
Well-Known Member

1st pic March 2009, 2nd pic March 31, 2010

Welp, I gotta admit I'm a little under-whelmed.:ohwell: It feels like I haven't made much progress since my December pic (see siggy), and that's probably more of a retention issue (I haven't been exactly consistent with my regimen, and I've been falling asleep without a scarf WAY too many times....on a cotton pillowcase :nono:)

I'm going into a sew-in next month to cut down on all the manipulation and will probably keep it in for the summer. I'm *hoping* it will get me closer to BSL :pray:
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I think the sew-in for the summer, will definately put you at BSL. just make sure you take care of your hair underneath as well.

Congrats! Great 1 y comparison! You should be proud of your achievement. I see more thickness and length now compared to your Dec. pic :yep:.
You may nothave retained all of your growth but I think you did well. You should definitely be proud and since you know where you went wrong, you are able to solve the problem. Keep up the good work!
You've made great progress in the comarison pics, plus you already know what you need to change to get yourself back on track. Your hair looks nice and healthy! It looks like you'll be BSL in no time!
Regardless it looks healthy, this time around you will know exactly what to do and what not to do or what went wrong during the year. but overall I think you should be happy because there is some length and it looks good. oh and good luck on the sew-in
You made good progress!!
You should feel proud!
It looks way thicker and a bit longer

Sew in sounds like a good idea.

Listen. PLEASE get a satin pillow case if anything.
And keep oil or moisturizer and a satin scarf on your nightstand.

If I didn't do these 2 things I'd probably fall asleep without putting my hair away first.
Sometimes on truly lazy days I just pop on a bonnet but sleeping on the satin pillow case is at least something.

You're going to see mega growth when you take that sew-in out.

BSL here you come!
Why are you underwhelmed? I see GREAT progress here! I wish I were as close to BSL as you are now. After your sew-in for the summer, you will so be there. This is a great accomplishment- enjoy it :)
You have made great progress in a year!

December is not that long ago, maybe your hair will get a spurt now that the weather is warming up, it still looks like you made some progress since December!!
Stop being hard on yourself. I think you did great your first year. Your hair is longer and thicker. Be encouraged sis.
Congrats Barbie83! ITA^^...i see progress just from Dec. til' now. It looks like you were right at apl/Dec. and your now grazing bsl for sure (thats not bad).

It's inspiring b/c i'm where you were a year ago.

I just had split end set backs for the past month or so and came across Qualitee's siggy reminding me that at times like this you have to remember where you keep up the good work (and stay on top of the bad habits MORE this year) HHG!
Nice progress!! I see more thickness in your hair since december. Sleeping without a scarf has to be doing it to you. Its wierd how you realize little things that you do wrong and it shows on you hair. You should be proud though. The sew-in for the summer should be really good. Its crazy how much growth I retain during the summer'll be kissing BSL soon!
You've made substantial progress!:yep: What's really important is that you're being honest with yourself - you've examined your expectations, evaluated why you fell short in your eyes and plan to address those missteps.

What's your plan for caring your hair while you're wearing a sew-in?
You made really great progress and I definitely see more thickness which is even more important than length imo!

How do you plan on caring for your hair underneath the sew-in?
Barbie83, I see a significant difference. You made good progress. You should be proud. Keep up the good work and I think a sew-in is an excellent idea.
Great progress pics, you were able to identify where you went wrong and knowing that helps to adjust. I think the sew in strategy will help also since there will be little to no manipulation. Looking forward to seeing your after summer pics!
You've made substantial progress!:yep: What's really important is that you're being honest with yourself - you've examined your expectations, evaluated why you fell short in your eyes and plan to address those missteps.

What's your plan for caring your hair while you're wearing a sew-in?

You made really great progress and I definitely see more thickness which is even more important than length imo!

How do you plan on caring for your hair underneath the sew-in?

Well, since I was inspired my Nichi's fabulous progress, I'll be doing a variation of her method. I may wash 2x a week, since I sweat a lot and will be very active this summer. I think washing often will actually be beneficial to the style, because I'm getting Halley's Curls Miami Relaxed Hybrid, which is a relaxed texture yet curls up like texlaxed hair when it gets wet. I'll primarily be wearing it curly this summer so that I can avoid having to heat-style my leave-out hair :yep:

I'm actually reallllly excited about it :grin:
And thanks for all of the encouraging words ladies....this journey is a learning process, and I'm learning what my hair needs and wants. (for example, my hair wants me to buy some dang satin pillowcases already :lol:)
Damn girl!! I remember when you made APL. That seemed like just yesterday and now you're well on your way to BSL!! Congrats!
Progress is progress and congratulations on achieving that. Your not far from BSL from your pic so Chin UP!!!! :D

Sometimes we are our own worst critic. I know I am..... :)
Progress is progress and congratulations on achieving that. Your not far from BSL from your pic so Chin UP!!!! :D

Sometimes we are our own worst critic. I know I am..... :)

So true. I guess I'm just mad because although I retained about 4" this year, I know my hair grows 6-8" per year. I really wanted to have my retention ON POINT. And it really does take another set of eyes to put things in perspective. Now I feel kinda silly, because I did grow quite a bit! I'm thinking positive from here on out :yep:
Your hair is looking great. I am my worst critic, so I know how you feel. But honestly your doing great. Keep it up.