Online Lace Frontals piece (for sew in)???


New Member
Hi All,

Can anyone tell me some sites for purchasing an in-stock, online lace frontal (half lace front wig) that is used with sew - ins? I am having NO luck! I've ordered from Shear Essence before, but the hair was less then great (old and dry) and half the time I didn'tt receive my hair in a timely fashion until after i had called for weeks and weeks (customer service was also terrible).

I've also done a custom order from, and LOVED it! Great hair, great customer service - but unfortunately this time around I don't have 45 days to wait:sad:

Any help would be greatly appreaciated.
What type of hair are you trying to match, straight, curly, wavy? What brand of hair are you sewing in?

Just had a thought, check out in the weave/extension section. They discuss different vendors. I think some people had trouble with the Halley's curls lace frontals losing patches of hair after a few weeks. However this problem may have been resolved. The silk closures were fine. I dont use closures so I dont want to tell you the wrong thing.
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