Onions as a growth aid?


New Member
Hi ladies,
I was wondering if anybody has tried onions to boost hair growth and to eliminate shedding?
I have read from the internet that, onions are a healthy altenative to be used as a natural and safe growth aid since it contains lots of sulful. It would be interesting to hear some reviews.
Onions.. as in eating.. or as in on the scalp/hair?..

I'll have to pass..if its the second option..

*watching thread*
Onions.. as in eating.. or as in on the scalp/hair?..

I'll have to pass..if its the second option..

*watching thread*

I have read you can blend the onions and add some oil or conditioner and massage it to the scalp, leave it in for an hour or so and shampoo. This is supposed to boost the circulation in the scalp (because of the sulphur content) and boost hair growth.

At least it is natural, I might actualy try this on my next wash since I have been having post partum shedding and I am breastfeeding so I dont want to take any pills.
I tried it once or twice as a topical growth aid, but then soon forgot about it. I may try again if I hear better things about it, and if it really does work.
I'm interested in seeing whether someone has results from this, but I'm concerned, to say the least, about the smell... :perplexed
I read you are supposed to see results if you use it frequently for about 2months. I am from Ghana and I do have some slight memories of the ladies rubbing raw onions in their scalp, especialy if they had bald spots for some reason. Its suppoed to treat dandruff as well.
I suppose the onions must acts as some sort of anti-bacterial so you could prob get the same effect from other growth aids. But yes onions are a well documented growth aid throughout history.
There are other means to getting plenty of sulfur...i can't do anything w/ onions other than eat them. But then again, who wants to go around smelling like one. If you find a way to mask the strong scent completely, plz share.
I remember years ago reading that drinking onion water was good for hair. I never tried it though. It was in one of the collection of Yoga books I had growing up. Like Chameleonchick, I prefer my onions sautéed so that's how I get to eat mine.
I can definitely see how onions would work. Onions and garlic are related and we already know the benefits of garlic and hair. So it isn't too far fetched.
Last week, I just started the onion juice as a prepoo...too early to tell if any progress but I'll keep you all posted. ( i can however say that I love how soft it makes my hair feels.)
Are you able to get the smell out with other parts of your routine? @Smiley79

@ceecy29 Hey Ceecy! Well the first time I used it was a disaster...not only could I not get the smell out, but I also could not get the bits of onion out my hair. It looked like snow was on my hair, smh. The 2nd time, I blended it with more water and not only did I strain it but I also let it sit so the liquid could seperate from the remaining onion. After leaving it on my head for up to an hour as a pre-poo, I used a bit of my Trader Joes Tea Tree shampoo and it immediately got rid of the smell. I proceeded with conditioning and I was fine. I am still experimenting with this onion juice method but so far, this is where I'm at. I do not like the idea of using shampoo to get rid of the smell because in my mind I feel like I'm washing away the onion juice that I just put on. I'm gonna research more until I find a regimen that works for me. I do like how the onion juice leaves my hair feeling after rinse it out though. And lastly, I now I do my onion treatments when I don't have anywhere to go that evening or the next day.
I use onion juice as well. I blend the onion to a pulp in my food processor and use a (new) stocking to strain the juice out of it. I didn't use water, but strained it into a small glass bottle and added honey to it. I applied it to my scalp with my pre-poo overnight, I used two shower caps and the two silk wraps that I normally use when wrapping my hair and it didn't leave a lingering smell on my pillow and it all washed out the next morning. I do the treatments every wash day, which is every two weeks so it maybe awhile before I see any results but I think I'll stick with it.
@ceecy29 Hey Ceecy! Well the first time I used it was a disaster...not only could I not get the smell out, but I also could not get the bits of onion out my hair. It looked like snow was on my hair, smh. The 2nd time, I blended it with more water and not only did I strain it but I also let it sit so the liquid could seperate from the remaining onion. After leaving it on my head for up to an hour as a pre-poo, I used a bit of my Trader Joes Tea Tree shampoo and it immediately got rid of the smell. I proceeded with conditioning and I was fine. I am still experimenting with this onion juice method but so far, this is where I'm at. I do not like the idea of using shampoo to get rid of the smell because in my mind I feel like I'm washing away the onion juice that I just put on. I'm gonna research more until I find a regimen that works for me. I do like how the onion juice leaves my hair feeling after rinse it out though. And lastly, I now I do my onion treatments when I don't have anywhere to go that evening or the next day.
Thanks Smiley!!! @Smiley79