you for sharing.
such a beautiful story. i am very happy for you both and your great family. new beginnings and second chances God does indeed supply. :yep:
In November 2006 God once again showed favor! God blessed me with a new permanent job as a Business Analyst making way more money than I ever have in my entire life. This job is in the Gwinnett County area (which is where I live) meaning no more 1 ½ hours commute, I have health insurance benefits that are fully paid for by the company which started on day one, 3 weeks of vacation, and 401K that I’m fully vested in from day one of contributing to it. God has allowed me to get my credit back on track, pay off some debts (still have a few more to pay off, but God) have a new car that is reliable with affordable payments, I’m still living in my home after being faced with foreclosure twice (Thank you Jesus). I now have an MBA which I just completed in December. See this is what I mean by being in awe of God’s faithfulness!!! Look at God!!!!

My desire is that I will walk in all that God has called for me to do. My
desire is also that I am able to bless others (especially single parents) and
reciprocate the love and acts of kindness that have been shown to me and my boys.

Now for the love that Larry and I share!

As if God hadn’t already done enough, He decided that he would add a wonderful man to the mix. Not just any man, but a man that has a heart for Him and a heart for people. Our journey began in 2005 after he was divorced from his ex-wife. We met at church where we were both attending at the time. We started out as friends, but God saw fit for more than that! Larry would share his feelings for me throughout our friendship, but I would always kind of blow them off. For one thing, I “thought” he wasn’t my type (physical attributes) and always thought of him as nice guy that will be a great male friend. Not only would he tell me about his feelings for me but he would also show it. Let me tell you a little bit about those actions of love and about the man that God has given me. I mentioned earlier about those two years of struggle and hardship I endured and Larry was right there with me through it all from 2005-2006. Well I recall a time in April 2005 when I had just started a temporary assignment and Larry and I had only been friends for a little while at this time. I remember riding down I-85 that morning thinking man I only have ¼ tank of gas Lord how am I going to get back home from work. On my way home that day, I was about ½ way home and sitting in a lot of traffic. Larry happens to call to ask how my first day went and I told him it went great. But, he could tell in my voice that I was frustrated. So he asked what was wrong and I began to tell him my gas light is on and I don’t know if I’m going to make it home. He said don’t worry, where are you on I-85. So, I told him where I was he said if your light just came on you can get about 20 miles to a gallon. Mind you he had just got off work and was headed home (he also lived in Gwinnett County)…so little did I know that he had turned around and got on I-85 so that he can be going in the same direction I was in as a way to be somewhere close in case I ran out of gas. He talked to me the whole time and as I approached the gas station by my house he told me to stay right there. Y’all, I didn’t have a dime to my name and didn’t know how I was going to get to work the next day. Let me tell you that Larry pulled up in that gas station behind me and filled up my car with gas. Not only did he do that but he followed me home. He knew I was so frustrated that he told me to go upstairs take my shower and wind down and he would get things situated. When I came downstairs he had already cooked spaghetti and had fed my boys. All I had to do was eat and get started on my making some party favors for an order that I had for that weekend.

OK. So, I haven't read everything. I just had to stop here because I have tears in my eyes.. I actually just squealed.. Go Head Larry.. The only problem is that I am in a CE class.. So everyone just start staring.... God is Good.. Ok, back to the story...

ETA: Thank you so much for sharing your story.. I am truly overjoyed for you and your Husband.. You guys have a wonderful life to look forward to with a very strong foundation.. It does more that inspire me.. Thank you again.
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Your story is so beautiful. The ups and downs in your relationship probably didn't feel like a fairy tale when it was happening but it reads like one now. I have a big ole lump in my throat after reading it all. I'm sooo happy for you! I can feel your spirit in your words. Congratulations. May God Bless your union completely!
Thanks for sharing this with us!

I have to come back later and finish, before I be up in here boo-hooing at work.
I had to come back in. I have been very busy today and didn't get to read every part, but I have just finished the proposal with tears in my eyes. My heart is over filled and I cannot express my thanks for your sharing. I have no problems sharing in the joy of my sisters and expressing how blessed you have made me today. All I know is I will have to wait until I get home to finish your wedding recap as I haven't started crying yet, but I will be if I continue reading now.

What I keep coming back to is, "God is faithful, even when we are not faithful to him." So very true. Thank you again.
I was so touched reading this.

As a divorced single mom who hopes to wed again one day..this was so insprational!!!:yep:
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. Very inspiring and encouraging! I am happy for you and your new family!
What a beautiful story. I could feel the love and the spirit throughout your posts. Congrats!
God is truly amazing and wants the best for all of us! Your story is a testament of his greatness!!!
I pray that God will forever be at the center of your relationship and may God continue to bless you and your husband more each day, Divine! Thanks for sharing!
Congrats. Congrats. Congrats.:yep: :yep: :yep:

To God be the Glory! God is so faithful too us! :yep:

What an inspriation you and your husband and childern are!

God is GOOD!

Woman, you have taken too many of my tears today :grin: LOL

I love your stroy, you are a such a sweetie and your husband such a wonderful man.

May God continue to bless your marriage and your family.

I think I'm so teary because your story is so similar to mine, in how I met my bf. Just like you I like I could have passed up on the love of my life because I thought he wasn't 'my type' :spinning:.
You wrote a book.:lachen: I am half way through but have to step out. Thanks for sharing so far. I got to the Larry and the gas part. I love hearing love stories. Thank you for allowing me to realize that God can make life better than we imagined it to be.