ORS Lye Relaxer Is NOT For Me! (Pic)


Well-Known Member
I tried this for my last relaxer and it was the worse! I left it on for 40 minutes, smoothed it real good, AND I had accidentally got Extra strength. I can't believe how underprocessed I am!!! I might as well had not relaxed at all. All my new growth is still evident. I could've gotten these results from relaxing with conditioner. My hair is naturally resistant so I always leave it on a little longer. And I relax in halves. This is ridiculous though. Even my edges, nape aren't fully relaxed and those are the least resistant sections of my hair.

I only used this because I couldn't get to Sally's to get my Silk elements. I'm definitely gonna have to do a corrective and I'm never straying again. Smh:nono:

Sorry this happened to you. I have read here and on BHM that ORS is not for people with resistant hair.

I was going to try it but my hair would laugh at it just like your hair did.
I don't relax bone straight but I'm not trying to be texlaxed either. I used to use the box one and it didn't get me where I needed to be either.
I find the ORS no lye to be fabulous. I self relaxed recently (and I am a novice at self relaxing) and I'm very pleased with the results. Not over or under processed but just right.
My Hair didn't have much success with ORS either (i tried both no lye and lye).

your freshly relaxed hair looks really pretty OP, but i can definitely understand that its not your desired result.
I prefer the no lye version of Silk Elements. It's the only relaxer that got my hair really strait. It is really gentle, too. Lye relaxers do not give me strait hair results. It is best for texlaxing my hair.