Online Dating Ladies - Do you ever have a man persistently message you??

vivEz daNs lamouR

Well-Known Member
I joined POF the other day and OkCupid! to see what was going on. Before that, I was on BPM for maybe 2 weeks in total.

Anyway, this guy who apparently was on BPM found me on POF and sent me a message telling me how interested he was. He waited maybe another 6 hours before he sent me another message asking if he was that bad and if I wasn't interested. (Mind you, his first message was about 3 paragraphs long with about 50-11 questions that I didn't have the time to sit down and answer.)

I answered his second email stating that I checked his message on the go and wasn't able to sit down and answer everything he wrote, so he messaged me back asking if I liked him. Again, I checked his emails on my phone so I didn't get a chance to respond, but lo and behold this morning asking me if I took his previous email the wrong way because he got no response.

In the past 2 days he's sent four emails. That's a little odd to me.. More than a little, really.

Have you ladies ever dealt with this or am I just taking this the wrong way? I'm at work and they have POF blocked but I'll try to C&P his messages from my email.
These are the messages in sequential order.

Hey, how are you doing? I hope you're having a good Thursday morning. My name is E******, by the way. What's your name?

Any way, how's your summer been going? I can't really complain especially since I just went to the Rock the Bells 2009 concert this past Sunday. What concerts have you been able to go to this summer? What part of Brooklyn are your from? I was originally mainly raised in Flatbush and Borough Park before that.

I'd be lying if I said anything more than I'm interested in knowing more about you after seeing and reading your profile. And I want to hear back from you to learn more about who you are. When and how long were you in Atlanta? (I spent much of the summer 2004 there doing a research internship and it possibly the few places I could see myself moving to if I left the tristate area.) What music do you enjoy listening to? Where would you like to go to if you were on a night out? Other than 30 Rock and Curb Your Enthusiasm, what are your other favorite TV shows? So if you have any questions, ask away. I look forward to answering them. Take care and peace.

PS: I have no clue why, but I feel like I've seen you before or at the very least your picture.

Didn't get to respond before he sent this..

I hope my last message did not come off as derivative or generic. I read your profile and genuinely do like what I read and you're also cute (and you have a cute dog- how old?). The reason I said I believe I saw your picture before is because I actually have and believe it was on (tell me I'm wrong), and I did not want to jump the gun. All I want to know right now is: what's your name? What music do you enjoy? And what brings out your brilliant smile?

By the way, don't read too much into the last 2 pictures, they were from the Rock the Bells concert this past Sunday.

I sent him a response explaining that he saw me on there but that I wasn't interested in it really and answered his questions, so he responded with...

Nice to meet you. I'd agree that stupidity, ignorance, and arrogance are all bad qualities to have in any individual regardless of gender. I like pretty much every genre of music you just listed (except for arabic based on the fact that I haven't been exposed to it outside of some hip hop samples of arabic songs). But I'd love to hear it and I'm guessing it's your father whose Morrocan due to the eclectic culture that is Morroco.

And maybe I'm a bit overly logical (forgive the engineer in me), but the your 2 statements:

"You definitely saw me on BlackPeopleMeet, I was on there for maybe 2 weeks or so before I closed that account... definitely didn't have anything I was even remotely interested in getting into!"


"And by the way, I remember seeing you too."

almost make me want to infer the conlusion that you really have no real interest in me whatsoever. But then again, that could also be the BPM website structure which was pretty terrible. Anyway, how's your summer been going?

Didn't get a chance to respond, before he followed up with..

Hi S,
I hope you didn't take my last message too seriously. I do know that subtle sarcarsm when written in a message can be lost when read. I don't know much about you other than what you wrote on your profile and what you sent me. But I'd definitely like to know more about you. What part of Brooklyn are you from? What summer movies have you seen? When do you think a person crosses the line from sensible pride to arrogance, persistance to annoyance?

When in all actuality... I just don't spend my life on POF. :lol:
I had a "friend" on facebook that I had to unfriend because he kept sending suggestive messages that I ignored. He sounded way over eager like this dude who is messaging you.