Our engagement is over


New Member
Yep, I'm ok now, I had a rough few days but I'm getting better. We had been arguing for ages then the other day he said what we were constantly arguing about was wrong (him wanting me to be more like him) and that I'm fine as I am but we are just different. That is fine and I accept that, too much bad stuff went on.

But now he has moved on and met someone else in less than a week after 4 years. We have been polite but then I come home to find he has left papers out about family planning and got condoms then left a feminine looking business card in the bathroom as to rub my face in it.

This just reminds me of what a jerk he can be, how can he be so uncaring when he loved me last week?

Pray for me please x
:bighug: I'm sorry to hear that this has happen to you.

Are you certain he has met someone in such a short time?
Yeah I could hear him talking to a female on the phone so I asked. I was fine at first and sort of pleased for him, then he started leaving things around for me to see, I've gone to stay with my mum until he leaves
I know it hurts now, but girl you dodged a major bullet. Anybody who leaves things around intentionally to hurt you needs to be completely removed from your life. How cruel!

Sounds like he was already talking to her to me, so don't beat yourself up that he's moved on so quickly. It may not have been quick at all.

Praying for you to find strength in the midst of pain and that you are sent a real man that will show you what love really is. xoxo
Thanks CV, If I told you some of the stuff he has done to me, why did I bother, I know I'm better off without him. The thing is he thinks he is so great but he is not
Butterfly Wings, at least you dodged a bullet; you could've married him.

Hang in there, this too shall pass!!!
Keep your head up. The hurt is less over time.

Me thinks he was already talking to ole girl and just needed a reason to break up with you. Men can be so stupid sometimes.

A little chuckle for you, I was in Walmart (imagine that) yesterday and saw a guy who had on a tee shirt that said, "If a man talks in the forest and no woman is there to hear him, is he still wrong?" I commented to him about his shirt and told him, "Yes, he is still wrong." :lachen: He said he knows that.
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I'm sorry you went through so much with him butterfly wings. (((hugs))) I'm sure you learned a lot from this relationship and will never put up with so much again. I bet the next guy will be a sweetheart.
Holy Cow! So sorry.

Ok, I never EVER do this but I am about to quote a BBBbbb, a um, Beeee, <clears throat>...Im about to quote a Beyonce song, Best Thing I Never Had:

"You showed your a** and I saw the real you

Thank God you blew it
Thank God I dodged the bullet
I'm so over you
So baby good lookin' out"

<runs out screaming while cleaning mouth out with soap>
May I ask, why didn't he leave? I am assuming it is your place or is it joint? This is not good, he did wrong and not showing respect to you or himself by dating so soon, plus you two sharing the same space during his carousing. Good luck to the other woman, it will happen to her too.

God has someone way better than him waiting for you. Pray for what you want and be patient and thank God for showing you the light on this one.

Good luck and God Bless.
ewwww...he is hella rude....i know you're not ready to hear this because it's way too fresh but baby you are better off without him....soon you'll be asking yourself why you were with that loser in the first place!!!
and why did he ask you to marry him in the first place if he wasn't liking that you weren't "more like him"??? smh.....
i hate to say it but he may have been cheating as just "finding" someone after 4 years is not likely.this is probably the best gift you could get. breaking an engagement is rough but getting a divorce :nono:
I know it hurts, but this is good news. He did you a favor. You deserve much better and you'll find a relationship with someone who treats you very well and loves you for who you are.
Hey sweetie

Big hugs. You will get better and better and stronger and stronger as time goes on. You are in my prayers xxx
As someone said, those cruel things he is doing now to hurt you and the other things you havent mentioned in this thread would have only increased if you married him. God is doing you a HUGE favor by letting this one go and one day you'll see that very clearly.
Update: I went to the flat when he agreed that he would be out and packed all of his things in rubbish bags and sent them in a van to his parents house LOL. Revenge is sweet his is broke and sleeping on his parents couch. What goes around comes around :)