ORS Lye relaxer users....


New Member
Do you use the Creamy Aloe Shampoo as your neutralizing shampoo? Or does ORS make a separate neutralizing shampoo?

I wanna make sure that I buy all the right stuff, since I"m switching from no-lye to lye.

They make an ORS "professionals" neutralizing shampoo. However, the bottle is huge and it's $12:eek: . I used it for my last relaxer and it was pretty good though.
I have a big bottle of Motions Neutralizing Shampoo that I need to use up, so I use that. It gets the job done.
I used the creamy aloe! It was the "original" neutralizing poo they made for the no-lye relaxer anyway.:) Plus it neutralizes and removes calcium build-up.;)
I just used this(the lye version) tonight for the 1st time and I am in LOVE.

I used my Elasta QP neutralizing shampoo I already had and the Creamy Aloe shampoo.
CAPlush said:
They make an ORS "professionals" neutralizing shampoo. However, the bottle is huge and it's $12:eek: . I used it for my last relaxer and it was pretty good though.

This is the same one I use. :)