ORS Replenishing Pak b4 Neutralizing...


Well-Known Member
Have any of you ever used ORS Replenishing Pak/conditioner right after rinsing the relaxer and right before neutralizing? If so, what were the results like and how long did you leave it on for? Also, would any of you advise against using it in this manner and instead use it after neutralizing? TIA:)!
I have done this the last two times that I self-relaxed and my hair came out strong, shiny and mosisturized. I think it is an excellent step before neutralizing.

I left it on for about 10-15 minutes.
MoMo said:
I have done this the last two times that I self-relaxed and my hair came out strong, shiny and mosisturized. I think it is an excellent step before neutralizing.

I left it on for about 10-15 minutes.

After you neutralized, did you deep condition (again) or just put in your leave-in and style?
myztiquecleo said:
Wat is Neutralizing?? wat do u do? wat do u use??

Neutralizing is basically bringing your hair back to it's normal pH. Relaxers have a high pH and you have to use a neutralizing shampoo to ensure all the relaxer is out of your hair and the pH of your hair is back to normal. There are conditioners that help lower the ph of the hair but still need to use a neutralizing shampoo.
kels823 said:
10 mins under a baggie under the dryer. Then rinse, neutralize, DC, etc. :)

Okay. Thank you:)! I'm gonna use the replenishing pak before neutralizing the next time I relax then. Based on the instructions, I wasn't sure I could do it but I will use it without the heat. Just an fyi, it's not really necessary for you use heat with your conditioner b4 neutralizing since the hair cuticle is already open due to the relaxer. The purpose of using heat is to open up the cuticle so the conditioner can really penetrate into the hair. Nevertheless, if you aren't experiencing any problems doing it your way, then by all means continuing doing what works for you; just giving you a heads up;).
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Nixx said:
After you neutralized, did you deep condition (again) or just put in your leave-in and style?

I most certainly did. I used a reconstructor mixed with EVOO, Coconut Oil, honey and Coconut milk.
But you guys if you're waiting to neutralize...um, isn't the relaxer still processing?

Can someone tell me that? Cause I'm texlaxed and I don't allow the relaxer to process for any longer than 5 minutes on my head, so if I just rinse it off isn't it still processing?
Oooou Nixx, good point! Im so used to the dryer... :) Thanks for pointing that out!

Lana - Yah I believe the relaxer is still processing. I rinse very well but I know the relaxer is still doing its thing. Tomorrow will be my first time texlaxing so Im actually not sure how this process will affect my hair. (before I would relax bone straight so that extra 10 mins didnt matter to me) Ill just have to see how it goes. You may not have to leave it on for the full 10 mins tho.
does it matter wheter or not you use the Lye or No lye relaxer? Do still need to neutralize with both? and for the no lye relaxers they usually come witht heir own products and shamppoos/moisturizers is that not enough?PLZ let me know so when I do my next relaxer im on point lol
myztiquecleo said:
does it matter wheter or not you use the Lye or No lye relaxer? Do still need to neutralize with both? and for the no lye relaxers they usually come witht heir own products and shamppoos/moisturizers is that not enough?PLZ let me know so when I do my next relaxer im on point lol

Whether you're using lye or no-lye, you need to neutralize. With the no-lye relaxers in the box, everything you need is already there (including the neutralizing shampoo). It is usually enough but for some it's not IMO. Some no-lye relaxers don't come with a deep conditioner and have just a leave-in; depends on what you're using. However, if you ever feel the need for additional conditioning, you can definitely proceed in doing so with your own product(s) if what's needed isn't in the box. ORS's relaxer kit is very good in that it actually includes a deep conditioner.
Nixx said:
Whether you're using lye or no-lye, you need to neutralize. With the no-lye relaxers in the box, everything you need is already there (including the neutralizing shampoo). It is usually enough but for some it's not IMO. Some no-lye relaxers don't come with a deep conditioner and have just a leave-in; depends on what you're using. However, if you ever feel the need for additional conditioning, you can definitely proceed in doing so with your own product(s) if what's needed isn't in the box. ORS's relaxer kit is very good in that it actually includes a deep conditioner.

Also, I noticed that the relaxer instructions suggest to neutralize twice...but many of us neutralize much more than that...to make sure ALL of the relaxer is out.