ORS...I'm scared!


New Member
Well I'm just a little scared.;) The reason is because I cut a lot of my hair out to start over and and I want to do it right this time. Since ORS has been getting such great reviews I decided to try it. I will do it in a day or two since I washed my hair today. The other reason I am scared is because all of the no-lye relaxers that I have use have dried my hair out at some point. If it did not dry my hair out the first time I used it like Dark and Lovely then it did it after 3 to 5 applications like Optimum no-lye. I guess I will post my results here.
ORS makes a demineralizing poo...it's the Creamy Aloe shampoo that's included in the relaxer kit (I think). According to the label, it's supposed to remove calcium buildup.
preciousjewel76 said:
ORS makes a demineralizing poo...it's the Creamy Aloe shampoo that's included in the relaxer kit (I think). According to the label, it's supposed to remove calcium buildup.

your'e right pj...the creamy aloe shampoo removes calcuim:)
Re: ORS...I'm scared! Update

So I relaxed with ORS about a little over a week ago. My hair is a little stiff for my taste but I do like how strait my hair got. The only thing I really did not like is that it left my scalp super dry and tight even though I did the deep conditioner!:whyme: So about two days after I put EVOO directly on my scalp and Infusimum directly on my hair and covered it with a bag for about a couple of hours and that seemed to help but it still not perfect. So now I have to put cream on my scalp. I'm not use to putting anything on my scalp anymore except for a little hair oil once in a great while. But even with all of that I have to say thumbs up because it did not dry out my hair and I will see how it goes as time goes on.
The first time my friend put ORS relaxer in my hair, it didn't have the usual swing with previous relaxers. Because, she is a perfectionist, she would not let me leave her house without bouncy hair. So she rinsed my hair (mind you, she had already blow dried and flat ironed it) and then applied another conditioner and my hair was bouncy and shiny. We figured out that it was the ORS Replenishing Pak. ORS RPak is great for deep conditioning but we should have followed up with another moisturizing conditioner before blowdrying. I love ORS Relaxer.
divinefavor said:
The first time my friend put ORS relaxer in my hair, it didn't have the usual swing with previous relaxers. Because, she is a perfectionist, she would not let me leave her house without bouncy hair. So she rinsed my hair (mind you, she had already blow dried and flat ironed it) and then applied another conditioner and my hair was bouncy and shiny. We figured out that it was the ORS Replenishing Pak. ORS RPak is great for deep conditioning but we should have followed up with another moisturizing conditioner before blowdrying. I love ORS Relaxer.

Quick question: Are you saying to deep condition with the replenishing pak, rinse it out, and deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner after? Or are you saying to mix the two together?
ak46 said:
Quick question: Are you saying to deep condition with the replenishing pak, rinse it out, and deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner after? Or are you saying to mix the two together?

We deep conditioned with the ORS Pak, rinsed, conditioned with another moisturizing conditioner (I think she used Keracare the last time), then rinsed that one out. We didn't deep condition with the second conditioner.
Has anyone else had the scalp problem? As soon as I rinsed it out and was washing it out my scalp tingled and in a not so good way. And then like I said my scalp was super dry and tight!
divinefavor said:
We deep conditioned with the ORS Pak, rinsed, conditioned with another moisturizing conditioner (I think she used Keracare the last time), then rinsed that one out. We didn't deep condition with the second conditioner.

Oh ok, I get it now....Thanks ;) .
I just used this relaxer for the 1st time a couple of days ago.

I based my scalp w/ EVOO and when I mixed the relaxer I added EVO, coconut & Amla oils to it.

After I rinsed all the relaxer I applied the 3-oil mixture with a deep conditioner and applied before I neutra-shampooed.

I didn't use the deep cond that came w/ the kit, but my hair is soft, bouncy and shiny.

I don't know if it is the ORS or the oils, but SO BE IT!!!

I need an alternative to the Phyto- too expensive for me to use all the time, esp. w/ my MN growth!
divinefavor said:
The first time my friend put ORS relaxer in my hair, it didn't have the usual swing with previous relaxers. Because, she is a perfectionist, she would not let me leave her house without bouncy hair. So she rinsed my hair (mind you, she had already blow dried and flat ironed it) and then applied another conditioner and my hair was bouncy and shiny. We figured out that it was the ORS Replenishing Pak. ORS RPak is great for deep conditioning but we should have followed up with another moisturizing conditioner before blowdrying. I love ORS Relaxer.

Maybe this would explain why my hair wasn't bouncing when I used their relaxer on Sat. Hmmmm.
I am going to try this relaxer in a few weeks. Do you think that it would be best to use another conditioner instead of using the replinishing pack that comes in the box? I was thinking of using Silk Elements Hair Mayonaise to DC after I neutralized.
Miz Jackson said:
I am going to try this relaxer in a few weeks. Do you think that it would be best to use another conditioner instead of using the replinishing pack that comes in the box? I was thinking of using Silk Elements Hair Mayonaise to DC after I neutralized.

I think either way is find. The ORS Pak is great for deep conditioning, just be sure to follow up with another moisturizing conditioner. Since the SE is mayonnaise, you're probably going to have to do the same (following up with another moisturizing conditioner) because of the protein.

My friend is going to do my touch-up tomorrow morning. I'll be sure to post pics.
M J said:
I just used this relaxer for the 1st time a couple of days ago.

I based my scalp w/ EVOO and when I mixed the relaxer I added EVO, coconut & Amla oils to it.

Well I did base my scalp with grease but it still did a number on my scalp.