One year update, LOTS OF PICS!


Well-Known Member
It's been a year, yay! (well actually 13 months). I've learned so much from you gals (tear!). Yall don't know how much I study up on's an obsession that you all have helped breed!

I'm still confused about whether I want to stay relaxed or transition, so who knows, next year my pics might look totally different, but we'll see.



beginning of my journey March 2007 when I was studying abroad in Europe. Boy did I need a regimen a.s.a.p.!


April 2007, looks better flipped up


May 2007, allright, we're getting somewhere!


June 2007, my rollersets were really bad! My hair still felt course after doing them, but my hair was still responding to the gentle treatment.


July 2007, I despise see through ends! Pretty sure I got a trim around this time


August 2007, I carusoed a lot in the summer


September 2007, yay, it actually touches a part of my back!


October 2007, liking the full look


December 2007, guess there was a spurt


March 2008, before trim, feel like it grew slower over winter and ends started getting unmanageable for me, was frustrated when I took this pic


March 2008, 1.5 inch blunt cut trim, it's hard to get your hair to lay flat and then take your own pic, lol!

I'm just about 6 feet tall, so I've learned it can be frustrating to count the months while waiting for my hair to grow down my long back. So I'll just let it do what it do. Thanks for checking out my progress anniversary pics!
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Just wonderful girl! Your hair is longer and thicker. I'm just as happy for you as you are! Keep it up.
Very nice progress, keep up the good work. The "obsession" makes it so worth while when we can see the progress doesn't it?
congrats on your progress!! Your hair is so much fuller and thicker - it's only gonna get better going forward.:yep:
Congratulations girl. That is some great progress. :yay::pepper::superbanana:
I love seeing these sort of progress pics coz it gives me hope. And boy do I know I need all the hope and help I can possibly get.
Congratulations girl. That is some great progress. :yay::pepper::superbanana:
I love seeing these sort of progress pics coz it gives me hope. And boy do I know I need all the hope and help I can possibly get.

I'm very glad to give you hope! Please hang in there, you will see a difference!!!

To all the other ladies thank you so much! I love the fact that the board can be so encouraging.
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I was looking at the very first and the last pic you took....You had great progress.....Your hair looks so much thicker and healthier.....I love the blunt cut

Congrats on your progress
wanted to add...

you got all that progress WITH all the cutting and trims?? You go girlie!!!

It really looks healthier and thicker too!!! :)
Happy anniversary! :yay: :flowers:

Your hair has come a long way, and it looks GREAT! Congratulations on your progress!
I've been meaning to compliment you on your hair. Fabulous. How did you finally get your ends thicker... trimming constantly or what?