ORS-Creamy Aloe Poo?


Well-Known Member
A few of us had this question in another thread and it seems that we're getting conflicting answers.

What type of poo is ORS-Creamy Aloe?

Is it Chelating, Clarifying, or Neutralizing?

The bottle says "with regular use can be used to remove calcium deposts" etc. I'm not too comfortable with the verbiage. It seems like a play on words. :rolleyes: So is it saying that OVER TIME or with continued use, it will help with build-up etc, but it won't help with one time use? That's the way I'm taking that.

I've also read that it's neutralizing and is identical to the poo provided in the No-Lye kit. Is it all of the above, none of the above, or some of the above?

Someone help.:ohwell:
To me I feel that it is a neutralizer and mild chelator. The reason why I think that it is a neutralizing shampoo is because when I used ORS relaxer, there was some of the Creamy Aloe Shampoo in there to use as the neutralizing shampoo. The reason why I feel that it is also a chelator is because it contains EDTA, which is the main ingredient used in chelating shampoos (and neutralizers). It probably clarifies, too. It seems like one of those all in one things.
To me I feel that it is a neutralizer and mild chelator. The reason why I think that it is a neutralizing shampoo is because when I used ORS relaxer, there was some of the Creamy Aloe Shampoo in there to use as the neutralizing shampoo. The reason why I feel that it is also a chelator is because it contains EDTA, which is the main ingredient used in chelating shampoos (and neutralizers). It probably clarifies, too. It seems like one of those all in one things.


I'm still a little confused. I just compared my CON poo to my ORS Creamy Aloe and some old Thermasilk Daily Clariying poo. The CON poo and the ORS both contain Disodium EDTA. However, the Thermasilk (the only one of the three that's actually labeled as a clarifier) don't have Disodium EDTA. It has Tetrasodium EDTA.

Do you know what type of EDTA makes it a clarifier or chelator. I ask because the CON is definitely not chelating or clarifying yet it has the ingredient. So what else constitutes a chelating/clarifying poo?

From what I read about the subject online, Disodium EDTA is weaker than Tetrasodium EDTA (the Ph is different). EDTA can also be used as a product stabilizer, which is why some products that I've had that have nothing to do with chelating have had EDTA in them. Tetrasodium EDTA's Ph is actually high enough to bind calcium deposits together so that they don't stay in the hair. Disodium might just be something that's used as a stabilizer or a weak clarifier. I got some information from this site. I hope I make sense. Maybe you'll understand what they're trying to say better than I did :drunk::

Actually, you explained it very well. It makes perfect sense. :grin:


So that means I should probably use the Thermasilk clarifying poo until I find a clarifying poo w/o sulfates that at least tetrasodium or something stronger. I know I need to clarify since I've been using this CON green. This stuff definitely weighs down the hair.

Thanks again.