Other Cultures Love Our Hair!!!


Well-Known Member
I was at the grocery store today and a Mexican gentlemen approached me and commented on how much he liked my hair. He wanted to know if it was natural or not, I told him "Yes" ...just to keep it moving and because I thought he was asking too many questions, and I didn't feel like explaining to him that I texlax and I am over 8 weeks post relaxer and that I was wearing an afro phony pony:lol:

Anyway he goes on to tell me how much he loves my hair and how he wishes his hair was like mine so that he could wear an afro:lol:

He says all of this in broken English mind you, but I thought it was a valuable lesson in how other cultures really do admire our 4B kinks:D

Not a really life changing thing, just a cute story I thought I would share:look:
ITA, you should see the compliments the white and indian people at my school gave me when we went on a school trip and i took my cornrows out. They werelike "Christina why do you wear weaves?, it looks so much better like that, wear it like that!!!"...i was like :D well ok....ahhh good times
Crissi said:
ITA, you should see the compliments the white and indian people at my school gave me when we went on a school trip and i took my cornrows out. They werelike "Christina why do you wear weaves?, it looks so much better like that, wear it like that!!!"...i was like :D well ok....ahhh good times

Your avatar pic is making me hungry.:lol:
Lol what can i say, i love my ackee & saltfish,with fried dumpling..and lets not forget that guiness punch....seeesh i love my grandma, that was the highlight of xmas
Crissi said:
Lol what can i say, i love my ackee & saltfish,with fried dumpling..and lets not forget that guiness punch....seeesh i love my grandma, that was the highlight of xmas
REPRESENT!!!! we had the same xmas lolz. Did I tell u I was in B'ham???

Anyway, back on topic. I get great response to my hair when I leave it out BUT black girls at my school always have something negative to say. Or they will nicely say "it will look so cute if you straighten it"
Oh definitely - some of them do!

I got that all the time when I was natural, or whenever I was explaining my different hairstyles to people.

They would say, "Your hair is so cool. I wish my hair was like yours. You have some many options. Your hair even stands up on its own. My hair is so boring..."

And I smile and thank them and think, "You think you want it, but wait until you try and get a comb through it - you would give it back fast!":lol:

But seriously, I agree with them. When I look around at other races (esp white people - Latinas, Asians and Middle Easterners tend to have thick luscious hair), I see a lot of boring, flat, limp, heads of hair. And they don't do much with it. Outside of Pantene and L'oreal commercials, I very rarely see a white girl with hair that I would want. Even if straight is your thing, I think a healthy thick head of relaxed hair on a black girl usually looks much better than most of the white girls' hair that I see. I dunno - maybe that's just UK white people. That's why I've been surprised to see people of here take "hair like a white girl" as a compliment. It depends on the white girl. If it's Debra Messing, or that girl that was in "Felicity", or Julia Roberts back in the day, or Jennifer Aniston, then fine. But hair like the woman who sat beside me on the subway this morning? Uh-Uh. :nono:
Thanks for the story, I needed to read it this morning because I'm feeling a little down about my real hair these days.

I've decided to let my wigs go and focus on rockin' my real hair in a nice curly style plus I'm about 7 weeks post relaxer (also texlaxed). I changed my hair last Friday to a straight weave and my coworkers were ignorant about it. So I cut the weave out last night and rollerset my hair and this morning, I'm loving it! All curls and bounce, and I'm expecting more ignorant comments. But hey - I gotta do what I gotta do. My hairline did NOT like the wigs although they got the job done! It's good to know that there are folx out there that appreciate our natural hair!
Bosslady1 said:
You are soo right!...thats why it kinda bugs me when I see other cultures trying to rock dreads...:confused:

there's a white gurl, white boy, and an asian boy at my school with dreads...prolly a whole lot more too!!! why oh why?!?!?!
Where I live I see tons of Caucasians with locks, it doesn't bother me though more power to them. I have actually seen a couple of good looking locks on Caucasians.:look: