OT: I need to vent...


New Member
Why is it that people who discover that I wear phony-pony's or my half-wigs automatically assume I do so because I have NO hair??!! :rolleyes: It really bothers me how ignorant people can be towards hair care. And then when I explain WHY I choose PS rather than frying/handling my hair daily, and explain that I do have a very FULL head of SL hair, they seem to want to back peddle at that point and even ask questions. SMH....

And yes I am going out tonight and YES I will be wearing my phony-pony :grin:

Okay, thanks for letting me vent. LOL!
there are a lot of black women (non lhcf) who wear wigs/weaves/phoneys that really don't have a lot of hair. So its not really a shock that folks will automatically assume you dont have hair underneath that fake hair.

Whenever I go into the salon and someone is getting a weave job, or a long ponytail attached...they don't have much hair to start. That doesn't mean all people who wear fake hair are bald underneath. But u have to separate your thinking (someone who knows the deal about hair)...with the rest of the community who does not
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I think its because most people in the black community (at least the ones I see) where fake hair when they do not have much hair. It is like they are trying to cover up a disaster area. Most people do not know about PSin. So don't be to offended when people do not think/know you have a full head of hair. Before I came to LHCF, I use to think the same way. I think its just because half the people I knew who were wearing weaves or phony ponys had little to no hair or the ladies I saw on the street, their hair lines receded half into the middle of their head (I still see this and after LHCF, I'm tempted to rub thier scalp for them. :perplexed)
I think its because most people in the black community (at least the ones I see) where fake hair when they do not have much hair. It is like they are trying to cover up a disaster area. Most people do not know about PSin. So don't be to offended when people do not think/know you have a full head of hair. Before I came to LHCF, I use to think the same way. I think its just because half the people I knew who were wearing weaves or phony ponys had little to no hair or the ladies I saw on the street, their hair lines receded half into the middle of their head (I still see this and after LHCF, I'm tempted to rub thier scalp for them. :perplexed)

there are a lot of black women (non lhcf) who wear wigs/weaves/phoneys that really don't have a lot of hair. So its not really a shock that folks will automatically assume you have hair underneath that fake hair.

Whenever I go into the salon and someone is getting a weave job, or a long ponytail attached...they don't have much hair to start. That doesn't mean all people who wear fake hair are bald underneath. But u have to separate your thinking (someone who knows the deal about hair)...with the rest of the community who does not

Thanks for responding. I think I take offense so much because they seem so judgemental :sad: about any type of weave in general. And after being a member of these boards I see that it is probably more out of not knowing than anything else.
This happened to my friend. She has beautiful thick BSL-MBL hair, but for ease and convenience she wears a weave. When she took it out to let her hair rest the people at her job almost died from hating!
They had all kind of comments like they couldn't believe she actually had hair. I guess they thought she was bald underneath.:ohwell:
This happened to my friend. She has beautiful thick BSL-MBL hair, but for ease and convenience she wears a weave. When she took it out to let her hair rest the people at her job almost died from hating!
They had all kind of comments like they couldn't believe she actually had hair. I guess they thought she was bald underneath.:ohwell:

I actually love that reaction. I'm known for wearing extensions and the other day, my coworker said she could see how long my hair was and held a section about 3-4 inches from my scalp and asked if that's where my hair ends. I told her it wasn't. She said, "It's shorter?" I told her I could undo a section and show her. She insisted she had figured it out now. Again she was wrong. So I undid a braid. When she saw my hair, she was floored. I loved her reaction. She also said she had no idea I had hair that was SL. It didn't offend me at all.

So if people think I have no hair when I know better, I just let them think that and look forward to the day the truth will speak for itself.
I agree with everyone, I mean come on, you KNOW most black females just weren't taught properly to care for their hair so they don't have much of it.