ORS Olive Oil Kit


New Member
I just wanted to ask if you all use everything in this kit. Meaning the shampoo, conditioner, set mousse, replenishing pak and hair lotion. I'm getting a relaxer tomorrow and I would like to know if I should ask the woman to use her products or the ones in the box. I've only used a no-lye once before. I decided to use this instead of the Silk Elements since I'm not so sure about it. I don't want my hair to be accidentally texlaxed or underprocessed.
I don't. I only use the relaxer and the replen. pak. And I only use the replen. pak to base my hair to protect it against overlapping. I don't like it as a conditioner.

I use diff. products afterwards.
I don't use the Set Mousse or Hair Lotion that comes in the kit. I usually just substitute the ORS Olive Oil Cream (jar) for the Hair Lotion. I find the cream to be much more moisturizing than the lotion. But all of the other items in the kit are excellent!!!
I only use the shampoo& the replenishing pak. I find the Olive Oil lotion to be too heavy for me but I love the jar version. I've never tried the foam as a leave-in, I prefer creamy leave-ins.
I use pretty much everything in the pack except the mousse and the hair lotion as well. I just have other moisturizers and setting lotions that I use instead. I love the shampoo it comes with though, it feels great.