Oprah & Tyler Guests at Lakewood Service

I'm not saying that people should carry their bibles around daily (even though I do mine) and carring a bible everywhere you go doesn't equate holiness either ...people don't generally go to school (ill prepared)without their school books and they don't leave home without their cell phones with or w/o bible app ...

Trust me if people are forgeting to bring their bibles every time they go to church more than likely they don't pick it up through the week either ...I am not trying to condemn any one but the church has helped to promote the lazy christian ...

Yes, my mother was that way, she never wrote in her bible or folded a page...

We have missalettes containing the scripture for the masses..daily and weekend as well as holy days. They are kept in the church and some people have their own. So, whether there is an overhead or not (for the music or even some Coptic have the scriptures), the liturgy is contained within the missal and you follow along to read and pray that way with the exception mentioned. That's why I was wondering.. I mean, part of the worship is hearing the word and then the homily, so you're right about listening/hearing/reading when I think about it...people are called to celebrate in thanksgiving/participation. It's just that some of us don't have to bring a bible, it's in the church at our fingertips. I don't think that people who don't carry a bible daily or one to church are any less spiritual, though.:look: ...for the general discussion.

Allow me to explain further and this has nothing to do with anyone personally but just something coming to mind regarding this topic: I knew someone who said she judges a person's spirituality by the amount of red notes written in between the lines and margin of their bible. :look::look: Some people would not dare write in a bible as they would consider a sign of horrible disrespect. It's all about how we view things but that it could also erroneously charge another.
My point was is that I'm tired of these churches putting certain people on a pedalstool when they have no kind of lifestyle or reverance towards God. Just because they say "Jesus" dont mean its any devotion there. They see the movies Tyler Perry makes with cursing, lewdness and everything else, then they wanna come have him sit on the first row. YES he can come church, but dont give him any glory because his life dont glorify God. Oprah as well, she has a potty mouth, she been with Stedman for years with No marriage, she even said she dont believe in marriage and I'm not Bo-Bo the fool to believe their is no sexual relation there when they live together. So am I here to say they cant go to church? Of course not, we ALL need to go. But what Im saying is why do these church leaders give the people praise and put them on a high horse??? All that does is confuse their congregation and people into thinking this lifestyle is acceptable...and its not...
Oh the irony of the statement in bold...

Unless you are in Oprah's bedroom, you have no idea what is going on between the two of them. In fact, Oprah has been seen less and less with Stedman over the years.
I'm not saying that people should carry their bibles around daily (even though I do mine) and carring a bible everywhere you go doesn't equate holiness either ...people don't generally go to school (ill prepared)without their school books and they don't leave home without their cell phones with or w/o bible app ...

Trust me if people are forgeting to bring their bibles every time they go to church more than likely they don't pick it up through the week either ...I am not trying to condemn any one but the church has helped to promote the lazy christian ...

Yes, my mother was that way, she never wrote in her bible or folded a page...
Do you realize how much you try to throw shade in a slick manner? I can't agree with your assessment above. It could be something as simple as carrying a different bag to church than they carry during the week and forgetting to put the bible in there. I think you're reading too much into people forgetting their bibles. That's why there are bibles in the sanctuary. :yep:
We will just agree that with disgree with this one :yep:.

Oh the irony of the statement in bold...

Unless you are in Oprah's bedroom, you have no idea what is going on between the two of them. In fact, Oprah has been seen less and less with Stedman over the years.
We will just agree that with disgree with this one :yep:.
Actually you need to reconsider that. Only God knows what is going on in Oprah's household in that regard. I've been told many times that I couldn't possibly still be a virgin simply because of my age and the fact that I've had steady boyfriends in the past. Um okay...they didn't live with me. How would they know? They didn't. They just supplied their own WORLDLY fantasies...
I have to agree with this...good point! Please pray for the Churches, all over. I see this in other countries too, and as much as I love all types of Gospel music sometimes I do raise an eyebrow at the reaction/celebrityism. It's the song..the song that glorifies God... I'm no one's fanatic, and I"m not impressed by anyone with status or money. The Holy Spirit is a stabilizer who keeps us grounded..

Laela I was watching TBN as I do from time to time and Lakewood was on their worship is okay so I 'listened' multitasking ya know...anyway after I heard that Joseph Prince was going to be the speaker I stayed tuned..when he got up to speak the crowd went wild with appluase sparodically yelling out, 'we love you' , 'we love you' and it occured to me that we have made them (pastors) celebrities demi gods, what has the church become.... all glory must go to christ...
In other words, you know I'm right. :yep:

And people wonder why the non-Christians are hesitant to join the fold.

YOU have alot to do with the bolded. I'm sorry but you seem to like to start stuff in the name of putting down other Christians for their posts but your posts are off putting as well. I'm sorry but you are going to have to look at you too.
Ok you may be right. May be by some wild chance they are not having sex with each other...

Actually you need to reconsider that. Only God knows what is going on in Oprah's household in that regard. I've been told many times that I couldn't possibly still be a virgin simply because of my age and the fact that I've had steady boyfriends in the past. Um okay...they didn't live with me. How would they know? They didn't. They just supplied their own WORLDLY fantasies...
Health&hair28 and Alicialynn86

Ladies ... Last night after singing; "I'll be There" (the christian version) Joseph Prince said that he believes that Michael is in heaven and the crowd went wild with applause and hoots ...this gave me pause, but, then I thought who knows when God and man reconciles .... especially in a situation like that only God and man really knows ...
Or maybe they are just attending a service.

Even though I like what Joel has to say, I've never been convinced that he truly had much substance. I have two of his books and he essentially says the same thing over and over.

Hs church is packed because he's soothing. He's kind of an extreme, like John Hagee who is all about fire and damnation.

:yep: I agree, Pastor Joel is very soothing and I believe this is his 'draw' and appeal to people. He's never felt 'secure' about his leadership. He finds it a challege to follow behind his father's footsteps. Maybe this is why he caves into the media when he's interviewed. He fears controversary. He doesn't want to 'appear' oppositional.

Ooooooo, (revelation just kicked in). It appears that when Pastor Joel is sitting in the presence of opposition, he becomes like Peter who denied Jesus, 'twrice' ...

NG, I just want to see these men and women of God use some backbone. I mean how hard was it for Pastor Joel to say: Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes unto the Father but by me."
:yep: I agree, Pastor Joel is very soothing and I believe this is his 'draw' and appeal to people. He's never felt 'secure' about his leadership. He finds it a challege to follow behind his father's footsteps. Maybe this is why he caves into the media when he's interviewed. He fears controversary. He doesn't want to 'appear' oppositional.

Ooooooo, (revelation just kicked in). It appears that when Pastor Joel is sitting in the presence of opposition, he becomes like Peter who denied Jesus, 'twrice' ...

NG, I just want to see these men and women of God use some backbone. I mean how hard was it for Pastor Joel to say: Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes unto the Father but by me."
You're right. I've noticed that about him...especially the part in bold.

@Health&hair28 and @Alicialynn86

Ladies ... Last night after singing; "I'll be There" (the christian version) Joseph Prince said that he believes that Michael is in heaven and the crowd went wild with applause and hoots ...this gave me pause, but, then I thought who knows when God and man reconciles .... especially in a situation like that only God and man really knows ...

Well, I would have to asked Mr. Prince, "who or what revealed that to him." "Did God reveal that?" would be my question. And yes who knows if this did or did not happen. Only God knows.

This is that stardom/celebrity thing that has entered the church. They have been snared by this and my shout/prayer is

WAKE UP leaders of the Body of Christ!!
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Is Oprah is wearing a Church Gurl blouse ?

You're right. I've noticed that about him...especially the part in bold.


NG, Almost (I'm emphasizing 'almost'), Anyway, I'm almost inclined to believe that although Pastor Joel's personality is soothing by nature (which is a gift :yep:, it really is), however I'm inclined to believe that he may be somewhat 'passive' when it comes to others in power.

Larry King and Oprah are the 'world's' power figures to many. Now if Pastor Joel, feels insecure behind the Pulpit where his father once stood, how much more insecurity is there before others.

I'm just sharing a perception here. I don't want to put him down. I have to admit before you and everyone that it bothers me when I see someone back down from standing boldly for Jesus Christ. The world wants us to 'back down' and to be quiet.

I guess the 'quiet' rules me out. :lol:

In this thread I can identify with everyone's point of view. :yep:

That's ironic for me, yet it's true. The one thing I see here is that we all want to give glory and honour to God and not man.

We each want to see some 'backbone' when the 'spotlight' Ministers are just that, in the 'spotlight'. While there, they need to be preaching and teaching and standing firm upon the faith in God we hold dear. Can't we have just one spotlight Minister who when interviewed, speaks up about Jesus; not to tear anyone down, but to lift His name up as the Most High God, and to walk upon the heads of the serpents seeking to weaken the Gospel.
No way.

Revelation 22:11
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him beholy still.

Whatever state Micheal died in, that was the same state he was in when He appeared before God. he was in the middle of preparing for his tour when he died...

I know people be scared to say certain things and dont wanna come off offensive but we got to look at the word of God.

@Health&hair28 and @Alicialynn86

Ladies ... Last night after singing; "I'll be There" (the christian version) Joseph Prince said that he believes that Michael is in heaven and the crowd went wild with applause and hoots ...this gave me pause, but, then I thought who knows when God and man reconciles .... especially in a situation like that only God and man really knows ...
I dont know if Laela was looking for a serious answer but I fell out. Anyway, it looks like we are combining two different threads. lol

I think I will start posting my outfits to see if you guys think it is 'Church gurl' stuff. :lol:

:lol: It's hard for me to be serious when it comes to clothing and Christians.

You don't even want to see my 'outfit's. But I promise you, I've never had 'Church gurl' written on them. :grin:
Agreed ....

No way.

Revelation 22:11
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him beholy still.

Whatever state Micheal died in, that was the same state he was in when He appeared before God. he was in the middle of preparing for his tour when he died...

I know people be scared to say certain things and dont wanna come off offensive but we got to look at the word of God.
I'm over 40 (not old at all), I just can't see myself in a Tee with those words emblazoned across my church ...sorry, I meant CHEST (I left it cause it makes a good laugh)

:lol: It's hard for me to be serious when it comes to clothing and Christians.

You don't even want to see my 'outfit's. But I promise you, I've never had 'Church gurl' written on them. :grin:
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@Alicialynn86 who is a Rock offense ..if we are truly like our elder brother that is exactly what we will be without even trying ....

and,“A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. ”They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for." 2 Peter 2:8

Is this what is happening in some churches today? I think so..

For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
Amen & Amen!!!

and,“A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. ”They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for." 2 Peter 2:8

Is this what is happening in some churches today? I think so..

For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.[/QUOTE]