Online Dating... The Saga Continues


Well-Known Member
...OK, I expect a little person in a devil suit to jump from behind a ficus tree at any point. This online thing MUST be a joke, but it's pretty dang funny.

I CLEARLY stated in my profile that having children was a deal breaker, yet of the 14 messages I received today, 12 of them had a minimum of 2!!! That just goes to show that men aren't reading the profile.

What makes it worse is that two of the guys that made me a favorite don't even have photos or a full profile. Isn't the point of placing an online profile to put your best cyber foot forward? It's soooo frustrating to click on a profile that only contains a corny looking, busted photo and a profile that reads, "Ask me and I will tell you..."

I see that this is probably not going to be the best avenue for me, but I am definitely going to enjoy the next 30 days (I have my calendar marked for when I am going to LEAVE this site).

...and they aren't getting any more attractive. I'm not even asking for fine... Can a brother at least find a decent profile pic? They are killing me with photos they have taken in the mirror with their phones or with part of a woman's arm or body part in the pic... OK... so you cut your ex out? Instagram her out!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I forgot to mention that I received a message from a 65 year old man... Watch out there now!!!!
Just relax and take it easy:lol: the Internet makes it easy for people who normally would not approach to get bold. And nope, most won't read the entirety of your profile. The better ones (and maybe the ones who've done some research on what works in online dating) will pick 1-2 things on your profile to write about, but most won't. They see a pretty lady and just send a message. That's it:lol:
I've read that men on average spend a lot more time on online dating than women do. They have to send tens of messages to just get a few responses back. So, many of them aim for quantity rather than quality... even though quality wins. They must be clueless.

ALSO, I've read that some online dating websites purposely prevent you from seeing the most attractive people when you first sign up. They find a way to rate your "hotness" level, and from that you start seeing more attractive members. Don't know how true that is, but I can say that my first couple weeks on the website was a ton of unattractive, weird men. The quality has improved significantly now that I've been on for... 8 weeks now? So it is worth it to stick around. Just like dating offline, it won't be instant gratification :) good luck!
My advice is to just relax. Let this online dating thing be something that just goes on in the background of your life if that makes sense?

Don't spend a lot of mental energy on it because you'll be wasting it on mostly losers and weirdos :yep:

But there are also good, normal guys on just have to be very selective and patient. Good luck!
OP, I needed that laugh. I stopped online dating all together. It just wasn't working for me. There are always that bottom 1% who will meet someone online depending on things like age, location etc but for the rest of the 99%, it's almost laughable. I have a friend who is contemplating using dating sites and she is scared to death because of the stories. I have about 6 other sister girls who are online dating and they all have the same stories. Loser men left and right!
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I'm not sure how old you are but when you get into your 30's you will start to notice men putting up profiles when they get mad with their girlfriends or break up with an ex and just wanna get their feet wet but knowing full well they are gonna go back to their ex. You will start to notice these patterns with men online, I know I sure did. I started calling them out about it but in a clever way. Online dating is a great idea but even bigger joke!
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Yeah... I decided it's not worth my money. At least if I try the dating thing face to face I may at least get a drink out of it. I am gonna stick it out until the end of the month subscription I paid for, but I don't think the odds of finding a quality man online are any higher than doing it the old-fashioned way, quite the contrary due to the anonymity aspect.

Oh well...

Girl, I wish I could tell you to hang in there but this is coming from someone that just couldn't do it. Just too much foolishness..........married men, thugs, playas, guys who get angry at their girlfriends and put an ad up or guys who know full well they are going back to their ex yet are on a site where people are looking for something thanks. I feel your pain!
I know someone who just got engaged to someone she met on Even knowing it worked out for her, I would never online date again... I'm just not built for it!!! Way too many disappointing awkward situations!!!

I'm not sure how old you are but when you get into your 30's you will start to notice men putting up profiles when they get mad with their girlfriends or break up with an ex and just wanna get their feet wet but knowing full well they are gonna go back to their ex. You will start to notice these patterns with men online, I know I sure did. I started calling them out about it but in a clever way. Online dating is a great idea but even bigger joke!


Girl, I wish I could tell you to hang in there but this is coming from someone that just couldn't do it. Just too much foolishness..........married men, thugs, playas, guys who get angry at their girlfriends and put an ad up or guys who know full well they are going back to their ex yet are on a site where people are looking for something thanks. I feel your pain!

StarScream35 Hmm, I've never considered that. How are you picking that out?

They eventually spill the beans by constantly talking about their ex. When people start talking about an ex, this is a sign there are some serious unresolved issues. Also, I have a few guy friends who told me they have done just that. I tend to analyze things a lot so I always pick up on small details and this is key for online dating. You have to pick up on those small little details to figure out what the hayle is going on with these man boys. It kinda comes with the territory as you get older and start dealing with men in their 30's and 40's who have lots of baggage. I hate to even say it but when it comes to men online, they truly are the leftovers.

They eventually spill the beans by constantly talking about their ex. When people start talking about an ex, this is a sign there are some serious unresolved issues. Also, I have a few guy friends who told me they have done just that. I tend to analyze things a lot so I always pick up on small details and this is key for online dating. You have to pick up on those small little details to figure out what the hayle is going on with these man boys. It kinda comes with the territory as you get older and start dealing with men in their 30's and 40's who have lots of baggage. I hate to even say it but when it comes to men online, they truly are the leftovers.

I agree with this whole post.
The bolded is very disappointing but completely believable.

They eventually spill the beans by constantly talking about their ex. When people start talking about an ex, this is a sign there are some serious unresolved issues. Also, I have a few guy friends who told me they have done just that. I tend to analyze things a lot so I always pick up on small details and this is key for online dating. You have to pick up on those small little details to figure out what the hayle is going on with these man boys. It kinda comes with the territory as you get older and start dealing with men in their 30's and 40's who have lots of baggage. I hate to even say it but when it comes to men online, they truly are the leftovers.

I agree with this whole post.
The bolded is very disappointing but completely believable. what are the women?

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I tried to convince a male friend to put up a profile for a month to see what happens. I told him that he has a good chance of finding a quality girl, however, women always end up with weirdos!

If he signs up, I will come back to report an update. Im too scary to try online dating. Lol what are the women?

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Left over man - ugly, minimum wage job, no car, does not own his own property and never will...but he has a good heart....perleease. This does not include the ones who are plain old boring/no personality, the angry, the disordered, mentally abusive, hiding behind a screen because they have a speech impediment.....

Women are single because of the above, which I am none of. The percentage of good/normal black men is not in our favour. This has been discussed to death.
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Left over man - ugly, minimum wage job, no car, does not own his own property and never will...but he has a good heart....perleease. This does not include the ones who are plain old boring/no personality, the angry, the disordered, mentally abusive, hiding behind a screen because they have a speech impediment.....

Women are single because of the above, which I am none of. The percentage of good/normal black men is not in our favour. This has been discussed to death.

I agree with your last paragraph. That just means it will take longer than you want to find a good one. I kept quitting out of frustration and straight foolishness. If I'd just dug in and kept doing it I would have found my SO earlier. Oh it would still be the same man but we would have had more time together.

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Left over man - ugly, minimum wage job, no car, does not own his own property and never will...but he has a good heart....perleease. This does not include the ones who are plain old boring/no personality, the angry, the disordered, mentally abusive, hiding behind a screen because they have a speech impediment.....

Women are single because of the above, which I am none of. The percentage of good/normal black men is not in our favour. This has been discussed to death.

You were on point with this post girl. And I had to LOL on the speech impediment. There is nothing worse than a brotha that sounds dumb. I was dating one not too long ago and every other sentence I had to ask him to repeat himself. After awhile I was like nah.........I just can't with this.

And for the sistas who wanna tell other sistas to open up their options and date interracially.......please hold ya horses on that one. Everybody knows that ain't easy for black women here in America where race is a huge issue. Been there done that and yes...........that one has been discussed to death as well!
You were on point with this post girl. And I had to LOL on the speech impediment. There is nothing worse than a brotha that sounds dumb. I was dating one not too long ago and every other sentence I had to ask him to repeat himself. After awhile I was like nah.........I just can't with this.

And for the sistas who wanna tell other sistas to open up their options and date interracially.......please hold ya horses on that one. Everybody knows that ain't easy for black women here in America where race is a huge issue. Been there done that and yes...........that one has been discussed to death as well!

:lachen: I included that in my list because I've experienced talking to 2 different guys in 2 weeks who both had strong accents and stammered very badly.
Oooh - can't stand the dumb sounding ones - in the UK those ones say, 'Is it?' all the time :lachen:.