Online Dating! Better than Bars?


I'm just wondering what you all think of online dating? I have friends who are doing it, and enjoying it. Two of my very close friends met their boyfriends online and have been with them for 2 years (in both cases). And I know another couple who met at an online site, and are getting married next year. But one of my friends does not like to answer the "where did you meet" question because she thinks there is still a stigma attached to meeting someone online.
But a lot of the girls I know say it's the same thing as meeting a guy in a bar or in real life... I don't know that I think there is anything wrong with it, it's just a new way to make connections. What do you think? Is there anyone who met their SO online?
I do think it is better than bars, but not to be compared. They are just too different. I don't think it is good to meet guys that send you private messages on yahoo chat :perplexed but some sites have people that are in a different frame of mind. I would never meet a guy from a free site or chat. Only the ones that are paid for. I don't know - just makes him seem serious about it.
I wouldnt say they are even in the same category....

once you weed out who is really there and genuine then it can be the best place to meet men. But, u have to really weed out alot though....

its efficient for me because i hardly am able to meet men out and its convenient.

i dont like meeting men at clubs and bars because i dont even take them seriously....

I havent been as lucky to meet any good men online. But i do keep in contact with some of Frat that ive met online and maybe dated a couple of times. Just came to the conclusion in boht situations that they were better off as friends than as boyfriends. I have one that ive known for over 2 1/2 years. I was invited to his wedding this year and felt bad i couldnt make it. :(
Never met a worthwhile man at a club..I hate bars...went once..that was enough. Two long term relationships from on-line dating..lot of patience and discernment needed to match on-line. Men who I've met on line years ago still drop an e-mail once in a while to say hello.
I've never dated online but I'm looking forward to trying it. I think dating online opens up a whole new pool of men I may not normally meet in my day to day circle of potential dates. I agree that I would only use paying sites, and I would employ a serious filtering process so as not to waste my time. But I think it would be waaaaaaay better than trolling bars for losers. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt :lachen:
I am trying on-line dating.

So far i am weeding out guys who have seemed great to begin with but have turned out to be dead-ends. This is all done through Instant Messaging and mailing.

I like it because you ask questions that are really important to you and if you don't like the answers you move on to the next. I've now become quite blunt and i've made by profile narrative very specific in some areas. That way if a guy who clearly doesn't match tries it on i tell him to re-read my profile and move along!

I make sure i ask questions first so that way he doesn't just say something to match what i said.

I haven't got as far as talking on the phone with anyone. (I just met someone - through a friend and am going on a second date so for now on-line dating is strictly for fun. I don't play like that.)

I can recall one very odd experience.................
On my profile i state i would like someone whom is Jamaican / Jamaican parentage.
This guy responds. He is very very good looking in his photo. We chat on IM and he says he was born in JA, Kingston and that he only wants to meet a JA person too. He asked me where my parents are from, I say St Elizabeth in a town called Southfield (very specific - couldn't make it up really). He is not specific about where he is from.
He says that he has sooo many women contacting him and claim that they are from Jamaica only to find out that they are African and/or not even living in the same country as him. Women have given him overseas phone numbers. He asked for my mobile number.
I say i was sorry to hear that but i wasn't comfortable giving my number out to him so soon.
He then says that if i can interpret some patois i had passed the initial 'test'.
He wrote some patois on the IM and i thought he was joking around but he would not respond to my IM's
I read it over and over but i couldn't understand what he had written. I even called my Dad, read it out and my Dad said it was a 'load of blasted rubbish'.
I IM'd back to say what he was written was nonsense and that he was probably the Ja-fake-an.
Never heard from him again!
Well I wasnt going to say anything because I know how critical we can be here sometimes, but I've had a cyber love for several months now and I must say its the most intense connection that I've ever felt. So intense to the point that when we are talking, its as if he is sitting next to me or I can feel his breath on me. Its really weirding me out but its so much fun. I doubt we'll ever meet because he's an egyptian living and working in saudi but there are time that were it possible, I'd have started walking to get to him months ago LOL.

We met on myspace which I see some of you think is not a good thing but there are *** holes on pay sites as well as free and I feel if I am going to end up with a jerk, I'm not going to pay for the privilage but hey to each his reach. My cyber love and I started out using myspace IM and later moved to yahoo voice and web cam chat. No we dont do freaky stuff in front of the cam. But hot damn my body began responding to him long before I ever heard his voice or saw his face. THROW SUM WATER ON ME SUMBODY PLEASE!! He has a deep accent but for some reason I can understand everything he is trying to say even his really bad english writiing I know what he means. Sometimes when we argue same as real live couples and I wont chat online, he call my house to plead his case. I am expecting a package from him any day now a dress of some sort I am excited and nervous at the same time. What do I do if I CANT STAND IT!! I will love it even if I hate it, just because he tried. At this point it dont make a monkey's *** to me if it's real or memorex I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the ride

enjoy enjoy enjoy.

When you receive the dress, put it on, take a pic and post it to him (and here so we can see what sort of taste he has :grin:)
I hope this is not a controversial topic. I think online dating can be great! I agree that you have to weed through a lot of potential people, but when you make a connection with someone, it can be very intense and rewarding.
I agree with the statement about bars, I guess the two are very different but at the end of the day you can meet jerks everywhere!
Thanks for your input!