Opinions Needed Please


New Member
Hi ladies,

I have a small dilemma...well a dilemma to me. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I have found that my hair grows faster if I
wash 2x/week. But, because I don't want to relax more than every 3
months I have decided to have 1x/week. Even looking at 2x/month. That's the reason I had the post asking who washes 2x/month /images/graemlins/wink.gif

What would you all do?
1. Wash 2x/week and get longer hair faster which means texturizing more often? Every 8 weeks. Cause the last time making it to 13 weeks was a ......


2. Wash 1x/week or 2x/month and texturize less often? Every 13 weeks.

Option 1 would seem more desirable but the frequent texturizing turns
me off a bit. /images/graemlins/frown.gif But the length would come faster...oy. LOL!

Opinions please! Thanks /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Well I would say 2x a week. Itis the constant motion of massage that your hair likes and the mositure so if you are gettin good results, I say continue washing often. There are a lot of conditioners that will help soften newgroth.
That's a toughie Missy! I would (and this is just me) do the one where I don't have to apply chemical that often. In the end it would be less damaging and may also allow you to retain more length. The faster growth is tempting tho.... /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
I would wash 2x a week....I like my hair to feel clean and besides you could always wear it in a bun, braid outs when you get the new growth.....also I find with my new growth that shampooing and conditioning helps to soften it.

Personally I'd go with faster growth /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'd wash 2x a week too. I don't think overprocessing should be a problem since your hair is growing faster and you will have more newgrowth. I think the only reason for waiting that long is so that you don't overlap, but if the newgrowth is there, there shouldn't be a fear of overlapping happening. I hope that makes sense.
I say wash 2x a week, since you are gettin good results. A moisturizing conditioner will help soften newgrowth. And also protective stlyes cant hurt.
I was wondering the exact same thing, you just beat me to posting! I normally wash once a week but am thinking of moving it to twice a week.
I wash every 3 days and relax every 13 weeks or so. My relaxing is more like a texturizer since I leave it on for only 10 minutes and it's mild. The last few weeks I wear it in a protective style and it works. I love the results!
I'm not relaxed, but I'd go with option B, washing 1x/week. /images/graemlins/smile.gif This is a good middle of the road approach so you can get the benefits of a clean scalp and extended texturizers. Another thing to think about when looking at option A is that even though your hair may grow faster, you may put it at more risk by having to texturize more freqently.
I'd say wash 2x/week! Girlfriend, gain that length! /images/graemlins/cool.gif If ur texturizer is consistently applied correctly, then there shouldn't be anything to worry about.

...I totally understand ur feelings about frequent texturizing though...
I say go with the growth. If your hair is really growing that much faster, then overlapping shouldn't be an issue.
If you have a goal length I say 2 times a week.And switch to once a week when you reach your goal.
If you have no specific goal length then you can wash it once a week.
Ok, I think I may wash 1-2x/week (try 2x/week for now) and just try and keep the texturizing to every 13 weeks. So option 1 but try and make it to week 13 instead of 8. Maybe the frequent washing will help in keeping my roots soft...hmmm /images/graemlins/smile.gif
"2. Wash 1x/week or 2x/month and texturize less often? Every 13 weeks." /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I think this option requires less manipulation which will help prevent breakage. It will give your hair and scalp a break from chemical application of texturizers so often. I wouldn't worry about how fast your hair grows with frequent washing. I think you will still be able to grow and better yet retain more hair without washing as much. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
I would go for the combination of the 2 LOL!! If your hair grows faster when you wash it x2 week then IMO continue with this and then perhaps wear your hair in a protective style (cornrows etc) for the last few weeks to extend your touch-up.
Princess4real you are welcome /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Poohbear/Pradalover: I decided to wash 2x/week but still stretch it out to 13 weeks. And protective styles are alllll I wear anyways. My hair is up 98% of the time. From week 1 to 13 /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Thanks again ladies /images/graemlins/smile.gif