Organic Root Salon Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner


New Member
Hey Ladies!

On Saturday I walked into this BSS in Harlem on the corner of 125th and 5th, I believe its pretty new and its Asian owned with a nail salon upstairs or in the back of the store. Anyways I picked up a bottle that said Organic Root Salon Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner 24 oz for $11.49. It was made by the same distributor as the Olive Oil Replenishing Pak, Namaste Laboratories. So out of curiousity because I've seen many threads on whether there actually is a bottle of the ORS OORP, I went and grabbed a pack of the OORP off a shelf and compared it to the ingredients of the Replenishing Conditioner and they were an EXACT match. I can't find a picture of the stuff to save my life. I went on the ORS website to see if this was new, but no luck. I did see that they had some product under the name Organic Root Salon, which I believe is their professional line. Anyway, I just wanted to share my joy. Although I fought my PJ urge to purchase it because I have WAY too many paks floating around here I at least know where to get it. If any of you NYC ladies know about this BSS go check it out. I'm looking for my receipt
(I only bought some Miss Key 10 en 1) and when I find it I will let you know the exact store name and phone number! :D

UPDATE 12/20 - Pics:



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HoneyDew said:
Does it look like this:

Here is a thread on it:

Similar, but it said OLIVE OIL in large letters in the center, and Replenishing Conditioner in smaller letters towards the bottom. The color of it even matched the color of the condish in the pak.

I do remember that thread, but the ingredients in the one I saw matched the Replenishing Pak exactly. I shoulda just bought it so I could show ya'll lol.
PryncessLana said:
Similar, but it said OLIVE OIL in large letters in the center, and Replenishing Conditioner in smaller letters towards the bottom. The color of it even matched the color of the condish in the pak.

I do remember that thread, but the ingredients in the one I saw matched the Replenishing Pak exactly. I shoulda just bought it so I could show ya'll lol.

Yes girl you should have gotten it is the ingredients matched! Or take a camera phone in and sneak a picture. :sekret:
HoneyDew said:
Yes girl you should have gotten it is the ingredients matched! Or take a camera phone in and sneak a picture. :sekret:

lol I thought about it. I will try to go back in the very near future and just buy it.




I know someone else has seen this besides me!!

Now my local BSS sucks and I saw this in there on Saturday on the bottom shelf near all the ORS products. And I saw it in 2 other BSS's today. Same ingredients as the pak ya'll! lol Sorry the pics on my camera phone are small.
I actually purchased the bottle last week. It was 12.99 for 24 oz. the ingrediants are exactly the same as the pak. The bottle says "Professional" near the bottom so I assume it's meant for stylist to use in their salon. or for women on LHCF! I've used it once and the outcome is the same as the pak. I imagine, with my weekly light protein treatments, the bottle will last me about a year. I also have a tub of the ORS Hair Mayo. I'm in Chicago so there's at least 3 BSS on every joke...I am trying to decrease my visits to BSS's and order from other sources....