Oprah's Last Show

But few in the West have been tested in the fires of persecution. Darkness approaches and I do not see many ready for it. That is another topic for another time.

I see it too. Yes it is approaching. I want to be ready and I'm encouraging my brothers and sisters in Christ to wake up and see. Lay down this life for His Life.
Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God, not the religion men named Christianity. Religion was a splintered, corrupt mess back then as it is now--look at it! I am a follower of Christ and a member of His Body, nothing more. The Kingdom dwells among those have His Set-Apart Spirit joined with theirs and obey it. The only "religion" we should be doing is caring for the widows, orphans, and less fortunate. This is another topic for a different thread, though.

But few in the West have been tested in the fires of persecution. Darkness approaches and I do not see many ready for it. That is another topic for another time.

I agree, that few have been tested and that being only by the Grace of God. Yet, many have been tested. Far beyond you, me or anyone else can ever imagine; but only them and God know.

Many of these people are in this forum, who have given their all to be right with God. They've been through the fire and their only desire is to be pleasing and obedient to God and His Will.

You just don't know... :nono:
This thread really saddens me. The hardest part for me to swallow is a bunch of people looking their noses down on others for not believing what they believe.

One thing that I do know is that none of us (human beings) gets to decide who is going to heaven or who is going to hell.

Anyway, I do agree with you all about Oprah having a "Cult-like" following, but so does In n Out Burger, for goodness sake!

Hi Erica Joyce. I'm sorry that you are saddened by this thread and I mean this sincerely.

When a Christian speaks on their faith / belief, they are accused of being cruel, unloving, looking down their noses. Especially when the subject of homosexuality being sin comes up.

Yet when someone of another faith stands upon their belief in like manner, nothing is ever said about it.

What you have shared you are saddened by in this thread, you are doing the very same in your comments regarding Christians and their faith. :yep:
No, I'm not looking down on anyone. I am just trying to express the fact that there *are* many paths to God, and that no one here (myself included) has the right to say any one is going to Hell based on their beliefs/religion/sexual preference.

I am not looking down on any of you. There is nothing wrong with expressing your faith and I will defend fiercely anyone's right to practice their own faith. What I will not condone is people judging others, which is what I am seeing in this thread.

If that is called looking down on someone, then I am guilty as charged.
All honor and thanks go to God Almighty, because I'm not where/who I used to be. Still a work in progress. God bless you for the kind words, Shimmie :Rose:

Laela, you have one of the most humblest of hearts. True woman of God. :Rose:
Ahhh, it's all semantics, Nymphe. The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.. they were led by the Holy Spirit, after Jesus left Earth to return to the Father. They, too, were followers of Christ, nothing more. They were doing the Will of God. Jesus was then, and IS today, the Gospel. When he walked among men, the Kingdom of God had come. When He rose from the dead and left earth, He left us His Holy Spirit. The Gospel IS Jesus. To believe in Him, is to be saved. To walk in His ways and follow His commandments is to ensure eternal Life. I know you know all this....but just thought I'd put it out there again. Love God, Love People...

"Christianity" has morphed over time, and is nearly far removed from the simplicity of those days in the Book of Acts. Thankfully, the same Holy Spirit that fell on the Early Church is with The Church/Body of Christ today. There are disciples led by the Holy spirit in the West, the East, the South and the North. All four corners of the earth.Time changes, yet God Almighty remains the same. I won't get into semantics, sis. I'm a Christian.

Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God, not the religion men named Christianity. Religion was a splintered, corrupt mess back then as it is now--look at it! I am a follower of Christ and a member of His Body, nothing more. The Kingdom dwells among those have His Set-Apart Spirit joined with theirs and obey it. The only "religion" we should be doing is caring for the widows, orphans, and less fortunate. This is another topic for a different thread, though.

But few in the West have been tested in the fires of persecution. Darkness approaches and I do not see many ready for it. That is another topic for another time.
No, I'm not looking down on anyone. I am just trying to express the fact that there *are* many paths to God, and that no one here (myself included) has the right to say any one is going to Hell based on their beliefs/religion/sexual preference.

I am not looking down on any of you. There is nothing wrong with expressing your faith and I will defend fiercely anyone's right to practice their own faith. What I will not condone is people judging others, which is what I am seeing in this thread.

If that is called looking down on someone, then I am guilty as charged.

To the first bolded, this is the Christianity forum. We do not believe that, that is the whole point. The Bible says that Jesus is the only Way. We cannot judge whether or not someone is going to Hell, only God has that right. But if your actions and words do not match up to the Scripture of the God you say you believe in, how are people to believe you? Again, Oprah proclaimed just as you did, that there are indeed many ways to God. The Bible says otherwise.

To the second bolded, this argument is absolutely tired. We are given the right to judge per John 7. We are only not to judge someone's actions if we are doing the same thing.

Make no mistake, nothing that we are saying regarding Oprah's beliefs are from our own mouths. She said it herself. And what she said was in opposition to what the Bible preaches. Therefore, we are judging her by her words. Considering the fact that we are to judge people who are preaching false doctrine, is that wrong or right?
Erica, I can appreciate your post, because this is how you feel and I respect that. I'd like to move beyond the accusation of self-righteousness and judgments. At the bolded, no one here said they had that power to send anyone to hell. We merely quoted Scripture. God's Word itself mentions the consequences of unrepentant sin, for Christians and sinners alike. That alone bruises spirits that are not ready to change, because the Word of God is a double edged sword. It reproves as well as heals.

To answer your question about the Middle East -- it has so much significance biblically because it's believed to be the location of the beginning for mankind. The rivers that flowed in the Garden of Eden were in that area and flowed from all four directions, north south east west. The fall of Satan from Heaven led to the fall of Man (sin of Adam/Eve) because jealous Lucifer just had to go after God's creation. Thereafter, in those ancient times, there were giants in the land (from the fall of angels who had followed Satan and mated with humans) who claimed the land and were rampant. God had to keep Israel's blood line pure of this evil to make a way for Jesus to be born into the World to save mankind from this evil. God chose Abraham to bring His people (those who would worship Him and not other Gods) out of Canaan, to make way to reclaim it later. The Israelites did reclaim Jordan, after they left Egypt. As Jesus was born of Israel and born a Jew, He preached to them first but was rejected by them but accepted by others. When you have time, please read Matthew 15: 22-28; it's a fascinating account.

Same thing today. If you have read the entire Old Testament, you'll see that what Israel, the people, went through historically, translates today to what we as Christians are experiencing spiritually. There is still rejection of Christ by mankind as the only way to God. But through the death of Jesus, Gentiles and all non-Jews can be a part of the Chosen People. That's the good news. It's not an exclusive club..it's an open invitation to all mankind, young and old, white or black, Native American, Asian, rich or poor, tall/short. :)

Spiritually, Canaan represents Heaven, the land of abundance promised to God's people. The river Jordan represents dying/crossing over, to Canaan. Egypt represents the world/evil doing. It's the goal of many Christians today to keep it moving away from Egypt, toward Canaan. When Abraham left Canaan, he was at odds with even his relatives and left them behind. No one can force anyone to believe, but it is our hope that they would.

We keep our eyes on Jerusalem and the Middle East, because the book of Revelations has accounts of what will take place, a blue print, of sorts. The Bible is our guide for what is to come. BTW, the book of Revelation has more to do with the Revelation of Christ in His Second coming than anything else. To a non-believer or one who refuses to believe God's Word, this is all foolishness. Everyone has to stand before God on their own., to answer to Him for what they did with their lives. I doubt anyone would dare tell God, "Well, those so-called Christians on the LHCF made me mad..." :nono:

This thread really saddens me. The hardest part for me to swallow is a bunch of people looking their noses down on others for not believing what they believe. I am not a Christian, but I do believe in God and that there are many paths to God. (One can be a so called Christian and not truly follow God's word.) The Christian religion has strayed pretty far from God's word in my opinion.

One of the things that many people miss, (not just Christians, but Jews, Muslims, Hindus, whatever) is that the religion we practice, the religion we are born into, is a function of where we come from (The Middle East, The US, India, etc.) We can all agree that Christianity began in the Middle East, correct? So why, if it is the only path to God, did God not bring it to the Native Americans during that time?Why did He concentrate it to only that area? Maybe this should be a spinoff thread. This is something I've always wanted to ask religious people.

One thing that I do know is that none of us (human beings) gets to decide who is going to heaven or who is going to hell.

Anyway, I do agree with you all about Oprah having a "Cult-like" following, but so does In n Out Burger, for goodness sake!
Maybe some people did not know about the religion or New Age Teaching she started.

Oprah's online class covering Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth is exposed. They conducted the first mass trance. Over 2 Million participated in this new age class.

For example, Lesson #29 asks you to go through your day affirming that “God is in everything I see.”2</SPAN> Lesson #61 tells each person to repeat the affirmation “I am the light of the world.”3</SPAN> Lesson #70 teaches the student to say and believe “My salvation comes from me.”4

Those who finish the Course will have a wholly redefined spiritual mindset—a New Age worldview that includes the belief that there is no sin, no evil, no devil, and that God is “in” everyone and everything.

These are some of the teachings:

  • “There is no sin. . . " 9
  • A “slain Christ has no meaning.”10
  • “The journey to the cross should be the last ‘useless journey.”11
  • “Do not make the pathetic error of ‘clinging to the old rugged cross.’”12
  • “The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol... It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray.”13
  • God is in everything I see.”14
  • “The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.”15
  • “The oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power.”16
  • “The Atonement is the final lesson he [man] need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.”17
Most Christians recognize that these teachings are the opposite of what the Bible teaches.

No, I don't follow her and had no idea. It still doesn't trouble me because those are HER beliefs. I guess I'm so steeped in my Church and it's rigid teachings (for a reason) that this kinda stuff doesn't bother me. Of course, if a priest started preaching from this junk, then it would be appropriate for me to blast it down (not interrupt the mass, but complain to the diocese). I guess I can see you all's point if you do not have that kind of structure around you (or others) and it would be easy to fall into such. Shouldn't every church have such a structure of protection around it where you know without guessing? And is this the problem in the Black Church now? Leadership is off? Serious question. I think you should not be left to yourselves to have to interpret the scriptures. Obviously, applying what your Church's official interpretation is to your life will have individual meanings/applications but what is the official? How subjective is that individual interpretation when there is so much deception in the world? If people knew what to believe, a-z, from their Churches, not being left alone for understanding, then this would be a non-issue, basically.
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I agree, that few have been tested and that being only by the Grace of God. Yet, many have been tested. Far beyond you, me or anyone else can ever imagine; but only them and God know.

Many of these people are in this forum, who have given their all to be right with God. They've been through the fire and their only desire is to be pleasing and obedient to God and His Will.

You just don't know... :nono:

Um, I agree with this and I lost nearly my entire family and friends for my decision and am still derided for it.
Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God, not the religion men named Christianity. Religion was a splintered, corrupt mess back then as it is now--look at it! I am a follower of Christ and a member of His Body, nothing more. The Kingdom dwells among those have His Set-Apart Spirit joined with theirs and obey it. The only "religion" we should be doing is caring for the widows, orphans, and less fortunate. This is another topic for a different thread, though.

But few in the West have been tested in the fires of persecution. Darkness approaches and I do not see many ready for it. That is another topic for another time.

Jesus was Rabbi Jesus. He was circumcised into the covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was JEWISH. Don't believe he didn't have a religion nor followed one. He most certainly did and the church comes from that. What he preached was in line with Judaism. He said himself that he didn't come to change one phonetic/semantic/syntactic mark of the written law. Nothing. He fulfilled it...the law. There's still law. Otherwise, what the heck are we doing then? It's not a grab bag of believe what you will. But.....the interpretation of such....that's the biggest problem we have today. When the church keeps splitting hairs and denominations, people don't seem to know how to put it all together again.
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No, I'm not looking down on anyone. I am just trying to express the fact that there *are* many paths to God, and that no one here (myself included) has the right to say any one is going to Hell based on their beliefs/religion/sexual preference.

I am not looking down on any of you. There is nothing wrong with expressing your faith and I will defend fiercely anyone's right to practice their own faith. What I will not condone is people judging others, which is what I am seeing in this thread.

If that is called looking down on someone, then I am guilty as charged.

Piggy backing off of what fifi134 mentioned, we as Christians believe that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ. This is clearly written in

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am THE way, THE truth and THE life. No one comes to the Father except through me.(NKJV)

Please note that it doesn't say that he is A way, A truth and A life. Hence the "fact" you mentioned is not considered one by Christians.

It seems when a Christian points out a fact which we know to be true as Christians, we are immediately labeled judgemental.
Piggy backing off of what fifi134 mentioned, we as Christians believe that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ. This is clearly written in

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am THE way, THE truth and THE life. No one comes to the Father except through me.(NKJV)

Please note that it doesn't say that he is A way, A truth and A life. Hence the "fact" you mentioned is not considered one by Christians.

It seems when a Christian points out a fact which we know to be true as Christians, we are immediately labeled judgemental.

What I was getting at is that the Bible is YOUR truth, and that truth is relative.

I do know what the Bible says, but as someone who doesn't believe in the Bible, it's not MY truth. I'm not here to convince others that they are wrong. You are right to walk in YOUR truth. That is your right as a human being.

And I as a non Christian (and Oprah, for that matter) Should be allowed to walk in mine.

Someone quoted something from some random place about Ekhert Tolle as well. I read the book and I have to say that I saw nothing against the teachings of Jesus in the book. He did quote many things from the Bible (as well as the Koran and Hindu and Buddhist scripture). His teaches you to apply what you are learning in the book to your own religion. The book is spiritually ambiguous because it is meant for everyone. There is nothing saying that Jesus is only a symbol and that the cross is nothing, as has been said here. I should know. I read the book cover to cover TWICE.

I didn't watch Oprah's last season cause I don't have cable and my low budget converter box doesn't receive that channel, but I think when she thanked Jesus it was because she reveres Him, just as much as you all do. She is just defining her religion for herself, as we all have the right to do.
Erica, I can appreciate your post, because this is how you feel and I respect that. I'd like to move beyond the accusation of self-righteousness and judgments. At the bolded, no one here said they had that power to send anyone to hell. We merely quoted Scripture. God's Word itself mentions the consequences of unrepentant sin, for Christians and sinners alike. That alone bruises spirits that are not ready to change, because the Word of God is a double edged sword. It reproves as well as heals.

To answer your question about the Middle East -- it has so much significance biblically because it's believed to be the location of the beginning for mankind. The rivers that flowed in the Garden of Eden were in that area and flowed from all four directions, north south east west. The fall of Satan from Heaven led to the fall of Man (sin of Adam/Eve) because jealous Lucifer just had to go after God's creation. Thereafter, in those ancient times, there were giants in the land (from the fall of angels who had followed Satan and mated with humans) who claimed the land and were rampant. God had to keep Israel's blood line pure of this evil to make a way for Jesus to be born into the World to save mankind from this evil. God chose Abraham to bring His people (those who would worship Him and not other Gods) out of Canaan, to make way to reclaim it later. The Israelites did reclaim Jordan, after they left Egypt. As Jesus was born of Israel and born a Jew, He preached to them first but was rejected by them but accepted by others. When you have time, please read Matthew 15: 22-28; it's a fascinating account.

Same thing today. If you have read the entire Old Testament, you'll see that what Israel, the people, went through historically, translates today to what we as Christians are experiencing spiritually. There is still rejection of Christ by mankind as the only way to God. But through the death of Jesus, Gentiles and all non-Jews can be a part of the Chosen People. That's the good news. It's not an exclusive club..it's an open invitation to all mankind, young and old, white or black, Native American, Asian, rich or poor, tall/short. :)

Spiritually, Canaan represents Heaven, the land of abundance promised to God's people. The river Jordan represents dying/crossing over, to Canaan. Egypt represents the world/evil doing. It's the goal of many Christians today to keep it moving away from Egypt, toward Canaan. When Abraham left Canaan, he was at odds with even his relatives and left them behind. No one can force anyone to believe, but it is our hope that they would.

We keep our eyes on Jerusalem and the Middle East, because the book of Revelations has accounts of what will take place, a blue print, of sorts. The Bible is our guide for what is to come. BTW, the book of Revelation has more to do with the Revelation of Christ in His Second coming than anything else. To a non-believer or one who refuses to believe God's Word, this is all foolishness. Everyone has to stand before God on their own., to answer to Him for what they did with their lives. I doubt anyone would dare tell God, "Well, those so-called Christians on the LHCF made me mad..." :nono:

Thanks very much for your response.

Before I start, I just wanna say that I didn't mean to call any of YOU "so-called Christians" I mean, that in this world, there are way too many people calling themselves Christians who do not follow the way of Jesus at all. i don't know any of you and therefore I don't have the right to judge the degree of your Christianity. I'm sorry if anyone took it that way.

I do know the significance of the Middle East to Christianity ( and to Islam and Judaism, for that matter). The question that I was asking is different. I have always wondered WHY, since I was a little girl in Church, did God only bring his Word to the Middle East, and not to other places on this earth (Australia, Europe, the Americas, Pacific Islands, Western Africa, etc). If His word is the only Truth, why wasn't it brought to the world during that time?

This is a sincere, honest question I have always had. I don't mean it to be rude or hurtful. (Perhaps I should start another thread, as this is way OT!)
What I was getting at is that the Bible is YOUR truth, and that truth is relative.

I do know what the Bible says, but as someone who doesn't believe in the Bible, it's not MY truth. I'm not here to convince others that they are wrong. You are right to walk in YOUR truth. That is your right as a human being.

And I as a non Christian (and Oprah, for that matter) Should be allowed to walk in mine.

Someone quoted something from some random place about Ekhert Tolle as well. I read the book and I have to say that I saw nothing against the teachings of Jesus in the book. He did quote many things from the Bible (as well as the Koran and Hindu and Buddhist scripture). His teaches you to apply what you are learning in the book to your own religion. The book is spiritually ambiguous because it is meant for everyone. There is nothing saying that Jesus is only a symbol and that the cross is nothing, as has been said here. I should know. I read the book cover to cover TWICE.

I didn't watch Oprah's last season cause I don't have cable and my low budget converter box doesn't receive that channel, but I think when she thanked Jesus it was because she reveres Him, just as much as you all do. She is just defining her religion for herself, as we all have the right to do.

I posted that information. It is from the A Course in Miracles by Williamson which was also apart of the Oprah and Friends or their spiritual program.

Below is from an earlier article on the issue.

"Williamson is now promoting A Course in Miracles through daily classes on Oprah's XM satellie radio channel. "I will be on Oprah & Friends every single day talking about the ideas in A Course in Miracles," Williamson said during a promotional announcement for the program. "We can have miracles. We can have greater inner peace. We can shift from an experience of fear to an experience of greater love."

"On that program, Oprah enthusiastically endorsed Williamson’s book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles. Oprah told her television audience that Williamson’s book about A Course in Miracles was one of her favorite books, and that she had already bought a thousand copies and would be handing them out to everyone in her studio audience."
No, I don't follow her and had no idea. It still doesn't trouble me because those are HER beliefs. I guess I'm so steeped in my Church and it's rigid teachings (for a reason) that this kinda stuff doesn't bother me. Of course, if a priest started preaching from this junk, then it would be appropriate for me to blast it down (not interrupt the mass, but complain to the diocese). I guess I can see you all's point if you do not have that kind of structure around you (or others) and it would be easy to fall into such. Shouldn't every church have such a structure of protection around it where you know without guessing? And is this the problem in the Black Church now? Leadership is off? Serious question. I think you should not be left to yourselves to have to interpret the scriptures. Obviously, applying what your Church's official interpretation is to your life will have individual meanings/applications but what is the official? How subjective is that individual interpretation when there is so much deception in the world? If people knew what to believe, a-z, from their Churches, not being left alone for understanding, then this would be a non-issue, basically.

People from your particular church are in this stuff as well. It is not just a black church issue it is a Church issue and yes there are some leaders that have gotten off course and started teaching heresy. This type of deception is talked about in the scriptures. Paul would address the churches/Christians on allowing deception, preaching of a different Christ, scripture twisting, etc.

Christ said " Let no man decieve you."

In Jude it tells us to snatch or pull some out of the fire. Which is praying for them and telling them the truth. Hoping they wake up!!

For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord. Jude 1:4

The bible is clear on who Christ is, what He came to do, and what God expects of us. God uses teachers/preachers to teach His word and the Holy Spirit teaches us as well.

Many times people know what the bible says but are drawn away by deceptive and enticing words or half truths. Teachings that sound almost true. The devil will use the mixture of truth and lies to draw those who are not steadfast in Christ and His Word.

This is why the bible tells us to "Study to show thyself approved to God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

It starts when we allow thoughts to come in, remain, and grow; that are in opposition to God and His ways.

The Word and Spirit are available to us, it gives us wisdom on how to avoid falling into deception. Some people don't heed the word. Many churches that I've been apart of, have a new believer's course that teaches the foundational truths.

Jude 1:21 "Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life."
Wow...so much going on in this thread lol

All I have to say is this:

To be FOR God is to be AGAINST every other religion, belief, lack of belief, belief system and lifestyle choice.
Thanks very much for your response.

Before I start, I just wanna say that I didn't mean to call any of YOU "so-called Christians" I mean, that in this world, there are way too many people calling themselves Christians who do not follow the way of Jesus at all. i don't know any of you and therefore I don't have the right to judge the degree of your Christianity. I'm sorry if anyone took it that way.

I do know the significance of the Middle East to Christianity ( and to Islam and Judaism, for that matter). The question that I was asking is different. I have always wondered WHY, since I was a little girl in Church, did God only bring his Word to the Middle East, and not to other places on this earth (Australia, Europe, the Americas, Pacific Islands, Western Africa, etc). If His word is the only Truth, why wasn't it brought to the world during that time?

This is a sincere, honest question I have always had. I don't mean it to be rude or hurtful. (Perhaps I should start another thread, as this is way OT!)

I have to say that I have great respect for you. Just because we share a difference in our beliefs, doesn't mean that you don't have value and that I see you as less than myself. And I apologize if I have given anyone that impression.

Out of all of the people who disagree with this thread, and who posted, you are the only one who stepped in as a mature adult with mature responses and honesty.

We all have something to learn and to understand about one another. Your approach is the perfect example to follow.

I responded to your question in your thread. :yep:

Blessings... :Rose:
What I was getting at is that the Bible is YOUR truth, and that truth is relative.

I do know what the Bible says, but as someone who doesn't believe in the Bible, it's not MY truth. I'm not here to convince others that they are wrong. You are right to walk in YOUR truth. That is your right as a human being.

And I as a non Christian (and Oprah, for that matter) Should be allowed to walk in mine.

Someone quoted something from some random place about Ekhert Tolle as well. I read the book and I have to say that I saw nothing against the teachings of Jesus in the book. He did quote many things from the Bible (as well as the Koran and Hindu and Buddhist scripture). His teaches you to apply what you are learning in the book to your own religion. The book is spiritually ambiguous because it is meant for everyone. There is nothing saying that Jesus is only a symbol and that the cross is nothing, as has been said here. I should know. I read the book cover to cover TWICE.

I didn't watch Oprah's last season cause I don't have cable and my low budget converter box doesn't receive that channel, but I think when she thanked Jesus it was because she reveres Him, just as much as you all do. She is just defining her religion for herself, as we all have the right to do.
And from that aspect I agree whole heartedly. Even though we differ in the perception of truth, I applaud the fact that we can agree to disagree respectfully:yep:.
Serious question: what does it say?


Hi Lesedi :wave:

I missed this and I apologize for my delay in responding to you.

When I highlighted this comment made by Oprah:

Describing her role at OWN, she said, "I'm the voice and the brand of the network."

It speaks volumes ... Oprah is using OWN to continue her platform and she is doing just that.

What she doesn't have the right to do is to misrepresent the true meaning of Christianity.

For the record, I believe that Oprah believes in God. I believe it. But in God one cannot compromise; one cannot be 'neutral'. There is no neutrality in God. If He were neutral, we'd never be able to 'trust' Him at His Word.

People who are neutral flipflop. They are looking out more for themselves than they are for anyone else. God's Word tells us, "No man can serve two masters; you will hate one and serve the other. "

This is true, for we can never please everyone neutrally. One will want / demand more than the other. Therefore, we have to choose whom (which God) we will serve, honour and obey.

I hope this makes sense. If not, please don't hesitate to ask more questions. I'll answer whatever I know.

Take care and thanks for wanting to know. :yep: :Rose:
Thank you Shimmie for speaking the TRUTH!!! I Love you Sis! I love the your profound word of the written TRUTH.

Thank you.

Oprah has been 'misleading' with her faith all along. I not saying this judgmentally nor with contention neither am I condemning her. It's just that, out of one side of her beliefs, she says 'Glory to God', yet she promotes, encourages, PROTECTS, professes, the very opposite of what God's truth is.

This is horribly misleading to those who 'speak' Jesus, say they are Christians, and yet they have not nor do they intend to make the changes in their lives and beliefs which God has called us to, as His followers.

Oprah strenuously supports gay marriage, the gay lifestyle, the laws of attraction, she's still shacking up with her boyfriend. She aggressively challenges anyone who opposes her false beliefs, and will not 'hear' nor accept God's Word which speaks the truth on it. She has strongly used her show and other venues as her platform to support her beliefs contrary to God's Word.

I give her credit for giving God glory for indeed were it not for His grace where would she be as with any of us, where would any of us be were it not for the grace of God. God's grace was and is upon her, in spite of the fact that satan has used her more to his glory than God's.

Too many people fall for 'Spotlight' Hosannahs and Halleluiahs. Number the preachers who shout God, Bless God, Glory to God all day long and yet under their platforms sin abounds.

Oprah is a tool of misleading what God's Word is. Her gospel is Burger King, redefine God's order and have it your way.

I'm watching people in the spotlight more than ever before. I'm watching and praying, for God says to believe not every spirit, to test the spirits and see if they be of God. I'm seeing too many spotlighters so called praising God with one face and suddenly with another face, change the Truth of God into 'their' truth; becoming accepting and justifying lifestyles which God has clearly said we are not to be a part of.

Right here in this forum, I've never in my life seen so many behaviours which are suddenly now okay........ :huh:

Well since when and exactly when did God ever say He changed His Word?

I've had my fill of this mess and I refuse to sit back and float with it or go with the flow. No matter where I am, when I see it, I'm calling it out with God's Word to back it up and I dare anyone to challenge me, or better yet, what saith the Lord.
I have to say that I have great respect for you. Just because we share a difference in our beliefs, doesn't mean that you don't have value and that I see you as less than myself. And I apologize if I have given anyone that impression.

Out of all of the people who disagree with this thread, and who posted, you are the only one who stepped in as a mature adult with mature responses and honesty.

We all have something to learn and to understand about one another. Your approach is the perfect example to follow.

I responded to your question in your thread. :yep:

Blessings... :Rose:

Thank you so much! And thank you for answering my question!
Jesus was Rabbi Jesus. He was circumcised into the covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was JEWISH. Don't believe he didn't have a religion nor followed one. He most certainly did and the church comes from that. What he preached was in line with Judaism. He said himself that he didn't come to change one phonetic/semantic/syntactic mark of the written law. Nothing. He fulfilled it...the law. There's still law. Otherwise, what the heck are we doing then? It's not a grab bag of believe what you will. But.....the interpretation of such....that's the biggest problem we have today. When the church keeps splitting hairs and denominations, people don't seem to know how to put it all together again.

This is not the thread for this, but oh well. *shrug* The topic will reappear at another time.

What the early Israelites had was a blood covenant—a marriage, a relationship—not a religion. Why do you think He had the prophets call Israel “she” and “wife” or “harlot” whenever she disobeyed? If you want to be technical about it, the Israelites tried to relegate Yah into the "religion box" when Israel broke the Father’s heart by wanting a human king. Jesus had nothing but derision for religion and criticized the leaders nearly every chance He got. It was and is about Him and His Kingdom and those willing to obey His direction. Nothing else.

Law is a governing function for the flesh; the Holy Spirit writes His law on His children’s hearts. If we are dying to self and reborn of spirit, the law to govern flesh does not apply. The reason for this is so we keep our focus on Him and what He wants from us to advance His Kingdom here on Earth. Praise His holy name.

People will never put it all together; it is not our job. The Lord Jesus is the head and He directs His body. Division, corruption and apostasy demonstrate the folly of man operating outside of His Kingdom. I have seen and experienced His direction; His ways and thoughts are beyond human comprehension. Until these human divisions relinquish all authority to the Lord of Hosts, the problems will remain. At some point, He will straighten things out Himself and that is on the horizon, believe it or not.
This is not the thread for this, but oh well. *shrug* The topic will reappear at another time.

What the early Israelites had was a blood covenant—a marriage, a relationship—not a religion. Why do you think He had the prophets call Israel “she” and “wife” or “harlot” whenever she disobeyed? If you want to be technical about it, the Israelites tried to relegate Yah into the "religion box" when Israel broke the Father’s heart by wanting a human king. Jesus had nothing but derision for religion and criticized the leaders nearly every chance He got. It was and is about Him and His Kingdom and those willing to obey His direction. Nothing else.

Law is a governing function for the flesh; the Holy Spirit writes His law on His children’s hearts. If we are dying to self and reborn of spirit, the law to govern flesh does not apply. The reason for this is so we keep our focus on Him and what He wants from us to advance His Kingdom here on Earth. Praise His holy name.

People will never put it all together; it is not our job. The Lord Jesus is the head and He directs His body. Division, corruption and apostasy demonstrate the folly of man operating outside of His Kingdom. I have seen and experienced His direction; His ways and thoughts are beyond human comprehension. Until these human divisions relinquish all authority to the Lord of Hosts, the problems will remain. At some point, He will straighten things out Himself and that is on the horizon, believe it or not.


I love you too, Precious Nymphe :Rose:

Sweet Sleep, Loved One... :sleep2:
Sorry I missed the mark on that :) but more glad to see you got your question answered in that other thread. That really is a good question!

Thanks very much for your response.

Before I start, I just wanna say that I didn't mean to call any of YOU "so-called Christians" I mean, that in this world, there are way too many people calling themselves Christians who do not follow the way of Jesus at all. i don't know any of you and therefore I don't have the right to judge the degree of your Christianity. I'm sorry if anyone took it that way.

I do know the significance of the Middle East to Christianity ( and to Islam and Judaism, for that matter). The question that I was asking is different. I have always wondered WHY, since I was a little girl in Church, did God only bring his Word to the Middle East, and not to other places on this earth (Australia, Europe, the Americas, Pacific Islands, Western Africa, etc). If His word is the only Truth, why wasn't it brought to the world during that time?

This is a sincere, honest question I have always had. I don't mean it to be rude or hurtful. (Perhaps I should start another thread, as this is way OT!)
This is not the thread for this, but oh well. *shrug* The topic will reappear at another time.

What the early Israelites had was a blood covenant—a marriage, a relationship—not a religion. Why do you think He had the prophets call Israel “she” and “wife” or “harlot” whenever she disobeyed? If you want to be technical about it, the Israelites tried to relegate Yah into the "religion box" when Israel broke the Father’s heart by wanting a human king. Jesus had nothing but derision for religion and criticized the leaders nearly every chance He got. It was and is about Him and His Kingdom and those willing to obey His direction. Nothing else.

Law is a governing function for the flesh; the Holy Spirit writes His law on His children’s hearts. If we are dying to self and reborn of spirit, the law to govern flesh does not apply. The reason for this is so we keep our focus on Him and what He wants from us to advance His Kingdom here on Earth. Praise His holy name.

People will never put it all together; it is not our job. The Lord Jesus is the head and He directs His body. Division, corruption and apostasy demonstrate the folly of man operating outside of His Kingdom. I have seen and experienced His direction; His ways and thoughts are beyond human comprehension. Until these human divisions relinquish all authority to the Lord of Hosts, the problems will remain. At some point, He will straighten things out Himself and that is on the horizon, believe it or not.

The law is still here and so are Jews. They are still in that covenant until the end of time and possibly after it. He said it was eternal. The law is active in my Church and has been reformed to reflect that sacrifice of Jesus. It's still here and it is a religion given/handed down from G-d directly, as is Judaism. There is nothing wrong with that and I know that we are going to be on opposite sides of the issue. My greatest concern is people who dislike any kind of religion and think it is solely man's invention. Of course, we have a hand in how it's carried out but, for example, to say that one must bring his offerings to the Temple (us also in the Catholic Church) is a religious mandate by G-d. How that looks today is largely catered to the culture but it is still the very act itself that is religion...ordered by G-d. There are many more examples.

Do people know G-d outside of that law/religion? Of course they do. :yep: Are we still in the flesh but are that it is brought to completion spiritually? Of course. Jewish law very much deals with the heart. I personally am very grateful for the law/mandates and feel comfortable in knowing that my whole community has my back to help me understand a unified teaching and interpretation and practice honoring G-d, in the way He designed for us. This is why I reflect so much on it. I don't have to go it alone and I'm confident in this community of faith. How things change is up to G-d, just as it was to reveal the Messiah. Who would'a thunk, right? You right about the bolded and we yield to His design and perform it. But in the interim between this end time (since the advent of Jesus to today) while we await His final victory and direction, we remain faithful to that which He has already given us.

Honestly and sincerely, I love this interchange with you. We're in different camps...but I know that we are both edifying ourselves and our faith. It's a good thing. :yep:
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You are a precious jewel and it is I who thanks you for reminding me that love conquers all. It is your heart of love that speaks volumes. :hug2:

Sweet Sleep :sleep:

Awww...Thank you all for being so kind and patient with me. I usually avoid talking religion because I'm afraid of being attacked, but everyone here has been very nice. I appreciate you all!