Ooohhh baby, this stuff stinks!!!


Active Member
I'm talking about the Indian oil mahabhringaraj. I bought a heap of oils and powders a couple weeks ago. I just opened the bottle last night and I can't describe how it smells and I've smelled it several times trying to figure it out-yeah I'm weird-but I can't. It just smells funny. And the killer is I bought two bottles!:blush: It's suppose to promote hair growth, that's why I bought it. I have mixed it with coconut oil to combat the smell. I hope it works. So just to warn you that it may work for hair, but stinks....
Really? Wow, I love the way mine smells! I have the Pune Ayurvedic Pharmacy kind. What kind do you have?


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I thought for sure you were going to be talking about Amla- which I love but yea...stinky. I do think my first bottle was more stink- maybe it was old or I just got used to the scent- hope that's the case for you.
I know the Indian oils can smell a bit pungent but the scent of the Mahabhringaraj oil does not bother me.

My least favorite scent though is Amla Oil.