Online Daters Check-In


Well-Known Member
Okay guys,

What site are you using?
Have you been on any dates?
What happened?

I am using EHarmony, but it's a lot of work and I question the accuracy of the matches.

I've been on one date. It was nice but it quickly fizzled out
I met my guy on...gasp ... Craigslist! We met in August and it's now November and things are going well. I don't know if he is THE ONE but he is doing a good job at being my guy.

We've been out together many times and we really enjoy one another's company. Though he and I match up very well, it's not always easy to find a match on CL or anywhere online. Sometimes personalities clash, interests clash, etc. So, maybe Eharmony (which advertises itself of making sure the non-aesthetic things match-up) or give users a higher probability of meeting someone.

I do have to say that I've been on Match and even though I got a lot of one really piqued my interest. Maybe I'm a simple kind of girl and only need a great email and a great pic from a guy to make me happy. CL was simple and that where it happened for me.
Girl, How and when the heck did you have time to GO THRU Craig's List, my friend suggested that site to me... I started browsing thru then my eyes started to hurt.... annoys me to look on craigslist for apartments, etc. I laugh I will quickly be running to craigslist to check it out.In all seriousness, I have been lurking on Interracial Luv. How do you ladies weed out the whackos, I really want to try this online dating, but I am so scared!
AnjelLuvsUBabe said:
Girl, How and when the heck did you have time to GO THRU Craig's List, my friend suggested that site to me... I started browsing thru then my eyes started to hurt....

Haha! I posted an add. I asked for the guy that I wanted - with no pretenses and I got a flood of responses (some from weirdos and ol' sugar daddies of course!)...But my guy, who logged on looking for furniture (he just moved to up here about 5 months ago) decided to check the WomenSeekingMen section and came across my add.

It took about 3 weeks for us to meet up because he was studying for a tough exam around the time he found my ad. But when we finally met there was instant chemistry on our first day ... u know, holding hands and a kiss in the park overlooking the city lights :-D. . . It was nice...we had a bump a few weeks back because I got fed up of his schedule but we're back on track and better than ever.
Girl when I read that LINE, I choked, because I thought I was only one using that phrase... LMAO, but I see u from the NY, so no hard feelings...
I always say " I aint goin to no club tonight, all dem dudes want is meat of the night... LMAO....
sorry to high jack for a brief moment

kisz4tj said:
DANG NIC......shoooo....u bout to start sumthin....I've had it with Yahoo and good meat :lol:
I meant that in the most possible christian way :lol:.....the reality is that what I consider to be decent is few and far between...soooooo
UES - Upper East Side Manhattan
UWS- Upper West Side Manhattan

BBW...those are the big girls, you know Big Beautiful Woman
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2 years ago, I met my boyfriend on

This is actually the best relationship I have ever been in.
imstush said: annoys me to look on craigslist for apartments, etc. I laugh I will quickly be running to craigslist to check it out.In all seriousness, I have been lurking on Interracial Luv. How do you ladies weed out the whackos, I really want to try this online dating, but I am so scared!

Yes!! CL has a whole lot of sections. I actually started reading the site for entertainment because the people are HILARIOUS!! Something lead me to read the womenSeekingMen section for entertainment and one day I just took the plunge!

One way to weed out the wackos a real ad, and post a couple fake ones. Look to see if you get the same guy responding to ALL your adds. That's a sure way to weed out CL-AHolics, freaks and what-nots.
zora said:
Girl, that's a lot of work, but I guess it's worth it.
Zora, it's easy....too easy and it is definitely worth it! I tried that trick to see if my guy was a serial "responder"...He passed that test - thankfully!
I've been on Yahoo personals for almost a year. I've been on about 6 dates from it. I have gotten a pretty good response even though the picture I have up is not that clear.

I'm pretty particular about who I like, so no keepers yet.
ive met nearly 20 men from online. one was my longest relationship, 1 year but he had to move to cali for school and im still in love with him. im on,, yahoo personals and americansingles. ive met about 13 from and the rest from personals and interracialsingles. this is within the time range of 2 years. ima try craigslist.....
HoneyDew said:
2 years ago, I met my boyfriend on

This is actually the best relationship I have ever been in.

We met on and this love is truly sent from God. We have so much in common and....what can I's bananas. This is the BEST relationship I've ever been in.
foxxymami said:
We met on and this love is truly sent from God. We have so much in common and....what can I's bananas. This is the BEST relationship I've ever been in.
Wow... I don't necessarily think it is the vehicle in which you meet, but the timing and your karma/destiny/fate.
i met my sweetie through blackplanet of all places...and it's absolutely the best relationship i've had to date (except for the now ever-present distance)... through the years i've been on match, yahoo, bp, whatever aol had back in the day and have met plenty of men (some were a few months, some didn't last past the first date)... i look at meeting people online as just another venue... easier than the club cuz i dont' have to get all dressed up and strain to understand what someone's saying... plus, it's easy enough to tune out an online person who only has your online login as a way to get in touch with you...
ive met some men from bp but they werent really my type(mostly frat brothers that later just became friends)...i met one guy off of i think he was on the down low...and i dont believe in giving my phone number out unless im really comfortable with them having it...and then sometimes...i think im more cautious with online dating..because of the things and way people are...i mean i knw people arent going to be straight up and open but i just dislike finding about information tht people fail to tell you from the jump(like if they have a child/children or even if they are married or living with a female)..but from what people have said they seem like they have alot of success from meeting men online...and then ive met some real jerks from online to...i mean you can kind of tell how people are going to be by the slick/stupid things they say or what kind of questions they ask from just them emailing you or even chatting with them thru instant messaging...ive cut alot of men off because of that...i had one guy that was kind of stalking me online lol...only because i put my aol screenname on my webpage and as soon as i signed onto AOL here he comes instant messaging me...and plus he was too too i had to take my AOL screenname off of my webpage from then on...
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So how did you all get the nerve to meet these people?? Im still on this ODT and its like they send you a note, flirt, or whatever than they like lets meet tonight :ohwell: I just dont feel comfortable meeting somebody who I havent even talked to yet....Its like what if they dont look like they pic?? What if they dont like me? What if they totally out there and crazy? Crazy people dont care nothing about being in public. Im just scared of meeting some weirdos.
well i posted in ad in craigslist and i got a lot of replies. ive eliminated a few of them. i said no men older than 27 and i got 3 old men saying they looked young. who gives a ****? well, i went on a date with one yesterday and it went okay. i plan on going out with a few more then we'll see how it works out. the first reply i got was from some dude who sent me a nude pic. of course, no way. ive talked on the phone with a few too and some of them, it didnt go past the emails. i didnt get any crazy guys (part from the nude model) so i guess im lucky. and i probably wont know if they're crazy until i meet them
When did you place your ad on CL? I've read some of them men's listing and soo many of them are REALLLY creepy...its a friggin free for all "the freaks come out online"!
kisz4tj said:
When did you place your ad on CL? I've read some of them men's listing and soo many of them are REALLLY creepy...its a friggin free for all "the freaks come out online"!
I think it's key that you post your add and reel in your guy. Don't respond to the menseekingwomen adds. Mostly old creeps that are married or looking for sugar babies post on their. The nicer guys are the ones that get lost in all of the creepy ads.