ORS Olive oil relaxer


Island Gyal
I self relaxed yesterday with ORS olive oil relaxer (no lye) and I had great results. I read good reviews on that relaxer here so I decided to try it. I love it! I'm gonna give profectiv a break for now.

Oh I also need to say that my hair is a bit longer than it was before my last relaxer in 06. This is the longest my hair has been in eons. I had apl hair one time...... long long ago.... when my hair was relaxed for the very first time. It all went down hill from there due to lack of proper care. It NEVER got back to that length. That's why APL is my goal. If I can get back there I will be satisfied.

I took pics but I haven't uploaded them as yet. I will on the weekend.
Thanks for the review! I want to try this. My last relaxer purchase was Designer Essentials last year, but I don't want to order hair products. Someon on the board used the technique of relaxing 1 side with their old relaxer and relaxing the other side with a new brand as a means of transitioning to a new relaxer.

I relaxed yesterday. I will post pics when I find my camera.
This is the relaxer that I use. I have used for almost 2 years now. I decided to try it because I loved ORS products. It has been pretty good for me as well.
yes ORS products work well .... I really like the replenishing pak and I've been using their oil sheen for yrs.
i used the ORS lye regular about 2 weeks ago for the first time and i love it (even though i think overprocessed some parts of my hair). next time i'll know better, i think it's a keeper. no more mizani for me!
I am not sure of it's a chemical imbalance, but this relaxer gave me the extreme itchies about 3 days after use. I am glad it worked out for you!
some pic post relaxer lastnight

the first pic is right after I blowdried and gthe 2 others are after flatironing


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I wrapped my hair before I went to sleep and these pics below show how my hair looks today


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Did it get your hair super straight? My mom has considered texlaxing her hair with this relaxer. I always heard that ORS relaxer didn't get people's hair too straight. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Did it get your hair super straight? My mom has considered texlaxing her hair with this relaxer. I always heard that ORS relaxer didn't get people's hair too straight. Please correct me if I am wrong.
It got my hair straight but I had to smooth it quite a bit
I wrapped my hair again lastnight.... I still have really nice results this morning. My hair is bouncy, light and smooth. I think ORS is a keeper!
Thanks for the review. I've been thinking about using this relaxer but I have been on the fence. Your review definitely helps!
Val, did u have to smooth with your hands or comb???

i recently retouched with ORS No Lye Regular and it got the majority of my new growth straight, but i have an area that is shorter/breaking and it didnt seem to take there.
Maybe i should use a finer tooth comb to smooth.....