Order of Application


Well-Known Member
I am very excited at trying out Henna for the first time. I bought Cassia (neutral).

I need some advice as to where i slot it into my routine which at the moment is

Pre poo (not all the time)
Oil rinse
Deep condition
Then apply my leave-in's etc.

I forgot to add i do an acv rinse after my deep condition.

I can't seem to edit posts whilst on my phone!
Do it as your prepoo and then proceed with your normal routine. I like the prepoo idea, it allows you to not have to shampoo more than once.
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I use regular henna. Usually I henna on dry hair overnight. Rinse well, co-wash, DC.
I have washed first, then henna, the rest the same steps.
If I do an oil rinse, I throw it in after rinsing henna and before co-wash.

So looking at your reggie, I would not pre-poo, then shampoo, henna, oil rinse, co-wash (or vice versa - i think the oil helps the grit slide out easier for me) and follow the rest of the reggie.

ETA: Not sure if cassia works better on wet or dry hair. With regular henna, I get more dye deposit on dry hair.

ETA 2: or like the other poster said, henna first then follow with reggie. If cassia can be as drying as reg. henna, maybe skip the poo, but go by how your hair feels, of course.
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I have done

Henna on dry/dirty hair always because I can't be bothered detangling 2/3 times during any process. Then rinse
oil rinse
Herbal rinse( which contains ACV)-(current regimen)

Oil scalp and hair( I did this for a year)
Henna, then rinse
Herbal rinse or not

Oil or not
Henna then rinse
Co wash
Herbal rinse or not( First year of hennaing when my hair was relaxed)

Henna take multiple washes to get out of your hair, mid week im still rinsing the stain out. You just need to do whatever re-introduces moisture into your hair after the henna.

I never henna and shampoo. I found shampoo with or without sulfates to be drying and kind of redundant with all the rinsing I was doing.

If you feel you need a scalp rinse I recommend a tea rinse (whatever combination you want as long as it contains lemon juice and orange rind) after you rinse out the henna before you DC/oil/co wash.

I henna once a month, the following week I will go back to my normal weekly wash regimen.
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^^^ well i have dry hair so i think i may try doing it on dry/dirty hair....and i also don't have the time for many detangling sessions. Thank you for your suggestions.
I do my cassia on freshly shampooed, damp hair. I cowash it out when I'm done and then deep condition.
I just did cassia for the third time and had the most sucess this time around. I shampood, used porosity control, oiled my hair, then applied the cassia paste. I left it in for 40 minutes. After rinsing I did a DC with a condish/oil mix under the dryer for 20 minutes. I ended up with butta soft hair and no breakage.

I think I read where @GymFreak mixed it into her condish and said she liked it.
Ok so you both have me wanting to try on wet hair. Admittedly i was leaning towards doing it after a shampoo but others have said the Cassia dries your hair out.

LaidBak - do you oil rinse or just coat your hair in oil to make sure you don't suffer from the drying effects of the Henna?
Ok so you both have me wanting to try on wet hair. Admittedly i was leaning towards doing it after a shampoo but others have said the Cassia dries your hair out.

LaidBak - do you oil rinse or just coat your hair in oil to make sure you don't suffer from the drying effects of the Henna?

I just coat my hair. The first time I used olive oil, the second time I forgot to do it (HUGE mistake), the third time I used bringraj oil.
I also think using oil alleviates the grit-in-the-hair issue some folks seem to suffer from.

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