I didn't see anything negative in your post. I think we all agree that there is no one way that works for everyone and people should keep doing what works for them. What caught my eye the most about this show was how the women on the show were very entrenched in doing what they've always been told to do, even though their methods were not giving them the results they want. IMO, I think this breeds and reinforces the negative perception of our hair. From a young age, the majority of us are taught to look at our hair one way and to treat it one way.
They wanted to know how Oprah got so much movement and body from her hair. But when she told them, the doubt and disbelief on their faces were the same looks that a lot of us get when we talk about our own personal hair care methods.
That is why this board is such a breath of fresh air and people are so excited when they find it. People are allowed and even encouraged to think outside of the box when it comes to caring for our hair, without being judged by their hairtype. I just wanted all those women and the ones watching at home to know what we know: Our hair is not the problem, but how we treat it might be.
I just brought up the Oprah show because people tend to believe whatever comes out of her mouth. So if you ever have to explain why you wash your hair so much, just say because Oprah said so.
Okay, I'm done runnin' off at the mouth.