Ooh..can't believe it


Well-Known Member
Ooh..can\'t believe it

I pulled out a hair from my slow growing sides,measured it,and there was a whole inch of new growth.This is in 1 month ladies.I couldn't believe it.I pulled out another.Same result.This is incredible for me!!My sides grow the slowest out of anywhere else so I know I probably have about 1.5 inches everwhere else.
I can't wait til my touchup in about a month.I should have at least 2 inches in 2 months if I can keep this up for another month.And at least 12 inches in 1 year!Ok.I don't want to get too excited but I really am looking forward to seeing how my hair progresses.
Re: Ooh..can\'t believe it

I would say it is the Surge.I haven't been exercising,haven't been taking my vitamins since I have been doing a detox for the past 2 weeks.
Oh and my daily scalp massages have helped for sure!
Re: Ooh..can\'t believe it

katie said:
I would say it is the Surge.I haven't been exercising,haven't been taking my vitamins since I have been doing a detox for the past 2 weeks.
Oh and my daily scalp massages have helped for sure!

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katie, I heard someone else mention that they got a growth spurt while detoxing and shortly there after. You go girl. BTW, which detox are u using. You can send me a PM.
Re: Ooh..can\'t believe it

Can you give me a heads up on the name of the detox too?
Re: Ooh..can\'t believe it

I drank chamomile flower tea twice a day (Today is my last day)
I also drank a glass of water first thing on a morning which had 1/4 "rough skin" lemon squeezed in it.I squeezed about 1/4 "rough skin" lemon in my normal drinking water used throughout the day.
I kept this up for 2 weeks